Never Broken Promise

part one

1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13

tradition /

“Run, Isaac, Run!” I yelled.

Isaac turned his head around but kept running. “Don’t make me turn around.”

“If you turn around, I’ll win!”

Isaac just kept running, but faster. It was really hard for me to catch up.

Let me explain why we were running in the first place. Okay, Isaac and I have been friends, (best friends but even bester, Zac would say) since we were born. Every Friday, we held a race from our neighboring houses to the Tulsa Tiny Trinket Shoppe. It was ironic that it was called Tiny, because it was actually quite huge. It had a coffee/ice cream shop, play room and a banquet room.

Of course, he beat me every race, which was about 180 races. We’ve been racing since we were twelve years old. We are both fifteen years old now.

“Beat you again!” Ike shouted, as we stopped at the store.

“What else is new?” I smiled.

“You’re just jealous!” he smiled, back.

“Pshh! Jealous of what?”

“You wish you had a body like mine.”

“Oh yeah, Ike. I dream every night about having your body. I really wanna look like a guy.”

He smiled, “Yeah, I know you do. I can read your mind, remember? I know about ALL those naughty thought you have about me.”

“24/7, Ike. 24/7.”

We smiled and walked into the store. Then, we walked to the cafe in the back of the store.

“Hey Michelle, hey Zac,” we both said.

“Hey! Who won today?” Zac asked.

“Zac, do you even have to ask. You know it was me!” I said.

“Dream on, Devon,” Michelle said.

I rolled my eyes, “What if I would happen to win one of these days. No one would believe me!”

“That’s cause it would never happen.”

“Gee, I love how much faith you have in me, Zac. It touches me, really.”

“You know I love you man!”

“Yeah, yeah. I’ll get our drinks.”

I walked over to the bar and got two cappichinos and two root-beer floats. Zac and Michelle were too young to have cappinchinos. They were both ten and always hyper so they didn’t need the coffee.

Michelle moved here from California when she was seven. She was a lonely child, and since my sister was away at college, I kinda adopted her as my younger sister. And we’ve always thought of each other as sisters ever since. Then, I introduced her to the Hanson family and they all became friends.

I carried the drinks back to the table without spilling them.

“Hey Devon? Did you find out if you can make it to our Blue Rose Cafe performance tomorrow?” Ike asked.

“Yeah, I took off work. So, I can definitely come.”

“You didn’t have to take off work,” Ike said.

“Are you crazy? I wouldn’t miss this performance for the world.”

Zac and Ike smiled, “Thanks.”

“So, how is work, anyway? Is that guy still bothering you?” Michelle asked, stirring her float.

I looked at Michelle and gave her a hard stare, that clearly read “now is not the time.” She looked at Ike, then Zac, then back to me. I nodded at her. Her eyes got wide when she realized she shouldn’t have said that.

“Sorry,” she mouthed.

“What guy, Devon?” Ike asked.

“Michelle!” I hissed.

“Sorry!” she said, aloud.

“It’s nothing really. Just a guy that creeps me out. That’s all.”

“Yeah, that’s all,” Michelle said, trying to be helpful.

Ike looked at me, straight in the eyes. I had to turn away, because if I didn’t, I would break. I looked back and he was still staring at me, concern filling his eyes.

“Devon... why don’t you and Michelle come over to our house tonight?”

I sighed. I knew I was going to have to tell him everything. So, I agreed as did Michelle.

tell all /

Michelle and I walked onto the Hanson’s porch. I rang the doorbell and about a minute later, Jessie opened the door holding Mackie.

“Please take this creton from my hands!” Jessie put Mackie down and he ran over and pulled on my skirt.

I smiled and picked him up. “Hey Devon! Ikey, and Tay-Tay, and Zackie are down in the basement practicing.”

“Thanks sweets. You coming down or are you staying up here?”

“Let’s sneak down,” he whispered.

I turned around to ask Michelle, but she already took off with Jessie. I turned back around to Mackie and we crept downstairs.

“... and just remember, for every tear the falls, from your eye. Two tears fall from mine...”

We walked down and heard Isaac singing, with Taylor and Zac joining in. I sat down on the steps and Mackie sat on my lap.

When they finished, we clapped, whistled and shouted. They looked over at us.

“Wow! You guys, that was awesome!”

“Yeah, that was good guys,” Mackie said.

“Thanks,” Ike said, coming over.

Mackie held his arms out to him. Ike picked him up and flew him around like an airplane. Mackie squealed with delight. “Higher, Ikey, higher!”

Isaac lifted him higher, then brought him back down. He ran upstairs, laughing.

Zac ran over and hugged me. I looked at him wearily, “What’s this for, Zac?”

He looked up at me, “You better sit down.”

I was getting scared. I sat down, slowly. I looked at Taylor and he had a confused look on his face. I looked at Ike and he seemed the same way. I looked back at Zac and he had a huge grin on his face.

“Scared ya, didn’t I?”

I let out the breath I was holding. “Oh, you’re getting it now!” I tackled him to the ground and tickled him. When I stopped, I looked at him. “Please, don’t ever do that again. ‘Cause you know what I’ll do?”

He smiled, “What?”

I leaned down and whispered something in his ear so only he could hear.

“Oh, Devon’s seducing him! Where’s my camera?” Ike asked, jokingly.

I looked down at Zac and his eyes were wide. “Comprendo?”

He nodded his head and gulped.

“Good.” I kissed his head and got off him. I extended my hand towards Zac and pulled him up.

“Yo, Zac, you look like you’ve seen a ghost,” Taylor said.

“Yeah, what did she say to you?” Ike asked.

Zac gulped again and looked at me.

I smiled and walked upstairs, but not before I heard Zac squeak out, “She said if I did that again, she’d make me really look like a girl. If you catch my drift.”

Isaac and Taylor both busted up laughing.

“You know she could do it, too,” Isaac said.

“I know, that’s what I’m afraid of.”

I smiled and walked into the kitchen, where Diana, Jessie, Avery, and Michelle were.

“Hey guys.”

“Hey Devon,” the girls said.

“Hey sweetie,” Diana said, kissing my cheek.

She always treated me like one of her own children. Maybe that’s because I spend more time at her house then I do at my own.

Everyone was soon settled at the dinning room table. Isaac, Taylor and Zac sang “Amen” and then we ate.

After dinner, everyone except Ike and I, went out in the yard. We walked up to the boy’s room.

“So, what did you want to talk about?”

“I think you know.”

I sighed and sat down on his bed. He sat down beside me and grabbed my hand. “Devon, you always could tell me everything. If something’s bothering you, please tell me.”

I looked into those eyes. Those eyes that I’ve trusted for the whole fifteen years of my life.

“I’ve been having some... trouble at work. This guy, I think he’s 28 or 29. Has been coming in every day. And he just stays there, watching me, for hours at a time. He writes stuff in a journal. I think it’s about me because everytime I get near him, he shuts the book and stares at me. He’s really starting to creep me out.”

“How long has this been going on?”

I thought for a minute. “About three or four months.”

“Devon! Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

“You’ve been really busy lately and I didn’t want to bother you with my problems. Plus, you know I would have told you right away if he was hurting me. But he’s only watching me.”

Isaac sighed,” I don’t want it to lead to something physical. If he even taps you, I want you to tell me. I don’t care how busy I am, I’ll make time. You know I’ll always make time for you.”

