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Hanson Puzzle Pieces Webring
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This HPPWsite owned by Taylin. Hanson Puzzle Pieces Webring made possible by 
the Webring.

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Hanson Puzzle Pieces Webring Info:
HPPW is designed to bring together the most liberal-minded Hanson fans.
HPPW will include a few sites that have very crude and/or vulgar sayings or stories  in them; most will not. Just a warning though, if you do decide to join and browse around please don't be emailing anye saying how rude they or or that they need to take something off their site. I own this webring, and it is up to me who joins. Besides, most vulgar words, and doing (when people decribe them) of things are real life, just not in the way most people want to hear it. So please don't get offended!

   To join I have a few requirements...
1. Sign the guestbook.
2. Have your original ideas on your webpage.
3. Do not steal others ideas without giving credit.
4. You MUST BE liberal-minded.
5. Your site may not have any BSB or N'Sync links.(Sorry!)
6. Your site may not contain porn pics!!!
7. You must be cute! (hehe* don't worry!)

Those are pretty much the requirements. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me. Have fun guys!!!

Yard Sale, I mean BACK HOME