In case you're wondering about my choice of's due to the fact of how many full moons that were seen in one weekend..once there was even 3 in a row *LMAO*I didn't get alot of pics *L* oh my some of the ones i did get..let's just say..due to graphic content some pictures will not be on the page..after all this is a family friendly site, but for those interested..i will accept payment in form of mastercard, visa & money orders *EG* *L*
  Saraya & Charlie Storm............White Rose & Charlie Storm
  Rider & MrBigglesworth..Yeah BBBBaaaabbbbbyyy...............MrB-It wasn't me..honest!!
  MrB- "Hey..where'd it go??"..........."Ahhhh...there it is!!"
  TeDdY BeAr.."One way..or another..i'm gonna getcha..getcha..getcha"
