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The drive to hell…

Something terrible happened.

You can't remember.

The unknown driver picks you up-

And starts to drive.


You lie, curled up and facing front

-knocked out on the backseat of the car.

You are transparent- ghost-like,

horror on your face even though you are not conscious.


It is cellular pain

-fixated and unspeakable.

You can still feel it.


I know because I'm watching -

Sitting on my knees and leaning against the front passenger side seat-

.you have been out a long long time,

I wait and wait.

I want to yell to you to get out of the car-

stay awake long enough to get out of the car!


The driver can cope at first,

but 20 years later-

just as you are starting to wake up,

she senses your immense power

-and starts to fall apart.


She crashes again.

you don't know who she is

just that you cant get to her.

You don’t know she is the façade-"the driver-"

and out you go again.


I wait and wait. You start stirring

-the horror coming alive on your face-

the driver crashes again-

you lose consciousness again.

No feeling-just horror.

A death while still breathing.


The driver takes you through life's ride.

You cannot speak or move

The driver takes care of everything

Seeming to make the right moves.


The car barrels along-one crash to the next

You lie-pinned-

unable to move

Until one day you see me

-and start to hear my screams.


The more I call

-the longer you stay out-

Knocked out by the shock of the truth

I can't pick you up-

You just fall through my hands

There is nothing I can do.


I tell you about the driver

And of what has been happening to you

And you can see the stolen lives

And understand the horror is true.


You start to see the constant replays

And know that it was you!

That I was watching all those years

-My heart breaking for your pain.

For all the time you missed

-for the imprisonment of your fractured soul.

For all the pain we both have

-of not being able to fix their stealth.


Of you not being able to hear my screaming

For such a long, long time.

But I have always been here

Just waiting till you could.


We must get her to pull over-

Try to stay awake and drive.

let me hug you in- let you cry-

And keep you safe.

Keep going on to stop it


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