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More Psycho Stories

Old News for the psychotic, deranged, and strange
Feel free to read all you want!
Please stop when you start thinking you are a primate
I dont know...primates are cute
Oh Well use your own judgement, if you would prefer to be a primate,

The IGottaPee Dance*~~*A new dance craze at THS

The Royal Psycho Squad*~~*Read about our "First Meeting"

In the Begining...*~~*How this madness all began!

Six Flags Chaos!-New stories of chaos from a different trip!

Tri-State Special-Read my version of some of our overnight mis-adventures!

Spoon Thief-A prom story, Written by a Special Guest Journalist!

Encore Case-Read about the contreversy surrounding the Pretty People Page! .

Lifesaver Holes -What happens to the center of the lifesaver? Find out here.

Cujoe The Birdy-Learn About the Imaginary Birdy

Show Me Your Advertisement-A Scandoulus Ad is exposed!

Lady Looses Head By UFO!-The Un-timley Death of Mrs. Bell

Secrets of The Fridge-Answers to: What Goes On Behind the Closed Door of Your Refridgerator.

THS Transvestites-Find Out Who!

Aliens! (Again?)Aliens Come To The School Again!