<html> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- function open () {return true;} //--> </SCRIPT><head> <!-- 1999-09-28 Produced using the Purity-Test-O-Matic purity test constructor available at http://www.armory.com/tests/mktest.cgi --> <title>PenPen Purity Test</title> <meta name=keywords content="purity test"> <meta name=generator content="Purity-Test-O-Matic 1.0"> <meta name=description content="A purity test"> <title>Penpen Purity Test!</title> </head> <body background="http://www.angelfire.com/ok3/onigirl/images/penwetwall.jpg" text=darkgreen> <center> <h1><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/ok3/onigirl/images/penquiz.jpg"></h1> <h2>Do you think you know Penē? <BR> Do you think you are Penē? <BR> Do you have a weird fetish which involves taking quizzes? </h2> <h3>If you answered yes to any of these questions (or even if you didn't), you should take this fine quiz!!!</h3> <font size=3 color=navy><a href="penpenquiz.html">Can't handle CGI? Get a text version of the purity test here</a> <h2>Check all boxes for which your answer is "yes". <br> The "submit" button is at the bottom.</h2> <form method=post action=http://www.armory.com/cgi-bin/purity-test> <!-- This tells the scorer that it should expect an "end" tag --> <input type=hidden name=start> <!-- This is the base in which question numbers are given --> <input type=hidden name=base value=10> <!-- The debug parameter causes the scorer to report any errors it encounters back to the test submittor. This ensures that if there are any problems with your test, you will see them when you test it out. If you remove it, only fatal errors will be reported. To get a more detailed report about your test, change the parameter name from debug to verify and then submit an instance of your test with all of the checkboxes selected. This will give a report regardless of whether there are problems or not, so after fixing any problems that show up, remove the verify parameter. --> <input type=hidden name=debug> <!-- Be sure to change NumQuest if you change the number of questions! --> <input type=hidden name=NumQuest value=110> <input type=hidden name=Name value=penpen> <!-- Make sure that if you add/remove questions or change the point values of any questions, you change maxscore so that it remains the sum of all of the question values! --> <input type=hidden name=maxscore value=196> <input type=hidden name=commentURL value="mailto:oni_girl@mailcity.com"> <input type=hidden name=longName value="PenPen"> <input type=hidden name=domain value="PenPen"> <input type=hidden name=domainName value="PenPen"> <input type=hidden name=inyou value="PenPen otaku"> <input type=hidden name=Map value="196:Penē beginner"> <input type=hidden name=Map value="180:Penē novice"> <input type=hidden name=Map value="150:Penē apprentice"> <input type=hidden name=Map value="120:Penē intermediate"> <input type=hidden name=Map value="90:Penē journeyman"> <input type=hidden name=Map value="60:Penē sensei"> <input type=hidden name=Map value="30:Penē otaku"> </center> <ol> <li><input type=checkbox name=q value=1,1> Does your name end with an exponent? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=2,1> Do you have red hair? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=3,2> A bald head with tufts of red hair on either side? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=4,1> Is your favorite food fish? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=5,1> Is ē your favorite exponent? (If, indeed, you do have a favourite exponent, you should probably go take a nerdity purity test after this...) </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=6,2> Your social security number? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=7,1> Do you think Penē is cute? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=8,2> Cuter than any Pokemon character? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=9,1> Were you disappointed there were no penguins in the X-files movie, despite the fact that much of it took place in the Antarctic? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=10,2> Were you disappointed at the lack of penguins in Titanic? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=11,3> in Jurrassic Park? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=12,1> Do you get excited when anyone says the word "pen"? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=13,2> The french word "stylo"? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=14,3> How about Bic? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=15,1> Have you written a fanfic which included Penē? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=16,1> In which he could talk? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=17,2> In which he was a secret agent? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=18,2> Have you ever written a fanfic in which Penē was the main character? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=19,3> Was it serious? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=20,1> Have you ever written a fanfic from Penē's POV? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=21,4> Was it a bleak character study of Penē? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=22,1> Have you made a music video about Penē? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=23,1> Do you have friends who don't watch NGE but still know who Penē is? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=24,2> Do they have pictures? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=25,2> Have you ever cosplayed as Penē? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=26,1> Do you own a stuffed penguin? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=27,1> Is it named Penē? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=28,2> Have you ever put in the fridge? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=29,3> The bathtub? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=30,1> Is Penē your favorite NGE character? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=31,2> Do you hate everything about NGE except Penē? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=32,2> Do you sincerely believe Penē knows martial arts? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=33,1> Are penguins your favorite animals? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=34,1> Do you have any desire to visit Antarctica? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=35,1> Does your e-mail address include the word "penpen"? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=36,1> Your website? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=37,2> Your ICQ handle? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=38,1> Do you have penpen as wallpaper on your desktop? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=39,1> As an icon on your desktop? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=40,2> Do you use the Hikari window-sitter just because she's holding Penē? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=41,1> Do you like Hikari because she's so nice to Penē? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=42,2> Did you feel bad for Penē when he was Fed-Exed (in the volcano episode)? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=43,1> Do you wonder what happened to Penē during the 3rd impact? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=44,1> Have you ever written a paper on penguins? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=45,1> Was there a picture of Penē on the cover? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=46,2> Is the extinction of penguins the main problem with Antarctica melting? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=47,2> Would you expect to see a penguin at a hot springs resort? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=48,1> Do you feel sorry for Penē? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=49,1> Because he lives in captivity? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=50,2> Because he isn't a main character in NGE? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=51,3> Because he doesn't have a girlfriend? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=52,4> Did you just yell out "But he does!!"? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=53,1> Have you written a poem or fansong about Penē? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=54,2> Do you know the names of the penguins at your local zoo? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=55,3> The names of the penguins at Seaworld? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=56,1> Have you seen "The Pebble and the Penguin"? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=57,2> Did you like it? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=58,1> Did you write a fanfic, starring Penē, based on it? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=59,1> Is your cat named Penē? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=60,1> Do you have a black and white animal named Penē? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=61,3> Is it a penguin? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=62,1> Have you drawn a picture of Penē? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=63,1> On your computer? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=64,2> Is your hard drive space used up completly because of having so many Penē pictures/sound files/text documents? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=65,3> Did you make most of them yourself? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=66,3> Have you made a Penē animated gif? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=67,2> Would you give your pet(s) ramen and/or beer? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=68,3> Because you think it would make them more like Penē? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=69,2> Do you make your pet(s) take baths because of this reason? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=70,4> Have you ever drawn a picture of Penē wearing clothing? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=71,2> Can you tell Penē's emotions by looking at his face? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=72,2> Do you think Penē should be an Eva pilot? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=73,1> Have you written a comic about Penē? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=74,1> Have you ever been annoyed because some fic author had Penē acting OOC? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=75,2> Did you flame them because of it? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=76,4> Did you hack into their webpage and write "Penē Rulz!" all over it? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=77,1> Do you have a t-shirt with Penē on it? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=78,1> Are you Penē on any Evangelion RPGs? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=79,2> on all Evangelion RPGs? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=80,1> Have you written a Sailor Moon X-over in which Penē is Luna? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=81,1> Did you know that penguins mate for life? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=82,1> Really, did you? Before I told you? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=83,3> Will you mate for life, simply because of this fact? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=84,3> Have you ever sculpted Penē? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=85,4> Have you written a computer program involving Penē? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=86,1> Have you ever thought about writing a NGE/Babe (the pig) X-over involving Penē? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=87,2> Did you write it? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=88,2> Will you? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=89,1> Did you ever think about Penē's life before he moved to Tokyo-3? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=90,1> Can you draw Penē from memory? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=91,3> Does it actually look like him? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=92,3> Can you find biblical symbolism to explain Penē's existance in NGE? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=93,2> If you hear someone say "shake a tail feather", do you think of Penē? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=94,2> Can you play the "6 degrees of separation" game with Penē and anyone? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=95,1> Do you know who Penē's voice actor is? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=96,2> In English and Japanese? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=97,3> Do you know their filmography? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=98,1> Have you written a Ranma fanfic including the "Penēniichaun"? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=99,1> Do you have the command for "ē" memorized? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=100,2> For more than one font? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=101,2> Do you know Penē's favorite colour? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=102,3> His astrological sign? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=103,2> Does your licence plate say "Penpen" or "Pen2" on it? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=104,1> Do you wish it did? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=105,1> Would you watch a nature special on penguins? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=106,1> Would you tape it? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=107,1> Do you think you know Penē better than Misato does? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=108,2> If someone asks you who you would meet if you could meet any star, do you immediatly say "Penē, definatly, Penē"? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=109,2> Do you wish you were Penē? </li><li><input type=checkbox name=q value=110,3> Do you wish this test was more serious? </li> </ol> <h2>Good going!</h2> <input type=submit value="Submit your test for purity calculation"> <input type=reset value="Reset all questions"> <!-- This and the start tag are an attempt at detecting the case where a browser only transfers part of the form due to internal limitations --> <input type=hidden name=end> </form> </body> </html>