More Than A Feeling

chapter one

The bell rang.  Finally!

"And remember, Chapter 3 test Monday.  You need to study all words and
phrases from the chapter.  Have a great weekend!" Miss Lopez, the spanish
teacher, said as her students started filing out the door.

Manda, a 17 year old junior, shoved her book and pencils into her backpack
and walked out the door.  Gosh, I really hate second semester!  Manda
thought.  Why did they make me have spanish now?  She stopped at her locker to get whatever she needed.  Manda shut her locker and to her right,  Kris was just opening hers.  Not only did Manda have a locker near Kris, but they also lived 3 houses apart.  They weren't really friends.  Aquaintences was more  like it.  Manda smiled at her then walked out to her car.

Once at home, Manda turned on the TV and sat down to watch some re-runs of The Real World.  The phone rang.

"Hello?" Manda answered.

"Hey there!" a cheery, male voice said.

"Ike...hi!  What ya up to?"

"Well, nothing really," he ansered her.  "We're home for a while.  And I
noticed that you were due home from school so I decided to call."

"Yeah!  Well hey, that's cool!" Manda chimed.

"Wanna come over?  I can't really leave the house.  There's about 30 girls
waiting for us outside."

Manda laughed.  "Sure!  I'll be over by 4."

"Ok, c-ya!"

"Byebye!" Manda said, then hung up the phone.

Manda, was now all in smiles.  Isaac was back.  Over the year he had become a good friend of hers.  Her dad's boss, which is close with the Hanson family,
had intoduced her to Hanson a little over a year ago.  Since then, they had
kept in touch.

"Let the fun begin!"  Manda said, as she walked out her door.

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