Written by: Philip Levene
Directed by: John Moxey
Guest Stars: Patricia Haines (Lola)
Freddie Jones (Basil), Campbell Singer
Peter Reynolds, Arnold Diamond
Philip Levene, Malcolm Taylor
"Steed goes out of his mind - Emma is beside herself."
An agent from the FLORAL department is found dead upon a pair of very high stilts. FLORAL is a department of Brit agents run by Major B. Steed goes to investigate Hi-Limba Stilts and finds himself a new person. The secret agents behind the murder have a devilish scheme- swap psyches with Steed and Emma!
Notes: The agents, Basil and Lola, are a fun couple who seem to enjoy the Avengers' high lifestyle. They enjoy listening to loud music and drinking Steed's champers- unchilled!
Teaser: Emma fixes her shirt in the mirror with Steed right behind her.
Tag: Back at Emma's, there are bouquets of flowers. It's Emma's birthday and Steed has a trip to Paris planned to celebrate.