Written by: Brian Clemens
Directed by: Roy Rossotti
Guest Stars: Ron Moody (Jordan),
Ilona Rogers (Samantha Slade),
Michael Coles (Verret), John Wood (Twitter),
Clive Colin-Bowler (Robin), and John Lee (Mark Pearson)
"Steed fancies pigeons - Emma gets the bird."
The Avengers are intrigued by top secret locations being photographed by air. No planes have been spotted. Perhaps Captain Crusoe, a parrot, and Tom Savage, photographer, could provide some answers.
Notes: Emma and Steed end up posing for Tom in a series of chic photos. Capt. Crusoe's owner, Edgar J. Twitter, owns many chatty birds.
Teaser: Emma pulls back her curtains to find an arrow with the famous summons on it.
Tag: A second arrow announces Steed's arrival. He would like Emma to meet another bird, marinated in wine and roasted.