Music Quotes
~Quotes from songs, musicians, or generally about music~
"I was there c'mon and tell me I wasn't worth sticking it out for. I was there and I know I was worth it 'Cause if I wasn't worth it that makes me worse off than you are."
~Surrounded, by Chantal Kreviazuk
"It's crowded and I feel lost in here I'm trying to find a familiar fear I look everywhere but I just can't see There's not anything that reminds me of me"
~Wayne, by Chantal Kreviazuk
"It scares me to speak my mind I might sound self absorbed I don't say half of what I think I wonder what i'm thinkin' for."
~Imaginary Friend, by Chantal Kreviazuk
"The little things we hide the little things inside I don't want to show them and I'll be alright."
~Little Things, by Chantal Kreviazuk
"F*** it all I say they'll be sorry in the end So help me vanish Help me get myself outta here"
~Fetching Decay, By Emm Gryner
"But more than anything I need the last minute of your time More than anything I need to uncover all that I would hide"
~Doomsday, by Emm Gryner
"I'm slowly getting there, that place between love and I don't care."
"I'm happy for you, as happy as I can be burning alive" ~Half Sorry, by Emm Gryner
"Days burn up like weed and we're still the same"
"It's a good day for wishing you were mine I wish it all the time" ~Serenade, by Emm Gryner
"If only I could measure up Why can't I measure up to you?" ~Stereochrome, by Emm Gryner
"As I close the door on you and end the crusade
I tell the pieces of you to go but I feel them stay" ~Death is a New Day, by Emm Gryner
"There was no other living thing who meant the sum of everything" ~Parting Song, by Emm Gryner
"Was I not your sort of human being Was I not your kind of creature Tell me how unworthy I seemed when you got thinking about it" Your Sort of Human being, by Emm Gryner
"Of course people are going to give you criticism, you’ve just got to decide if it’s valuable or not."
~Emm Gryner
"There are no happy endings for nothing ever ends" ~Child, by Tara MacLean
"If I could make you turn around, and see how we were then Just one look into my eyes you'd fall in love again."
~If You Could, by Tara MacLean
"And if you ask me I'll keep saying that I am fine so just don't ask. And if you see me I'll keep flashing that winning smile 'cause that's my mask."
~That's me, by Tara MacLean
"So many times I needed you to be strong for me But you bend beneath the slightest breeze."
~Settling, by Tara MacLean
"Looks like war in the valley, looks like war in the sky Looks like war on the playground, first thing you learn is to lie"
~Dryland, by Tara MacLean
"If the world would just end tomorrow, then I'd never have to watch my dreams smash on the rocks and I'd soar on the breath of possibility."
~If the World Would Just End, by Kyler England
"The water's lapping I keep them at bay as if to say who the hell am I to feel this way thinking you wouldn't understand my side but I haven't even tried."
"If wishes were horses than I've been riding all my life"
~The Offering, by Kyler England
"Even if I could take back all the things that I said to you well I wouldn't cause I shouldn't have to apologize for all that I am."
~Even If, by Kyler England
"I am half of what I want to be, but I am more than you might ever see."
~To Believe, by Jessica Weiser
"Within the public eye you pretend to be oh so fine Fooling everyone you're surrounded by but deep inside you're crying."
~Stargazing, By Tricia Concepcion
"Every twenty seconds someone's pounding someone down every thirty more a liar's born every half an hour I get up and look around and once or twice a day I ask for more" ~Secrets and Lies, by Jonatha Brooke
"I won't tell you a thing, you won't see me cry
I'll know what to do, I will not lie
either way I lose, either way we die,
either way I'm alone when it's time to decide" ~The Choice, by Jonatha Brooke
"Annie you think the boys never played fair
tripping you up, sticking gum in your hair
But wherever you run, it's yourself you face there
and he might be gone when you need him
he might be gone by the time you care "
"you can't keep living in one small room
when you never let anyone in
you never let anyone in " ~Annie, by Jonatha Brooke
"I'll never tell, I'll never say, I'll never be that brave." ~Ten Cent Wings, by Jonatha Brooke
"I wish I were the brave one as I breathe another lie" ~Blood from a Stone, by Jonatha Brooke
"Dear God, don't know if you noticed but your name is on a lot of quotes in this book, and us crazy humans wrote it you should take a look, and all the people that you made in your image still believing that junk is true, well I know it ain't and so do you dear god
~Dear God, by XTC
"What we call human nature in actuality is human habit"
"If I could tell the world just one thing it would be, we're all okay."
