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SA Questionnaire information

If you are a mother who lost a child to adoption in South Australia, we would ask you to email us for the Questionnaire. We are busy collating the TRUE experiences of the trauma and human rights abuses suffered at the hands of so-called "professionals" of the adoption industry. Practices which were instituted to ensure one end and one end only- the swift removal of her newborn at birth to the waiting claws of the adoption industry. (The young mother had no idea that her baby had already been allocated by to others by the social worker before his/her birth!).

The information given in the questionnaire should give some thought to the following:

Facts as you recall them.

1. Family Members / Community / Society

How were you treated when they were informed of your pregnancy?

Were you offered any kind of support from family members, community ?

Did Social workers inform you of your full entitlements to financial assistance, foster care, child care etc?


2. Hospitals / Institutions? How were you treated?

Do you remember anything of the birth?

Were you sedated/drugged?

Were you pressured to sign consent forms? Did you know what you were signing?

Were you prevented from seeing your child?

Were you placed under any duress during your hospital stay?

3. Were you given any options? Please explain the way that you were treated, throughout your pregnancy, the birth and after placement.

4. What have your feelings been in the period since your pregnancy was first announced till now?

5. Please list the hospital, agencies and doctors involved in your pregnancy and the placement of your baby / babies.


Mothers in South Australia were incarcerated in unwed mothers homes such as St Joseph's at Fullarton, McBrides at North Adelaide, and Kate Cocks at Brighton. The illegal practices were widespread throughout Australia, including regional hospitals around the State. Testimonies of these mothers are needed if we are to set the record straight.

Summary of legal and human rights abuses

Origins SA Home

Email us for the Questionnaire