If Life Is So Short
chapter two

Chris was in the kitchen the next morning. when he saw me he smiled and said, "hey there sweetie!" i rolled my eyes and said, "you again, what are you like following me or whatever?" he looked disappointed by what i had just said, so i quickly said, "look I'm sorry i shouldn't have said that." he smiled and said, "i'm your step-dad, i thought before you came here you were told everything?" i shook my head, he let out a loud sigh and then said, "alrighty, well, follow me then."

we walked upstairs into a bedroom painted pale pink, where a little girl no more than one was sound asleep he smiled  and said, "this is alexandrea Nicole sebec, we call her Alexis,
and...well...she's adopted." i smiled and said, "how old is she?" he walked over to the girl and then said, "she's three." i looked at her, she was so tiny, and her blonde curly hair fell in wisps over her crystal blue eyes.

then he brought me down the hall and into a room which looked to be a nursery. there was my Mom sitting in a rocking chair holding a tiny baby, and across the room was an older woman changing another baby's diaper. i walked over and saw that they looked exactly alike in every way except one had a tuft of blonde curly hair, and the other had hardly any hair at all.

Chris smiled, took the baby from my Mom and said, "This little thing right here with all the hair is our little girl Taylor Madison," my Mom smiled and said, "the baby with no hair that our nanny Eva is holding is our little boy Cory Justin." Eva smiled and said, "they're twins, and they're just about a month and two weeks old."

i frowned, looked back at Chris and said, "what's the last name?" he laughed and said, "it's sabec of course." confused i asked, "are you Christopher sabec?" he nodded, i smiled and said, "oh that's  why you picked me up at the airport, with them there, because you're my
step-dad and their manager!" he smiled and said, " by gosh the blonde has got it
way to go holmes!"

we all laughed, then Eva said, "Ashley dear, zac came over for you earlier." i smiled and said, "thanks Eva, well i guess I'll go over there for a few, if that's okay?" my Mom just smiled and said, "of course sweetie, you know, it's great to finally have you here." Chris interrupted, "but hey remember you still need to unpack." i smiled back, turned, ran out
the door, down the stairs, and out the front door.

as i stepped onto their front doorstep i hesitated before i finally rang the bell. zac pulled
opened the door and when he saw me he smiled and said, "hey!" he looked so good.
his hair was pulled back into a low ponytail, and he was wearing blue vinyl pants
and a white tank top. he smiled again and motioned with his hands for me to
come in. i stepped in and walked over to where zac had eagerly gone off to.

he was sitting on the floor in front of the TV playing a video game. when the
voice said, "game over you lose" i started to laugh. he gave me a pouty look
and said, "don't laugh at me! if you think it's so funny I'd like to see you
try!" i smiled and said, "sure I'd love to kcik your butt!" he got up and walked over to me. he put an arm around my shoulder and said, "yea yea yea, less talk, let's play!"

i plopped down on the couch, and zac sat right in front of me on the floor. i rested my feet on his head, then wrapped them around his neck playfully. jokingly he said, "hey now them things stink get them away from me!" i smiled and said, "yea whatever!"  i let my feet rest on his shoulders while we played quietly for a few minutes, we were both zoned out. when my guy threw the last punch and knocked zac's guy out i jumped up and yelled, "in your face!" then plopped back down.

he climbed on the couch next to me and said, "hey, come here i want to tell you something, but it's a secret." i moved closer to him, and suddenly he let out a huge burp
in my ear. i pushed him off the couch and said, "oh, eww disgusting!" he smiled and
said, "hey it may have been gross, but that's why you love me!" i smiled back
and said, "actually...no." he put on the cutest puppy face and said, "aw no fair, nobody loves me!" i laughed and said, "that's not true...hey you got any food?" he smiled and said, "oh are we hungry?" i nodded and said, "yea just a little."

he lead me into the kitchen and flung open the refrigerator door and grabbed two dr. peppers. then he went to the cabinet's and grabbed a box of twinkie's, a few ding dongs, and a bag of m & m's. we went back to the living room and plopped down on the couch. he was decorating a twinkie by stuffing m & m's all over it. i laughed and said, "you are so weird." he smiled and said, "don't i know it." we both laughed, but then it got quiet
and he started getting closer to me. his forehead was almost touching mine, he smiled, and then shoved the twinkie in my mouth getting it all over my face.

he pulled back laughing and said, "you thought i was gonna kiss ya huh?" i smiled and said, "no! how could you think such a thing!" he laughed and said, "whatever!" we finished up the snacks and cleaned up our mess just as Taylor walked through the door holding a baby in his arms. he smiled and said, "Ashley right?" i nodded. he smiled again just as the rest of their family piled in the door. Taylor looked at the baby and said, "this is my babe panda bear." zac laughed and said, "shut-up you idiot! ash, don't listen to him, her name is zoe, she's our baby sister."  then pointing to the rest of the family he said, "and this is Jessie, avie, Mac, my Mom, and my dad."

Jessie smiled and said, "hey Ashley, what's up?" i smiled back and said, "hey Jessie." zac smiled and said, "jeez man i didn't know you were here for that long, look it's getting dark." walker raised an eyebrow, i smiled and said, "no it's not what you think it is sir, i came over and we just played video games." he smiled and said, "i thought you looked more responsible than that. zac i think you should walk this young lady home." after saying
good-bye to everyone he walked me to my door, then he said, "beware we're spending the day together tomorrow!"

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