I smiled, “Thanks Ike. That means a lot to me.”

We hugged then walked downstairs to be with the others.

death threat /

“HANSON! HANSON!” People chanted outside the Blue Rose Cafe.

“Wish me luck!” Zac shouted.

“You don’t need luck, but good luck,” I said.

“Yeah, good luck guys. We will be cheering for you,” Michelle said.

“Thanks,” they all said.

We ran out into the crowd as they ran out the “stage” door and onto the stage. (well, patio if you wanna be technical). The shrieking became twice as loud.

They started by playing their newest song, “Two Tears.” Then, they played, “MMMBop,” which totally got the crowd going.

Just when you thought the screaming couldn’t get any louder, Ike started playing Stone Temple Pilot’s “Interstate Love Song.” That got all of the girls to rush over to him, if they weren’t already there, and scream their heads off.

I smiled. Everytime he played that song, all the girls were like magnets. I looked at Michelle, and she smiled.

The played four more original songs and then they played three covers. Then, they walked off stage. After about two minutes, they rushed back out and took their places at their instruments.

“The next song is a new song that we wrote for a friend of ours when she was in the hospital. But she’s here today, alive and healthy, and we’d like to play this song for her,” Ike said, smiling.

Then Zac stood up on his seat. “So you better wake up and pay attention, Devon.”

I laughed, then looked at Michelle, wide-eyed. “Did they just say what I thought they said?”

Michelle nodded, “Yeah, so you better pay attention.”

I turned back to the “stage” and listened.

“If I’m gone when you wake up, please don’t cry...”

I listened to the whole song and was practically hysterical. “With You In Your Dreams” was such a pretty song. It was the first time I ever heard it. It’s been five months since I’ve been in the hospital for severe dramatic stress. They said it was so bad that I could have died. The reason I was in there, was because my mother died in a car accident, and I kinda lost it after that. But I’m doing much better now.

When they finished the song, I ran backstage and hugged and thanked them.

“Geez guys, you got me crying,” I said, rubbing my eyes.

“Did you like it?” Taylor asked.

“Like it? God, I loved it!”

“Cool,” Zac said. He and Taylor went over and got a drink with Michelle.

I turned around to look at Ike, and when I did, someone caught my eye at the bar and I gasped.

“What’s wrong?”

I turned my head away quick and walked over to Michelle and them, with Ike following, confused.

“Devon,” he said, grabbing my arm, “What’s wrong?”

I stood in front of him so the guy couldn’t see me. “Look over at the bar, third seat.”

Isaac looked over quickly then looked back. “Is that him? That guy watching you?”

I nodded my head.

“Hey Devon, why is that guy staring at you?” Zac asked.

“It would take too long to explain, Zac. Hey, I’m going back outside. I didn’t like how he was looking at me.”

As soon as I turned around, I jumped backwards and gasped. Ike put his arm around my waist, Zac picked up the pen I dropped and Michelle grabbed my hand.

The guy bent over and picked up the CD he dropped. “Can I have your autograph?” He asked the boys but stared at me.

Taylor was the first to speak up, oblivious to what was going on. “Sure, why don’t you go and wait in the line outside and we’ll be there as soon as possible.”

The guy turned around and started to walk outside. Michelle let go of my hand and Zac gave me my pen back.

The guy ran back. “Look, that line is huge. Can I please just get it now so I can leave?”

I kinda liked the idea of him leaving. Okay, I really liked the idea.

“Oh, I’m sure these boys won’t mind signing that right now. For a warm-up,” I said, shakily, trying my best to smile. I looked at Ike and he understood.

“Sure, just let me go get a pen.”

“Here, this young lady has one,” he said, pointing to me. He put his hand over mine and slowly took the pen, smiling the whole time.

Just his hand touching mine made me sick, so I pulled away. He gave the pen to Ike, who signed it and passed it to Zac. Finally, Taylor signed it.

“Well, thank you. I’ll be off now.” Then he took off.

“Hey, he took off with your pen!” Zac exclaimed.

“I’m not so sure I wanted it back.”

“What’s going on, why were you so freaked out by that guy?” Taylor asked.

I explained everything to Taylor and Zac.

Zac slapped his forehead. “Duh! I should have guessed, by the way he was looking at you. I just didn’t expect him to look like that.”

“You mean, you knew about it?” I asked.

“Yeah, Michelle told me about it yesterday.”

I looked at Michelle and she looked down to the ground.

“Wait a minute! You mean, Zac and Isaac knew, but I didn’t!” Taylor asked, angrily.

“Taylor! Jesus God! Someone’s stalking Devon and all you care about is who found out first. That’s low,” Ike said, disgustingly.

Taylor blushed and looked down, bashfully. “Sorry, I guess I was a little mad that you didn’t tell me.”

“It’s okay, Taylor. I just told Isaac yesterday and I didn’t know that Zac knew. So...”

“Don’t worry about it. I’m sorry though.”

“Well, you guys better get out there or they’ll come in here looking for you,” Michelle said. Michelle and I sat at a table while they went out to sign autographs.

“Hey Devon. I’m really sorry I told Zac. But he really felt left out.”

“Michelle, it’s okay. Don’t worry about it. It’s not a big deal. They all know now anyway.”

“Really? No worries?”

“No worries,” I smiled, patting her hand.

We talked for a little, then I felt like someone was watching me. I looked at Michelle, and she had the same expression on her face.

“Do you feel like...” Michelle started.

“Someone is watching us? Yeah, I was just about to ask you that.”

We looked around, then I spotted him at the dart board and pool table. I closed my eyes and turned back to Michelle. Apparently, she saw him because when I opened my eyes she had a concerned look on her face.

“I thought he left,” Michelle said.

I felt like crying. “I don’t know Michelle, but I’m really starting to get scared. Can we please go out there were there’s more people?”

“Yeah, let’s go.”

We got up and walked towards the door. I looked over and saw he was coming towards us.

“Michelle, run!” I grabbed her hand and started running. Right before we got to the door, he jumped in front of me. He pushed Michelle to the ground and clamped his hand over my mouth before I could scream.

“Listen to me, and listen good.” He let go of my mouth and grabbed my hand when I tried to run. He dug his nail into my skin. It was really starting to hurt. I looked down and saw it was bleeding. It hurt even more when I moved, so I had to stay very still.

“Good, now listen. I see how you hang all over those Hanson boys. You’ve probably screwed them all, even the little one. Right? Right, now listen you little whore. You stay away from them boys. How will my daughters ever have a chance with them if you are constantly around them. You know what will happen if you disobey me? Well, I’ll tell you. I’ll kill you and your father just like I killed your mother.” And with that, he pulled out a knife.

I was already crying but when he pulled my wrist up and slit it open, I cried about ten times harder. “Stay away from them.”

He took off out the bar door.

Michelle crawled over and put her arms around me. “It’s going to be okay...”

“No! Michelle, don’t say that! It will not be okay! Didn’t you hear him! He killed my mother and he’s going to kill me and my dad!”

I took off running out the stage door. When I ran out, I accidentally bumped into Ike’s shoulder but I kept running.

“Hey Devon!”

I slowed down, turned around and began walking backwards. “Ike, please. Just stay away.”

Isaac saw me crying, and saw that I was holding my wrist, but there was blood coming between my fingers. I looked around and saw all the fans were staring at us. Then, I saw him again. He was standing behind a van, holding his knife.

