i'd like to thank you, thank you

I have SO many people to thank but not enough memory capacity in my head to do it. So, I'd just like to thank everybody in general. Especially those who are being so patient with me. Here are some people who deserve special thanks...

...coming soon....

Lovin' Ike Hanson... Priceless! :o) You and Amy inspire me everyday. Through your ongoin' love for our Mr. Sexy Man and your constant visions of him in various clothes and situations have kept me laughing. I'll never forget the stripping, the barrel with only socks, the motorcycle babe, the cowboy outfits, and of course all that leather! Thank you! I love you! Remember... "I see dead people." beth
amy "Get in my bellie!" Thank you for always singing horrible in the car and making me laugh... Never forget MMMBop on Violins, Ka-Minime, "You're on a need-to-know basis and right now you don't need to know." And of course, the one and only, Isaac Hanson. For it is he who brings to much joy and happiness to our lives. :o) Thank you! I love you!
What can I say? You have become an instant best friend. Thank you for always being someone I could talk to... about anything. You are my twin. LoL. Always stay wild, crazy, open and most of all, Hanson-Lovin! I love you! Thank you! megz
hanson  Thank you for giving me something to dream and hope for. You've opened my heart and my mind to so many new possibilities. I love you guys more than you'll ever know. Thank you!

Email: variousike4@cs.com