If Life Is So Short
chapter one

"Hey! Excuse me!" Startled by the voice I looked up and started to say, "Can't you see I'm..." My voice trailed off as I realized who I was yelling at.

He smiled and said, "Sorry, i just need to get my stuff up there. You sitting here to?" I returned the smile and said, "Yep!"

He shoved his back pack into the over head compartment and I scooted over for him, as he plopped down in the seat. he stuck out his hand and said, ""my name be zac
what be yours?"

i giggled and said, "mine's Ashley" noticing that i didn't offer my hand to shake he quickly took his back and jammed it into his pocket. smiled and said, "i know who you are, that zac dude from hanson, but don't worry let's just pretend we're uh... two normal people."

he laughed and said, "So... where ya headed to?"

i hesitated then said, "Tulsa, Oklahoma."

he smiled and said, "me too!" just then he jumped up and walked over to the snack bar. he trotted back with two dr. pepper's and two twinkies. he tossed a twinkie at me, and handed me a dr. pepper. i smiled, and tried to open the drink. i couldn't get it open, so he reached for the can, and he wrapped his hand around mine. i looked up and met his gaze, then suddenly let go of the can, and turned to look out the window. he opened the can and said, "i'm sorry..." when i grabbed it, it squirted every where.

we laughed and i said, "oh yeah!!!" i grabbed his can and shook it up and it exploded in his
face. we each grabbed a twinkie at the same time and we shoved it on each other's
faces. we were laughing so hard, until we looked up and saw and saw a stewardess standing right there. she made us clean up everything and sent us to the bathrooms to straighten up.

we were still laughing when we reached the bathrooms, i sighed and said, "i guess i'll just have to learn how to have this much fun as i go." he looked at me so intensely and said, "or i could help you." i stared back and said, "i like that idea..."

suddenly the plane jerked and sent us tumbling, he fell over me, and we landed hard on
the floor. i let out an, "oww" he quickly jumped up and helped me up. i stumbled
on my ankle and fell into his arms, he held me there for a minute, then kissed me lightly on the lips. he backed away to see what i would do.

i looked down at my feet feeling embarrassed. he touched my hand gently and said, "i'm sorry, i didn't..." i interrupted, "No... it's just i don't know you that well, and well... I was shocked." he smiled and said, "well the you'll get to know me, i want you to know me." i laughed because it made practically no sense.

i walked up to the snack bar and tried to get another twinkie but zac stepped in front of me and said, "let's not and say we did."

then he turned me around and pushed me back to our seats. i turned around and
spotted taylor and isaac. tay smiled and ike frowned. he looked so funny i had to laugh, and turned back around. the plane landed and every one started to pile off. i got up and zac grabbed me and pulled me back down. he smiled and said, "wait for me."

tay and ike walked over and stopped and waited. tay sighed and said, "come on zac you are so slow!" zac grabbed my hand and said, "walk with me!" i giggled, as we all boarded off the plane. we walked hand in hand until we came to a sign that said, "ASHLEY!!!"

we walked over and ike yelled, "dude it's chris, you driving us home?" the man nodded
his head. i started to back away. the man smiled and said, "well, you must be ashley.
i'm chris." i frowned and mumbled a, "hey..." he put a hand on my shoulder and said, "great to finally meet you sweetie. come on guys we need to get going, ash here needs to unpack and meet friends tomorrow." i rolled my eyes and said, "ok, whatever." i had no clue how he was glad to finally meet me.

on the way home i ahd to listen to zac tell every one about our plane adventure while they laughed. my head fell on zac's shoulder as i drifted off i felt him wrap his arms around me. i smiled and feel into a deep sleep dreaming of what would happen tomorrow. i heard a car door slam, and some one carried me some where, laid me down, then kissed my forehead, and then left.

two -->
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