I looked back at Ike and saw he was soon caught up to me. I turned back around and started running.

I ran faster than I ever had. Faster than all those races. The races. They would most definitely have to stop. What am I saying? I can’t even talk to them. I started crying even harder, which I didn’t think was possible. I was crying so hard that I had to stop running. I sank to my knees on the pavement. I buried my head in my hands. A few seconds later, I felt strong arms go around me.

I screamed and tried to break free but the person held me down.

“Devon, Devon. It’s okay. It’s just me.”

I turned my head around and saw it was Ike. I looked around quickly and when I didn’t see the guy, I flung myself into his arms and hugged him tightly. I thought he was going to say something about me hugging him to tight but he didn’t. Instead, he just held me back.

A few minutes later, he pulled back slightly. “What happened?”

I wiped away the tears but they kept falling. He started wiping them away, softly. But they kept falling.

“I think we need a bucket.”

I laughed lightly and they soon stopped.

“Okay, the guy came back and he told me I have to stay away from you guys. He was calling me a whore because he thinks I slept with all of you. Then, he said that if he even catches me talking to any of you, he’ll kill me and my father like he killed my mother. He killed my mom. He was the one driving the car. He killed my mom, Ike!” I choked out between sobs and I was soon in hysterics again. Ike wrapped his arms around me tightly.

“I’m so sorry, Devon. Did he say why you can’t talk to us?”

“Yeah, he said because his daughters won’t have a chance with you guys if I’m always around. Then, he slit my wrist.”

Ike picked up my wrist and looked at it. He made a disgusted look. “That guy is messed up. Come on, we have to get this checked out.”

“No Ike. Thank you for caring and everything. And you know I love you for it, but we can’t be seen together. He could skitz out and go on a frickin’ killing spree. It would be better if we stayed away from each other.” I only let a few tears fall.

“Is it really that easy? I can’t just stop seeing my best friend. Please tell me you just did not say that,” He said, letting his own tears fall.

“You think it’s that easy for me. This is one of the hardest things in the world for me to do. You know how hard it’s going to be for me not to run to your house every day?”

“I have an idea,” he whispered.

I looked down and sighed, “I’m sorry.”

He grabbed my hand. “No, I’m sorry. I guess I was being selfish.”

“No, Ike, you have nothing to be sorry for. This is my...”

“No, don’t even say this is your fault. Listen, you have to check your wrist out. If I can’t go with you, promise me you’ll get someone to look at it.”

I smiled,slightly, “I promise.”

We stood up. “How will I know if you’re okay?”

I thought for a minute. “I can tell Michelle, then Michelle can tell you.”

He nodded and looked down. “If you ever need anything, somehow, I don’t care how. Let me know, okay?”

I smiled, “Okay, and thank you again... well, you better get back before they really start to worry. Plus, the fans might get the wrong idea,” I smiled and winked at him.

He smiled and kissed my hand. “I just hope this soon ends. You know I’ll be waiting.”

I smiled and hugged him for a while.

I turned around and started walking home. When I got about ten feet, I turned around. “Hey Ike!”

He turned around and stared at me. I felt very bold all of a sudden. I ran over to him and kissed him softly. I pulled away and he smiled. “What was that for?”

“For always being there, and for wanting to be here now. Thanks.”

I turned around again and ran home.

too hard to say goodbye /

When I got there, Michelle was sitting on my bed. “Oh, thank God! Where did you go?”

“Isaac caught up to me. I had to explain everything to him. God! Michelle, you don’t know how hard it was to say that we couldn’t be together anymore.” I sat down on the bed and Michelle put her arm around me. I put my hand on her knee and patted it.

“Hey, where’s my dad and Dudley?”

“Uh, your dad left when I came. He said he had an emergency at the firm. And, uh... I don’t know where your dog is. I’ll help you find him.”

“Thanks. Do you remember when we got him?”

Michelle laughed, “Yeah, he would keep licking you and Isaac, but then we would attack Taylor. You and Ike kept saying, ‘Attack Taylor! Good boy! Attack!’ ”

I smiled and laughed, “Yeah, that was funny. I love my dog.”

We walked down to the backyard.

“Look, he’s in his doghouse,” Michelle said.

We walked over to the doghouse. I sat in front of it and patted my knees. “Here, Dudley. Here boy!”

After awhile, I pulled the chain out and screamed so loud. Dudley was completely mutilated. There was a knife in his body, with a note.

“Kissing Isaac was the worse mistake of your life. Be prepared to pay tonight,” Michelle read.

“Oh my God, Michelle! I have to get out of here.”

“Where are you going to go?”

“I don’t know. But help me pack quick!”

We ran back into the house. I grabbed a blanket and quickly ran it out and out it over Dudley. Then, I ran up to my room.

I quickly packed a few clothes, a journal and some writing utensils, lots of money and a couple other things.

“Listen, I won’t be able to contact you or anyone. So, I’m going to need you to tell my dad. I’m going to stop and tell Isaac goodbye and explain a little, but you have to explain everything else to him, Taylor, Zac and my dad only. Okay? Please?”

“Of course I will. God, I’m going to miss you,” she said, hugging me.

“You know I love you more than I love my sister, right?”

She laughed lightly while crying. “Yeah, I love ya too.”

“Okay, I gotta jet. Tell everyone that I love them and that I’ll miss them.”


I ran down the steps while putting on my bookbag. I ran out my back door, through my yard and into the Hanson’s. I saw a van pull into the driveway so I waited a few minutes till I knocked on the door. When I did, Diana opened the door and smiled.

“Hey sweetheart,” then she frowned, “Were you crying? And why is your arm bloody?”

I looked down and gasped. “Shoot, I forgot to clean this up. I don’t have time now. Is Isaac around?”

She grabbed my good hand and pulled me into the house. “Honey, you are going to clean that up first.”

She pulled me over to the bathroom and cleaned my cut up for me.

“Hey Mom? Who are you talking...” Isaac started, but stopped when he saw me. “Devon? What are you doing here? I mean, I’m glad you are, but...”

“I’ll be going now,” Diana said.

“Thanks for cleaning this for me.”

“No problem,” she said, then left.

“I have to run away, Ike.”

His eyes got wide. “What? Why? I thought we just couldn’t communicate for a while..”

“He saw us on the sidewalk. He killed Dudley and he said he’s coming after me tonight.”

“God Devon, I’m sorry.” He hugged me tightly.

After awhile, I pulled away. “Okay, if I stay here any longer, I’ll never leave.”

“I wouldn’t mind,” he whispered, looking down.

“I know.” I lifted his chin. “Either would I. You know I love you, right?”

“Yeah. You know I love you, right?”

I nodded my head slowly. “Well, I better say goodbye to Taylor and Zac quick. Um, could you do me a favor?”


“Don’t tell your parents, Jessie, Avery, or Mackie about this. Okay? If they ask, tell them I went to live with my grandfather, who needed someone to take care of him. But tell them I’ll miss them and that I love them and that I’ll never forget them.”

“I will. They are going to miss you like crazy. Especially Mackie. He still thinks we’re married.”

I smiled, remembering the time Ike and I watched the kids and Mackie insisted that Ike and I get married. So, we performed a fake marriage. It was cute.

I sighed, “God, I’m going to miss you guys.”

“Well, you know, we’ll always be here. If you ever need anything, just come to us.”

