

"If wholesome equals not constantly swearing, not talking derogatory about women, then in that case I guess we'll take wholesome."

"If I were describing it in a nutshell it would be kinda hard, considering I can't get in a nutshell because I'm a little too big. But, if it were a large nutshell I would attempt it and then I would probably... okay... whatever."

"Everybody expresses themselves in different ways. Some people write it down, some people paint it. Some people express it in the way they speak. We just express our feelings through music."

"We were writing songs about our wives and girlfriends leaving us before we could even care."

"There are subliminal messages in our songs saying to go out and buy our record!"

"I don't have an ideal girl either. It's not a good idea. If you have a type then you limit yourself and you might be closing your mind to a wonderful girl who could surprise you."

"Everybody feels up sometimes, they feel down sometimes, sometimes they feel sideways, sometimes they feel weird."

"I'm a romantic fool. I always end up getting hurt."

"I've never really been in love yet. But i can't wait for it to happen. It must be an incredible feeling."

"I used to be the goofiest one and then Zac just kind of took over."

"Zac, your ego is getting a little big here. Hello!"

"I would prefer to stay in the music business all my life. I love music. Music is a part of me."

"Music is what we love to do and we're going to continue doing that, and hopefully, doing that successfully. If something comes up that we feel interest in, then we'll pursue that also."

"We feel really good about the songs. I mean, they are what they are. They're independent recordings, they're nothing glamorous. We didn't spend hours and days on vocals and things like that. We spent four hours a song in our garage with an 8-track recorder, and that's really all that is. We're very proud of it, because it's what we did a while ago. The real reason we're releasing it is because of the amount of letters and requests that we've gotten from fans to release it. So, that's really why we are releasing it. Because of the fans."

"Zac's really got the groove. He really has the groove, Tay's a good drummer, too, you know."

"I started writing the song River kinda based on more real life experiences."

"I must admit that I'm an absolutely hopeless romantic. I don't think there's anything better than a fantastic poem or just a romantic atmosphere. I think music is super romantic, too."

"It's just a natural phenomenon when guys play music. I'm sure it happens to all the bands."

"We know that the kind of success we're having may not last forever. Success can go as fast as it comes. We all realize that. Anyone who doesn't realize that is in trouble, because they could lose touch with reality."

"Just because you earn a bit of money doesn't mean you have to buy a gigantoid house and fast cars. We'll probably put most of it in the bank. I'm sure we'll have better uses for it when we grow older."

"I think it's really neat to read about history type stuff. We've been reading about Winston Churchill since we've been in England. History is so cool and when we're on tour in Europe we get to see all the things we'd normally only read about."

"We flew Concorde a few times, and one time this lady came up to me and said 'Sir would you like some caviar?' one I don't like caviar and two it's 8:00 in the freaking morning for the love of God!"

"Zac's almost schizophrenic."

"I'd have to say a happy medium between The Simpsons and, unfortunately, The Waltons. We're probably not as weird as The Addams Family."

"If I see a cool chick in the street, I'll watch her going by, won't I?"

"We can't live a minute without you... uh, in about two seconds."

"Hello, Cleveland! Oops, wrong city..."

"Then we'd be dressing in drag and doing the hula."

"We're not a young band, we're just a band who happens to be young."

"I definately have dated people on and off, however no girlfriend, no."

"I'm definately one who would enjoy having a girlfriend. I just do not have one at the moment."

"It's not like I give them name plates or anything." about naming his guitars

"If we can continue to do this and do this well, then we will be happy campers."


"To the world you might be one person, but to one person, you might be the world."

"I just hope the first time I kiss a girl, she's not as hairy as our dog."

"I think life is more nerve-wracking than performing in front of people."

"Zac, you're pretty fly for a white guy."

"I hate it when girls come up to you and say, 'oh, you're so cute" just because you're in a band."

"Romantic as in... you mean like with girls?"

"It's great to be good friends with your brothers, then you've got friends for life!"

"Isaac is a classic big brother. While Zac and I are bumbling and stumbling, Ike knows the right way to do everything."

"Once he [Ike] turns 18, he can be convicted."

"Yeah, Zac was dropped on his head as a baby..."

"We're known as Ike, Tay, and Zac, not Posh, Butter, Spicy, and Rare, or whatever they are."

"Aaah, how 'bout you take a picture of your butt, buddy?"

"Part of what Hanson is, is that there's not just one guy who sings. Having three voices is what makes us Hanson."

"How much better of a job can you get?"

"We're not doing this because we want girls to scream at us... but they can scream if they want!"

"We were coming out of a radio station, and there were about 20,000 people outside this station. And this 40 year-old woman jumps and grabs at my hair! I'm going, 'Have some control, woman!'"

"Guys. . . if he tries that on I'm committing in-family homicide!"

"Well, I have a few new body parts I've grown. I have an extra leg."

"Well, I don't have a problem getting in romantic relationships with guys..."

"Like if some girl likes you and you're like, "Let's just be friends," that, of course, is the fatal kiss of death."

"A lot of girlfriends I have are just friends, like anybody."

"He [Ike] was like "Uhhh" when I was practicing parallel parking with him."

"....beacause people find out what car we drive and then it's like, "Oh, there's the car!"


"No matter what you do, just keep writing. Whether you think it's bad, or you think it's good.... just keep writing."

"People say I should have sex when I have the urge, but right now I don't have the urge to drop my pants in front of some girl."

"You don't have to be 84 to write good lyrics. You don't have to be 32 to experience things."

"There's lots of different kinds of love."

"I love a good spanking!"

"I've said it before, and I’ll say it again, [my New Year’s Resolution is] that I won’t die!"

"I definitely won’t get killed by a nuclear bomb!"

"That wasn’t normal, it was in South America."

"Well, we got a new baby sister, that was kind of cool."

"Ike is a girl charmer. He'll always say nice things to girls. It's just something he does."

"Music is always changing and you have to change with it... or else you're... stupid."

"I wanna be a mute in the next video."

"Who do we look up to? Well, we look up to usually, the people that are tall, you know, usually about 6 foot 2 and up."

"Having fans wait hours and hours to see you, that is pretty awesome to think people would wanna see you that much."

"Naturally, people are going to think... kid group... that we don't play, and we don't write and we don't sing, and it's all fake. But it's not."

"I'm not that great of a drummer, but everyone says I can play, so I'll take their word for it."

"Who'd want to hear a song for God's sake about the zebra crossing problem in Kansas City?"

"Well, I use the green goop in the swamp in the back our house. Then I get it all mushy in my hair."

"I go to a mental hospital every couple of weeks and they do a checkup."

"If you're gonna spew up on stage make sure you've got your back to the audience."

"I'm glad that I'm a man without breasts. I don't wanna be a man with breasts."

"Tay, there's nothing on the top of your head but hair."

"My favorite Hanson is Hanson because I get to have all three instead of having to choose just one."

"As far as I'm concerned, I'm 18 and, as far as I'm concerned, Ike is two."

"I haven't done anything bad recently."

"...I do like girls. I am not a weirdo."

"...somewhere in the same age group. I wouldn't want to date a 30-year-old woman."

"And Ike's graduating so that'll be cool for him. He won't ever have to do school again."

"And I've actually advanced my memory where I can store 14 million thoughts. So I have a big memory."

"We like to take a Nintendo or a Sony Playstation to entertain ourselves on the bus."

"I am Zac. I come in peace."

Have a groovy cool quote? Send it to me! :o)


Email: ikes_madeline@yahoo.com