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Missing Causes


High! Welcome! Well this is the missing causes page. It has banner type thingys for important causes and other such things. If you have anything that fits in with the things on this page or even something that doesnt and want it on Missing Causes then just email it to me and Ill gladly put it on. Thanks always! Enjoy!

This is a request from a music teacher...

As most of you know, and realise, there is not much talent in today's top 40 and I for one want to see the bands that try and make it on their own get the credit they deserve. As Hanson fans, I'm sure you realise that they deserve all the fame they can get after struggling for six years, not giving up and just turning to artificial music that today's youth seems to think is alright. It's not. There is no pride in just having a pretty face and letting money do all the rest. Anybody can do that. I've seen in my years of teaching, it trying to be done. As a music teacher I feel it is my right to spread the word that bands like Hanson are the only thing keeping the music world from being just about money and looks. If you keep on supporting them, buying their records, encouraging others to do so then I'm sure people will see there is talent to be won. This will make the 'pop' world actually build up to something us music lovers can be proud of. There is a lot of tough competition in the music world, but if we only let the good looking ones win, well, there's no point me even teaching. I'm not exactly Jennifer Lopez and I got to teach thousands of pupils. Why can't it be the same with the real musicians? The ones that are teaching today's youth? If all we're showing to the next generation is that you can only win if you're good looking then I might as well quit. If you keep on passing round this message (on newsletters, forward to others, web-sites, etc.) then I'm sure as real music fans we can show the rest of the world that even stepping into the top 40 is a darn good honour. And an even better one if you've got history on how you got there. There is no shame in being a Hanson, or any other real band, fan. At the moment I've been teaching my pupils the importance of music and I hope you can do the same by passing this message.

Ms. Todd.
Music Head of The Grange School.
Hanson Supporter

Columbine, I remember them. Do you?


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