I looked up into those eyes. I had that feeling again. This was going to be our last time together. I leaned up and softly kissed his lips again. He wrapped his arms around my waist. We broke apart and rested out foreheads against each others.

“I have to go,” I whispered.

His grip on me tightened. “I don’t want you to leave.”

I hugged him tighter. “I don’t want to leave, but I have to.”

We reluctantly walked out of the bathroom. Zac and Taylor ran up to us. They both hugged me. I kissed Zac’s forehead and Taylor’s cheek.

“I have to go, guys. I probably won’t see you for a long time so good luck with everything. Ike and Michelle will explain everything to you.” I started to walk towards the backdoor.

“Devon, wait!” Ike said.

I turned around.

“Zac, go get the box.”

Zac ran up the steps and within seconds he was back. He handed me a box. “Open it.”

“What’s this for?”

“Well,” Taylor started, “We were going to give it to you for you’re birthday but this is probably a better time.”

I smiled lightly. “Oh, okay. Thanks.”

I slowly opened it and pulled out it’s contents. There was a silver chain with a heart-shaped locket, mini-compass and a cross attached to it. I opened the heart and was greeted with a beautiful picture of all three boys and I on one side and the inscription “Friends Forever And A Day” on the other side.

“So, you won’t forget us.” Taylor supplied.

I looked up, teary-eyed. “I could never in a cabillion lifetimes, forget you guys. We’re the four musketeers!”

“The compass is for when you get lost, you can always find your way back to us. And the cross is for when you feel like you’ve lost everything, you know God is there.” Ike said.

I smiled and hugged them all again. “I love you guys so much.”

“Bye Devon,” Taylor said.

“We’ll miss you,” Zac said.

Ike walked me to the door. “Here,” he said, taking off his ring. “Just a little reminder.”

“Thanks.” I put it on the chain they just gave me.

I hugged him again and walked out the door. I turned around once to wave goodbye, then took off towards the bus station.

success and freedom /

One Year Later...

“Hey Devon, check out the TV.”

I looked up from my journal, to the TV, on my position on the couch.

“...Can you tell me? Which flower’s gonna grow?...”

My eyes got wide and I started crying. “Oh my God! They did it!”

I looked at Andrea, who was staying with me in the hotel. She too, was a runaway. I met her in Montana and we decided to travel together. I showed her the picture of the three Hansons that I had in my locket, so she knew what they looked like. I told her everything and she told me everything. She ran away because her father abused her, sexually.

“You were right, Devon. They did make it happen. So, that one... there! That’s your best, best friend, right?”

“Yep, that’s Ike. The one playing the keyboards is Taylor and the one playing the drums, is my baby, Zac. Well, not my baby-baby, because Mackie is my baby-baby, but...”

“I understand, Devon.” Andrea laughed.

The song ended and the “10 to the hour news” came on. Serena Altchul started talking. “As some of you may know, the hottest new band around is a band of three heartthrob brothers from Tulsa. Their name is Hanson and they already have a number one hit single, even before any of them can legally vote. Speaking of Tulsa, a man was captured yesterday. The man was only known as John. He stalked young girls, who ironically, followed Hanson closely.”

They showed the guy and I gasped. “That’s him,” I whispered.

“That’s all for now. We’ll have more at ten to the hour, every hour.”

I looked at Andrea and she was smiling at me. “Do you know what that means?”

“Devon! You can go home!” She ran over and hugged me.

Later that night, I packed up all my things and ate my last dinner with Andrea.

“You know, if you’re ever in Oklahoma, please come and visit me. You are always welcome to my house.”

“Thank you. I appreciate it. But I don’t think I’ll need to. I got this letter in the mail today. My dad was sent to jail for assault, and my mother is in the hospital. So, I’m going home.”

“Oh Andrea! I’m so happy for you but I’m sorry about your mother. How did you know? I thought your friend couldn’t mail you anymore?”

“Yeah, well he did, I guess because it was an emergency.”

“This really has been a great day.”

heading home /

The next morning, I took off towards Tulsa. Considering I was in Nevada, I had a long ways to go.

Surprisingly, it only took me three days to get there. I hitch-hiked three times and walked the rest of the way.

When I turned onto the street I lived on, I stopped dead in my tracks. “Oh my God,” I whispered to myself and smiled. Isaac, Taylor and Zac were playing basketball on their garage/court. They all looked so different, yet the same. Ike shot up about four inches, had a darker complexion, and his hair was about an inch longer; Taylor grew about two inches and his hair was about three inches longer; and Zac grew about an inch and his hair was about four inches longer.

I never realized how much I really missed them until now. Just watching them brought back so many memories. I slowly got up and walked towards them, wiping away the happy tears. I picked up my pace and soon found myself on the court. The first thought that ran through my head was, ‘Thank God, I’m home!’

They didn’t notice me yet. Good, because I wanted to watch them for a little longer.

Ike stole the ball from Taylor, passed it to Zac, then picked Zac up so he could slam it in. When he turned around, we made eye-contact. He practically dropped Zac, from shock.


At the mention of my name, Zac and Taylor’s heads shot over to my direction.

I nodded my head, threw off my book and extended my arms. “I’m home.”

They ran over and we all hugged for what seemed like hours.

“Thank God you’re home. You have no idea how much we missed you.” Ike said.

“I have an idea.” I smiled. “Hey, congratulations! I told you guys that you would make it big.”

All the guys smiled, proudly. “Thanks.”

Zac smiled, mischievously. “Yeah, you’re always right about everything, aren’t you?”

“You know it!”

“Well, come on, there are a bunch of people who want to see you.” Taylor said.

“Yeah, Michelle’s here.” Zac said.

“Michelle’s here?...” I asked, just as someone shouted, “Devon!” from the house.

I looked towards the house and saw Michelle jump off the porch and run towards me. I ran towards her and we hugged each other tightly.

“Devon, you’re back!”

I just nodded. Isaac, Taylor and Zac came up behind us. Isaac grabbed one of my hands and Taylor grabbed the other. Zac grabbed Michelle’s hand while Ike slung my bookbag over his shoulder.

We all walked towards the house and went in.

“Mom! Dad, Jessie, Avery, Mackie! Come here please!” Isaac yelled.

Within a few seconds, everyone was in the living room, staring at me.

“Devon! Devon! You’re back!” Mackie yelled, and ran over. I got down on my knees and hugged him. Jessie and Avery ran over and I hugged them all.

When I stood up, Diana and Walker come over and hugged me. “We’re glad you’re back.” Walker said.

I smiled. “It’s great to be back. Hey, I need to go see my dad. Do you know if he’s home or on a business trip?”

Everyone in the room, except the younger kids, gasped and clasped their hands over their mouths.


“Devon, we have some bad news.” Michelle said.

My smile faded, instantly. “What? What’s going on?”

Isaac squeezed my hand and I looked at him. “Your dad was killed in a car accident two days...”

Whatever Isaac said after that, I didn’t hear. I passed out cold on the floor.

realization /

The next thing I remember was someone rubbing my head and playing with my hair. I looked up and saw it was Isaac. His eyes were closed and he was leaning on his other arm. I guess he didn’t realize he was still rubbing my head. I looked at the clock. 11:41 pm. Holy monkies! He stayed down here, in the living room, the whole time with me. I smiled and he opened his eyes. He smiled back and I sat up so he could sit beside me on the couch.

