Saved Only For Her

His eyes roamed the anonymous faces of the crowd. Desperately searching for her. He searched the eyes of all the tempting women before him. None were her. None had that magical sparkle that could light up the darkest night.

Her eyes, a color of blue that has yet to be labeled. Those beautiful eyes were too original and irreplaceable for a demeaning label. Her hair, an assortment of Autumn leaves. Long, flowing strands of browns and reds. One layer framed her fine-featured face perfectly. The other cascaded down her back and rested comfortably at her hips.

He slowly made his way through the ever-growing patch of women. She wasn't there. He didn't even have to look anymore. He just knew.

A young lady, approximately sixteen, approached him. She offered him her inviting smile and seductive eyes. He bowed his head slightly in recognition but returned a faux grin and empty eyes. He tore his eyes away from the now forgotten girl and continued his conquest.

That's when he saw her.

Her eyes, the windows of her soul, were opened passionately only for him to see. They shone brighter than fresh crystal. Her hair swayed rhythmically with the mid-afternoon breeze.

He placed his hand over his chest to make sure his heart was still beating. Their gaze, never breaking, was increasing becoming stronger with every passing second.

He slowly advanced towards her. She followed his lead, carefully. She didn't want to move too fast nor too slow. The moment was too perfect to be ruined by petty indulgences.

They both stopped when there was a comfortable distance between them.

He picked up her delicate hand and intertwined it with his own. Then it came. His smile. His most brilliant and warming smile that was saved only for her.

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