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K.K. DragonWolf's: The ULTIMATE Wormy Fan Site
I imagine those of you who might still stumble upon this site, or have come since the very beginning are wondering…what the HELL happened to this place, and it’s creator? Well I’m here to answer those questions, and many more you might be wondering…

1. What happened to the site?

Angelfire was undergoing massive changes during the time I was working heavily on this site. And at the same time I had just secured a new job, and it was sucking a lot of my time and energy. I still kept working on the comics, but they never made it to this site. I stopped working on the site and just let it fall apart…and for that I’m truly sorry.

2.What happened to you?

I just got too busy for wormy, and my ambition to draw him or anything else faded away. Not to sound overly melodramatic but that’s what happened! I still love wormy, and all the trolls and everything else, but until last year my ambition to draw was almost null. A spent a good year and half hardly drawing, and when I did I never finished what I started!

3. Will you ever fix the new site or do a new one?

No and yes, no to fixing this site…yes to making a new one. The new site will be focused exclusively upon the new comics, which will just be called ‘wormy 2’…as wormy 2000 just sounds lame since it’s 5 years later. I will no longer feature an archive, as that’s pretty pointless since Haroog has taken care of that for me. A good friend I shared a lot of ideas with, his fantastical site can be found here.

4. Will you continue ‘Wormy 2’?

Well in a way yes, I plan to upload the comics I never got around to sharing, and hopefully I will continue on in the future. For now I’ll give you a picture of a new character I did way, way, back in ’98, Black Jack the dragon. A rival for wormy who’s in league with the ogres, and probably my favorite character I’ve done (of many) inspired from the original wormy cast.

5. Have you discovered what happened to Trampier?

Someone sent me a letter containing an article about a man of the same name, David Trampier. That article can be found Here, I make no claims of being 100% positive this is the same person. But putting into consideration Trappers odd disappearance and his disconnecting himself from the rest of humanity, including friends, family and fans…ending up as a cab driver sounds about right. I remember reading somewhere long before this article was sent to me that it was rumored he was a cab driver. But you know how reliable rumors are.

6.What happened to all the edited images?!

Not to worry, they’re all burned on a CD disk, along with several more that have never been used. I edited several images to use for my site, but many were never used. Please remember, I put a lot of hard work and time into editing the images for my site…if you use any, please put a link back to here.

7. You didn’t answer my damn question!

Heh…well then e-mail me at! Please put the word ‘wormy’ somewhere in the subject line…been getting a lot of spammers, and spammers pretending to be friends so it’s getting so hard to tell spam from good mail. So please help me out and feel free to write.