“Hey, how are you holding up?” He took my hand in his.

I sighed. “Okay, I guess. I mean, I feel horrible because I don’t feel horrible. I mean... uh, nevermind,” I said, frustrated with myself.

“No, tell me how you feel.” He ordered, gently.

“Okay, it’s like. You know, I feel horrible that he died. Honest, I do. But... I don’t feel half as bad as I did when my mother died. It’s just, of course I love him and I’ll miss him, but I was never close to him. I saw him maybe once or twice a year. I don’t know, does that make me a horrible person?”

Ike put his arm around me. “No, of course not! It just means that you were closer to your mother than you were your father. And it just means that you can deal with his death better.”

I leaned against his shoulder. “How comes you always know the right things to say to me?”

“Years of practice... from you saying the wrong things.” He laughed and I hit him with a pillow.

“Funny, ha ha!” I smiled.

“I thought it was too.”

I rolled my eyes and settled back against him. He picked the blanket off of the floor and covered us up. “Night Devon.”

“Night Ike.”

We fell asleep in each other’s embrace.

confessions in a journal /

I woke up when I felt little hands tugging on the blanket. I opened my eyes slowly and smiled. “Hey babe! What are you doing up so early?”

Mackie laughed, “It’s 9:00! It’s not early.”

I looked at the clock. “Well, it is 9:00. I’ll be.”

He climbed onto my lap and cuddled. I smiled and played with his hair.

“Can we watch Barney?”

I silently shuddered at the name but then smiled. I thought to myself, ‘Hey, it’s been forever since you last watched Barney with him. It could be different.’

I smiled at him. “Of course we can watch Barney.” I turned the TV on and started watching the show.

“Hide-eli-o kiddos!”

‘Oh my God! It’s still the same!’

I felt shaking behind me. I turned around and saw Ike laughing. “I can not believe you are watching Barney!”

I smiled and whacked him upside the head.

“Hey Mackie? Are you going to sit there and let her hit me like this?”

Mackie looked at us and smiled. “You know you want her!”

Ike and I both looked at him, wide-eyed. “Who told you to say that?” I finally asked.

“I heard Tay-Tay say ‘I know you want me’ after some girl hit him. So I thought that was what I was supposed to say.”

We both just cracked up. “Mackie, you are too adorable.” Ike said.

“Sssshhhh! Barney’s on!”

Ike and I got up and silently walked into the kitchen.

Michelle and Zac walked into the kitchen, wiping the sleep dust from their eyes.

“Did you fall asleep here, too?” I asked Michelle.

“Yeah,” she yawned.

I sat down at the table and just thought for awhile.

“Penny for your thoughts.” Ike said.

I looked over and saw Ike, Michelle, and Zac staring at me.

“I was just thinking about where I’m going to stay. I’m not old enough to live by myself. What am I going to do with the house? Heck, I can’t even drive yet.”

Diana walked into the kitchen. “You know you are always welcome to stay here with us, for as long as you want.”

I stood up and hugged her. “Thank you, that means a lot to me. But I couldn’t impose...”

“Devon, don’t be silly. You’re practically family. We would love nothing more than for you to stay with us.” Diana said.

I smiled, “Thank you.”

“So, what would you guys and girls like for breakfast?”

After breakfast, I grabbed my journal and headed for the backyard. I climbed up the ladder to the treehouse and went in.

I opened my book and read the last entry. “...I’m going home!!” I smiled and started writing again. “I just found out yesterday that my father is dead... The Hansons’ and Michelle have been wonderful to me... I’ll be living with them for awhile...”

When I finished writing, I turned back to the first page. There were over 500 pages filled. It consisted of thirty-two songs and sixty poems also.

I looked at one of the songs:

“The Keeper Of My Heart
He’s a distant memory
Sketched in my brain
One that I’ll never forget
The one I pull out when it rains

He’s the keeper of my heart
Yet he doesn’t know it yet
He’s always been the sweetest guy
Everyday since we’ve met

We could be the last thing people expect
We could be millions of miles apart
But I feel him so close
He will always be the keeper of my heart.”

“Hey, that was really good? Did you write that?”

I jumped and looked at the doorway. “Ike! How long were you listening?”

“Chill! I wasn’t eavesdropping, I was coming out to see what you were up to and I heard you singing. I didn’t want to disturb you.”

I looked down and blushed. “Sorry, it’s just that I’m very... protective of my work. I guess I was half-expecting you to say how horrible it was and how bad I sounded...”

“You’re so pessimistic! The song was great and you have a very beautiful, sweet and unique voice.”

I smiled and whispered. “Thanks.”

“So, what is this thing? Your song book or something?”

“Actually, it’s my journal I kept for the past year. It has everything I did in it, all the states I was in. And a lot of poetry and songs. And ‘Oh, I miss the Hansons so much’, ‘I miss Michelle’, ‘I miss my dad,’ ” then I whispered, “God, I miss my mom.”

He put his arm around my shoulder. “Why don’t you talk about all the places you’ve been?”

I smiled. “Okay, well I’ve been to Cali, Montana, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico and Mexico, Colorado and Kansas, and of course, around Oklahoma.”

“Wow! You hitch-hiked all through those states, by yourself.”

“Well, I wasn’t by myself the whole time. I met a girl in Montana who was running away too. We hooked up and traveled together. She went back home yesterday because her father was sent to jail and her mother is in the hospital.”

“Hey guys, what are you doing?” Michelle asked, coming up with Zac right behind her.

“Jeez! Are you guys connected at the hip or something?” I asked.

“They’ve been like that since you left.” Ike supplied.

Michelle looked up at me. “So, you’re like that with Ike.”

“Michelle, I wasn’t here for a year.”

“So, before that and now.”

I looked at Ike and he shrugged. I looked at how we were sitting and laughed. We were sitting hip to hip, his arm around my shoulder and mine around his waist. “I guess you’re right.”

“Of course I’m right.”

“We were just talking about Devon’s little ‘adventure’ and about her songs and stuff that she wrote in her journal.”

“Ohh! Read one Devon!” Michelle said.

“Yeah! Please?” Zac said, giving me the puppy-dog face.

I smiled, “Okay, jeez!”

I opened my book. “Oh, here’s one. It’s called. ‘The One That I Love’

When I wanna cry
You hold my hand
You always were the man
To understand
There’s nobody else I want
But you
When I feel lost
You know what to do...”

When I finished the song, they all applauded and whistled.

I smiled, “Aww, you guys are too good to me.”

“Well, you give us a reason.” Zac said.

I smiled, then my head shot towards the window. “Shh! Do you hear that?”

Everyone got silent.

“What am I listening for?” Michelle asked.

“Don’t you hear that ticking?”

“Yeah, I hear it,” Ike said, putting his head to the floor. “It’s coming from beneath the wood.”

“Open the trap door, this is driving me nuts,” I said.

Isaac opened up the door and we both looked in. Then, we both screamed. Well, I just plain out screamed, Isaac yelled, “Oh my God!”

“Michelle, Zac, get down the ladder and run!” I yelled.

They did as they were told, then Ike and I stood. We ran to the edge of the treehouse. Ike looked at me quickly, then grabbed my hand and we jumped. When we landed, we fell to the ground and Ike rolled on top of me. Then, the treehouse blew up. Debris flew everywhere, including on us.

A few seconds later, everyone ran out of the house and over to us.

“Devon, Isaac! Are you okay?” Diana asked, once Ike rolled off of me.

“Yeah, just a little shaken up. How ‘bout you Ike?”

Isaac sat up and we noticed a gash above his left eye. Everyone gasped and Diana crawled over and inspected him.

“Mom, I’m alright. It’s just a little cut.”

“A little cut? I don’t thing so! Come on, you and Devon come inside and we’ll check you over.”

We helped each other up and went inside.

Later that night, we talked about in incident after supper. Michelle stayed again.

“Why would someone want to put a bomb in the treehouse? I mean, who are they trying to kill? What if one of the kids were up there?” I rambled.

“I don’t know Devon. But thank God you guys weren’t severely hurt,” Walker said.

“Yeah, but we better be careful. Don’t let the little kids go out by themselves,” Ike said.

“We are going to inform the police tomorrow morning. I doubt anybody heard anything since it’s just us, Devon’s and Michelle’s house out here. Why don’t you guys go to bed and we’ll talk more in the morning.” Diana said.

“Okay,” we all said. We got up and kissed them goodnight.

"Keeper Of My Heart" and "The One That I Love" are © aj hess.

visions in the dark /

I woke up around one am. I felt like someone was watching me. I waited till my eyes adjusted to the darkness, then I panned the room.

Finally, I looked up at Ike’s bed and saw him staring down at me. I wish I had a camera with me, because he looked so cool. He was leaning on one hand, with his hair falling in his face a little. The moon was reflecting in his eyes and I could see little white specs shining. It was one of those moments that you store in your head because you knew it would never happen again.

I smiled at him and quietly got up. I crawled up onto his bed and laid beside him. “What’s up? Is there something wrong?” I whispered.

He shrugged his shoulders. “I dunno. I guess I just couldn’t sleep. I kept having this vision of the treehouse blowing up with one of the kids in it,” he shuddered, “I don’t know what I’d do if I lost any of them. You know?”

I smiled and rubbed his shoulder. “Yeah, I know. But you don’t have to worry about that anymore. It’s over. If you don’t get any sleep tonight, you’ll be a groucho in the morning. Now, go to bed!” I smiled

“Away for a year, she thinks she’s my mother!” he smiled.

I picked up the pillow and whacked him.

“You know you want me,” he smiled, trying not to laugh.

I put the pillow to my face so I wouldn’t laugh. “Oh yeah.” I laid my head down on his shoulder and we fell asleep.

calling bluffs /

“Devon, Ikey, get up. The police people want to talk to you.”

I opened my eyes and saw Avery sitting on me and Jessie sitting on Isaac.

“Aren’t they here a smidgen early?”

“It’s 11:00!”

“Jeez, I get up later and later every day.”

“Ikey, get up!” Jessie said.

“Yeah, Ikey, get up,” I said, smiling.

He cracked one eye open. “Did you call me Ikey?” He asked, in a Pumba voice.

I smiled, “Yeah.”

“Did YOU call ME Ikey?” he asked, a little louder.


“Attack!” he yelled, to Avery and Jessie. They all started tickling me. Five minutes later, I was a mess. My hair was everywhere, my face was red and sweaty, and tears were streaming down my face from laughing so hard.

Two hours later, we trudged up the steps and back into the bedroom.

“I swear to God, if I get asked one more question, I will severely hurt someone.”

Zac looked at me. “Hey Devon? Where were you on the night of...”

Before he could finish, I grabbed him and threw him onto the bed. “Do you give?”


“I’m giving you one more chance, or I will brutally tickle you while Isaac, Taylor, Jessie, Avery and Mackie stand back and watch!”

“You wouldn’t dare!”

“Just try me, Zac.”

Zac swallowed hard, then smiled. “I call you a bluff!”

I shrugged and smiled. “Suit yourself.” Then I started tickling him.

Not even five seconds later, Zac yelled. “Uncle! I give!”

I got off of him and walked over to the window. I looked over into my house. You could see my bedroom from this window. Ike sat down on his bed, that was right beside the window. “See anything interesting?”

“I see a squirrel in the tree, I see some birds in a nest... and I see someone in my house.” I took off towards my house.

“Devon! Wait!” Ike and Zac yelled. They caught up to me and grabbed my arm.

“You can’t go over there by yourself. It’s too dangerous!” Zac said.

I rolled my eyes. “Zac, I’m just going over to my house to check it out. I’m not accessing government files.”

“So what? You don’t know who could be in there!”

“That’s what I’m going to find out.” I turned around and walked towards the house again.

“Zac, if we’re not back in ten minutes, send Dad over. Okay?” Ike asked.

“Okay,” Zac said, running back into the house. Ike caught up and walked beside me.

“Where did Michelle and Taylor go?”

Ike looked at me. “I dunno. Michelle left after the questioning and Taylor left while you had your little Tickle-Zac fest back there.”

We walked inside and stood quiet, waiting to hear any noise.

.:Thump:. “Ow!”

“It’s coming from upstairs.” Ike whispered, grabbing my hand and leading me towards the stairs. I giggled lightly. “What?” Ike asked, looking back.

“I feel like I’m in a cheesy horror movie. Sneaking up the steps. Whispering. The guy leading the girl. What’s next? The killer jumps out and I screw him?”

Isaac smiled. “Why must you always be difficult. If it would make you feel better, would you like to go first?”

“Uh, no. I wouldn’t want to break the traditional male role from the past million years.”

Ike smiled wilder. “You’re just chicken shit!”

“Clarke Isaac Hanson! Do you kiss your mother...”

Before I could finish, my bedroom door opened. I quieted down and looked at Ike. He looked at me, then back to the door. Just then, Michelle and Taylor walked out, holding my things.

My eyes got wide. “What are you guys doing over here?”

Michelle looked at Taylor, then looked back at us. “We, um, wanted to bring some of your stuff over to the Hanson’s so you feel more at home.”

I knew they were lying through their teeth. Ike spoke up. “Oh, that’s a good idea. Did you get the picture albums?”

Taylor smiled. “You bet we did.”

“Okay, let’s go then.” Ike said, ushering them out the door.

I followed them reluctantly. But I stopped Ike at the door. “What the hell just happened there?”

He shrugged. “They were just doing something to make you feel better. It’s nothing. You should be more concerned about your birthday.”

I smiled. “Oh yeah. That’s right! My birthday is coming up! I’ll be seventeen, finally. It’s this Friday, right?”

He laughed. “Yeah, two days away.”

birthday confession /

“Happy Birthday to you...”

I opened my eyes to see Diana and the three younger kids singing to me.

I smiled and sat up when they finished. “Well, thank you very much.”

“We made something for you. Here,” Jessie said, handing me a hand-made picture.

“See, there’s you. There’s Ikey with his arm around you. There’s Tay-Tay and Zacky. There’s me and Jessie. And there’s Mackie on your leg.”

“Nuh-uh! I’m right here!” I smiled and picked him up. “Thank you. I love it. I will treasure it always.”

All the children smiled with pride. I stood up and hugged them all, then hugged Diana.

“Here you go, sweetheart.” She handed me a tiny box.

“You didn’t have to get me anything. You’ve already done so much for me.”

“Oh honey, just take it. It’s from Walker and I.”

“Well, thank you.”

I opened the box. Inside, was a silver chain and a small heart locket, similar to the one the boys gave me last year. I opened it up and saw a picture of the whole Hanson family on one side and a picture of my family on the other. My mother was in that picture. The tears welled up in my eyes. I flipped it over and saw the inscription, “Love has brought these two families together.”

I looked back at Diana, and she was smiling. I hugged her tightly. “Thank you so much.”

Isaac walked in the door. “Get dressed. You have fifteen minutes till our race.”

I smiled. “You’re on!”

I quickly got a shower, dressed and was downstairs within fifteen minutes. Ike was the only one there.

“Hey, where’s everybody else? It’s awfully quiet.”

“Oh, they went shopping. The little ones needed new shoes, Taylor wanted a new CD and Zac wanted...”

“Lemme guess? Candy?”

Ike sighed and smiled. “You know us too well.”

“Yeah, well. Are you ready to start this race?”

He stood up and walked towards the door. “Let’s go, Mademoiselle.” He opened the door and put his arm around my shoulder as I passed.


“You bet. I’ve been ready for a year.”

We took our marks and got ready. “You better not let me win either, or I’ll kick your...”

“Ready, set, go!”

We took off running.

I watched him speed in front of me. ‘Jesus God! He was fast enough back then, he’s like a cabillion times faster now.’

Ten minutes later, we were a few feet away from the shop. Somehow, I managed to stay pretty close to him. Right as we got to the shop, he reached his hand back, grabbed mine and pulled me up so we finished together.

When we stopped, I looked at him. “You... didn’t have... to do that.” I said, trying to catch my breath.

He looked up from his crouching position and said seriously. “Yes, I did.”

“Why?” I asked, softly.

He paused for a minute. “You’ve been gone for a year. We haven’t seen each other in forever. We’ve been apart too long. I want us to stick together from now on. Your problems are mine also. And mine are yours. I should have said this a year ago, but I was being stupid and I let you go. I’ve spent the last year, waking up and praying to God, that I wouldn’t get a phone call saying that something has happened to you. ‘Cause you know what would happen?” he asked, softly.

I crawled closer so I was right in front of him. “What?” I asked, trying to keep the tears that were forming in my throat, from rising.

“If something ever happened to you, I would die. I would just die...”

My breath got caught in my throat. “Oh Ike.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and we hugged for a very long time. This was the first time he really told me how he felt about the whole situation. What made me cry even harder, was when I realized that Ike was crying silently, on my shoulder. Ike hardly ever cried. In fact, he’s only cried three times in his life, and two were because of me. That made me feel horrible. I stroked his hair softly and buried my head in his shoulder.

About ten minutes and about fifteen stares from passerbys later, we reluctantly got up, but kept out arms around each other. We walked past the store.

“Hey, aren’t we going in?”

“Oh, yeah. Can we stop at the Hall for a minute. I need to pick up my music that I left there.”

“Oh, okay.”

We walked about a block down and then into the huge Hall.


I jumped back, shocked. I looked around the room. The whole Hanson family, Michelle’s family and a lot of my friends and their families, that I haven’t seen in a while, were there.

I looked at Ike, and noticed he was smiling. ‘At least he’s feeling better,’ I thought, feeling better myself.. “You knew about this?”


I smiled and hugged him and then I walked over and hugged everyone else. After that, I changed into the out-fit that Michelle and Diana brought for me. I guess they knew I was going to be wearing old clothes for the run.

About an hour later, after all the gifts and food, the dance started.

“Alright, let’s get the birthday girl out on the floor for the first slow song.”

I looked around at the guys. “Okay, who’s turn is it? I think I danced with Zac at my last birthday party, right?”

“Yeppers,” Zac smiled.

“Okay, so that means it’s Mackie and Ike, since we missed my last birthday.”

Every birthday, for the first dance, I danced with one of the boys.

I walked over to Mackie. “May I have this dance?”

He smiled and lifted his arms up to me. I picked him up and walked over to Ike. “You ready?”

He stood up, smiled, and grabbed my free hand as we walked out onto the dance floor. Mackie wrapped his arms around my neck, Ike put both his arms around my waist, and I put my free arm around his neck.

Needless to say, there were a lot of “Aww”s, “How sweet!”s, “How cute”s and of course, “They make such a cute couple.”

No matter what we tell them, they somehow still think that Ike and I are a couple. Especially the older people. ‘Maybe they know something I don’t’ I smiled to myself.

“Now look what you did,” Ike said, breaking my trance that I was in for the past minute.

“Huh? What?”

“Look about two or three inches below you.”

I looked down and saw a sleeping Mackie. I smiled, “Aww! I put him to sleep.”

“He always goes to sleep when we don’t want him to. And he NEVER goes to sleep when we want him to.”

“Well, I think my arm fell asleep, if that counts for anything.”

“Here. I’ll take him.”

“You sure?”

“Of course. If I wasn’t, I would have made you suffer.”

“Aww, you’re too good to me.”

“Yeah, I know,” he smiled.

I gently put Mackie in his arms, and when he got situated, I laid my head on his free shoulder. I was hugging him and Mackie together.

Again, we heard the “Aww”s and everything. Everytime Ike and I got close, they do that. Who knows why.

A minute later, the song ended.

I danced with Zac three times, Taylor three times, Walker one time, Mackie once more after he woke up, each of the younger girls once. Three of my other guy friends once each, and Ike five times.

Overall, it was an awesome party. It ended around ten o’clock. Diana took the younger kids home while Walker, Ike, Tay, Zac, Michelle, and I stayed behind to clean up.

“Thank you guys so much for this.”

“Oh, we aren’t finished yet,” Zac said.

there's more? /

“What do you mean?” I asked Zac.

Zac looked at Taylor, who looked at Michelle, who looked at Ike, who then looked at Walker.

“Okay, I’ll let you kids go. Call when you’re ready... Nevermind, Ike, you can drive my car home because your mother just pulled up. Be home before mid-night.”

Walker threw his keys to his eldest son.

“Thanks Dad.”

Walker nodded, then left.

“Okay guys, what’s going on?”

“You’ll find out,” Michelle said.

Just then, Ike came up behind me and placed a blindfold over my eyes.

“Ike! I can’t see!”

“Duh! That’s the point!”

They led me out to the car and put me in. Taylor, Zac and Michelle hopped in the back.

“If you even peak, I will pull this car over, turn around and go back, understand?”

I smiled. “Yes, Ike.”

Even though he was being serious, I could tell he was smiling.

Ike started the car and we were off. Ten minutes later, we arrived at our destination.

“Keep your eyes closed,” Zac said.

“What difference does it make? I’m wearing a bandanna.”

“Oh yeah.”

I felt strong hands grip my shoulders. Ike. Two people grabbing my hands. Michelle and Taylor. And I heard someone running up steps. Zac.

“Hurry up guys!”

“Zac, just go turn on the lights awhile. We wouldn’t want her to trip or anything,” Taylor said, sarcastically. I dug my nails into his hand, lightly, and smiled.

Zac ran into the place and obviously turned on the lights. They were so bright. Even though I was wearing a blindfold, I still had to squint.

“Yo! Zac! Turn it down a wee bit!” Michelle yelled.

“Sorry!” he yelled out, then he turned the lights down. Then, he ran back out.

“Ready?” Ike asked.


He pulled off the blindfold and let it fall to the ground.

My eyes got wide. “Oh my God!”

We were at my house, and I was staring at an ‘89 classic, convertible, silver and black corvette. My dream car.

“How?... Why?... What?” I stammered.

Ike laughed. “I take it you like it. Your father left it for you for your sixteenth birthday. He kept it in a garage so that’s why it’s in such great shape. We decided to show you now.”

“Guys, this is so cool. Thank you so much. I don’t know what...”

“We’re not finished yet!” Zac said.

‘Whoa! Deja vu!’ I thought.

“Are you guys in a giving mood or what?”

“Well,” Ike started, “We missed your last birthday. Plus, we really missed you. So, this birthday is extra special.”

I just smiled and looked down.

“Okay. Next stop. Our house,” Taylor said.

I looked at them strangely, but accepted Ike’s and Zac’s hand and followed them over.

“Follow me! Follow me!” Zac said, leading me upstairs. When we got to the attic steps, they stopped. “Well, here we are.”

“I hope you like it,” Taylor said.

Ike opened the door, and I followed him up the steps. When I got to the top, I practically fell back down. But Ike grabbed my hands and pulled me back up. “Thanks,” I whispered.


I smiled and looked around the room.

“Welcome to your new bedroom. I know you’re going to miss sleeping with us, but... you know.” Ike smiled.

I smiled back. “Yeah. Well, this is really cool. Did you...” I said, scanning the room. Then, my eyes lit on a certain picture hanging on the wall.

I stormed over to the wall and snatched it. I turned back to them, crying. “Is this supposed to be some sick joke?” I yelled.

Ike walked over to me. “What are you talking about?”

“This! This is what I’m talking about!”

I turned the picture towards them and they all gasped. I’m guessing by their initial reaction that they had nothing to do with this. The picture was of the guy who was stalking me last year, with the words “I’m coming!” written in blood.

“Devon, I swear to you with everything I have. All my love. That none of us put that picture there. You know we could never do that to you,” Ike said, softly.

“I know, I’m sorry I accused you. I know you wouldn’t... but who did? I thought this was over!” I cried, sinking to the floor.

“Why don’t you guys go check on the little ones, okay?” Ike asked Michelle, Taylor and Zac.

They reluctantly walked down the steps. Ike sat down in front of me and held me.

“Devon? Talk to me, please.”

I looked up a little, still shaking. “I’m scared, Ike. What if he really comes back after me? I don’t want to leave again.”

“Well, then we’ll have a problem...”

“We? This is my problem. I don’t want to get you involved. You have too much too...”

“Devon, what did I tell you before. Your problems are my problems. We’re together on this. I already let you go once, and I’m not going to let that happen again.”

I smiled slightly. “Can you stay up here tonight?”

“I’ll stay up here for as long as you need me.”

I looked up at him and we just stared at each other for awhile. We leaned in slowly and just when we were about to kiss; Michelle, Taylor and Zac came running up.

We backed away from each other and smiled.

“The kids are fine,” Zac reported.

“Good. So, anyway, this room looks really awesome. Did you do all this?” I said, changing the subject, pointing to the drawings on the wall.

“Yeah, hope you don’t mind, but once we see an empty and clean wall, we just can’t help ourselves,” Taylor said.

I hugged them all again. “Well, I love it. Thank you guys a lot. This means so much to me.”

something new /

After we drove Michelle home (we could have walked, but better safe than sorry) we came back to the house and got ready for bed.

“Night Zac, night Taylor. I’ll see you in the morning. Thanks again, for everything. Tell Ike I went upstairs awhile.”

“Okay,” Zac said, hugging me.

“Will do,” Taylor said, following suit.

Ike was in the bathroom so I went upstairs awhile and got changed.

I looked around the room for awhile. I hadn’t really looked at the drawings, but now I walked over and studied them. I laughed softly. There was a drawing of a spaceship with three blond boys and one auburn girl sticking out of the top. Had to be Ike’s drawing. I looked closely and saw four “MMMBop”s coming out of their mouths. I smiled and looked at the next drawing. There was a tall skyscraper, with a gold, bald, half-dressed man climbing up the side. He was holding girl, which resembled me a lot, hostage. Then, just above the building, was blond boy wearing boxers and a blue and red shirt with a “Z” on it. (Like Superman.)

“Zac to the rescue!” I read the caption aloud and smiled.

There were a bunch more but I was getting tired so I went over and laid on my bed.

Just then, thunder cracked and lightening flashed.

“Oh man, I didn’t need this now.”

I put the pillow over my head and tried to block out the sound. A few moments later, I fell asleep.

I wasn’t asleep for long. I woke up when I felt someone watching me. I opened my eyes, but was only greeted with blackness. A few moments later, my eyes were fully adjusted to the dark. The first thing I noticed was that I was laying on my back, and covered up. But I thought for sure I fell asleep on my stomach. I turned on my side and as soon as I did, I froze. Someone was staring at me from the floor, but I couldn’t see who. I started shaking and moved further away from this mysterious person. The person sat up and stared at me. I yelped and fell off the other side of the bed, with my feet still on it. To my surprise, I heard laughter. I felt the bed shake as someone got on it. Then he peered over the side and laughed again. I grabbed my pillow, stood up and whacked him good on the head. He fell backwards and laughed even more.

“I do not find this funny, Ike. You scared the crap out of me.” I jumped on top of him and started hitting him with my pillow. But he kept laughing.

“You... should... have... seen... your... face,” he said, between laughs and blows from the pillow. When I threw my pillow to the side, he mocked me by putting on this shocked face, then laughing.

“Oh, so you find this funny?”

He simply nodded.

“So, do you find this funny?” I said, then whacked him with the pillow.

“Actually, yeah.”

“Really? Then how ‘bout this?” I said, and then leaned down to brush my lips against his softly. Then I pulled away.

“Tease,” he whispered, turning his head away and closing his eyes.

My eyes got wide and I frowned. I didn’t think he would take it seriously. I thought he would joke around like we always do. I guess that was my problem. I thought too much.

I looked down at him. It’s not that I didn’t want to kiss him. In fact, I very much wanted to do so. But I didn’t know if I’d be on the receiving end also. Judging from his reaction, I guess he wanted to do it just as much as I did.

“Ike,” I whispered. He still didn’t look at me. I knew our relationship would suffer terribly if I didn’t do something... but would it suffer if I did do something? I decided that I was thinking too much again, so I stopped. I slowly slid off of him and laid beside him, facing his side. I gently ran my fingers through his hair with one hand.

“Ike,” I tried again, with more need.

He slowly opened his eyes and stared at me. There was a lot of pain and confusion buried in his eyes, but there was something there that dominated his eyes and radiated out through them. I was sure he could see the same thing in mine.

I leaned over and kissed him. I kissed him with every ounce of me that was stored in my body for my entire seventeen years. All the inevitable love. All the pain I’ve suffered. All the emptiness I felt when we were apart for that entire year. All that came out in one kiss. One incredible kiss.

It only took him a second to respond. He brought one hand up behind my head and tangled his fingers into my hair, while his other hand stroked my jawbone. Then his hand swooped down to my waist and pulled me closer.

A few moments later, we pulled apart, breathless and smiled at each other. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head under his chin. He put one arm around my waist and pulled the blanket over us with the other. Considering we were laying sideways, that was kind of hard, but he managed.

My eyes started to go shut, but before they did, I heard, “I love you, Devon,” then I felt a soft kiss on my forehead.

I smiled, “I love you too.”

Continue to part two? style type="text/css"> >-->