"In the end, only kindness matters."
~Hands, by Jewel
"I'll act like I have faith, and like that faith never ends, But I really just have friends."
~My Friends, by Dar Williams
"And I wake up and I ask my self what state I'm in and I say I'm lucky 'cause I am like East Berlin. I had this wall and what I knew of the free world was that I could see their fireworks and I could hear their radios and I thought that if we met I would only start confessing and they'd know that I was scared and they'd know that I was guessing but the wall came down and there they stood before me with their stumbling and their mumbling and their calling out just like me."
~What Do You Hear in These Sounds, by Dar Williams
"What's the sense in being so sensitive? Can I trade this thin skin for a shell? There are somethings I've got no feeling about, and there are somethings that I can tell." ~Capsized, by Sarah Harmer
"I've been everybody else, now I want to be something closer to myself."
~Closer to Myself, by Kendall Payne
"In the end do you believe that beauty lies in what you see because if you do then baby you've been decieved."
~Supermodels, by Kendall Payne
"If you can be honest, I can be too. If you'll take the first step, I'll follow you through. But no one wants to bleed, no one wants to hide No one wants to hurt, alone inside. Child don't close your eyes the truth contains much beauty and though it scars your soul, it can heal the wounds it makes."
~Honest, by Kendall Payne
"Why do I say I'm fine when its obvious I am not?Why is it so hard to tell you what I want? why can't you just read my mind?"
~These are the Thoughts, by Alanis Morissette
"We all had our reasons to be there. We all had a thing or two to learn. We all needed something to cling to... So we did."
~Forgiven, by Alanis Morisette
"Will you still love me tomorrow, when you find out who I am today Will you know my name tomorrow when you here the things I have to say."
~Will You Still Love Me, by Leah Andreone
"I could lose everything, surrendering to you."
~Mother Tongue, by Leah Andreone
"If I had gills I'd fly You can't tell me what's right."
~Who are they to say, by Leah Andreone
"It's alright to make mistakes, you're only human. Inside, everybody's hiding something."
~Don't Slide, by Dido
"How can I ever get over you when I'd give my life for yours."
~Lucky, by Bif Naked
"It's not about me, it's not about you, it's not about them or what they do. It's not about pride, it's about we must all understand violence lies."
~Violence, by Bif Naked
"There ain't nothing like regret to remind you you're alive." ~The Difficult Kind, by Sheryl Crow
"No one said it would be easy, but no one said it'd be this hard. no one said it would be easy, but no one thought we'd come this far." ~No one said it would be easy, by Sheryl Crow
"I do believe that not everything is gonna be the way you think it ought to be. it seems like every time i try to make it right it all comes down on me. please say honestly you won't give up on me and i shall believe." I Shall Believe, by Sheryl Crow
"I bring you everything that floats into your mind, but you don't bring me anything but down." ~Anything but Down, by Sheryl Crow
"When dreaming, I'm guided through another world
Time and time again
At sunrise I fight to stay asleep
'Cause I don't want to leave the comfort of this place
'Cause there's a hunger, a longing to escape
From the life I live when I'm awake"
~Higher, by Creed
"Deep in my heart, I'm concealing things that I'm longing to say. Scared to confess how I'm feeling. Frightened you'll slip away." ~You Must Love Me, from Evita
"And the best thing you've ever done for me, was to help me take my life less seriously. Its only life after all." ~Closer to Fine, by The Indigo Girls
"And its me who is my enemy, me who beats me up, me who makes the monsters, me who strips my confidence, and its me who is too weak, and its me who is too shy, to ask for the thing I love." ~Paula Cole
"Be my singing lesson. Be my song.
When I tell you I'm falling you tell me I'm strong."
~Blue Sky, by Patty Griffin
"I can be cruel I don't know why."
~Cruel, by Tori Amos
"I think the institutions teach you what to think, not how to think, and I'm
a big believer in a person having a choice in how they express their belief."
~Tori Amos
"Give the kids tools, so they can go build their own houses; not the blueprint
of what the houses should be.
~Tori Amos
"What drives you on can drive you mad, a million lies to sell yourself is all you ever had." ~Stupid Girl, by Garbage
"When i grow up i'll be stable, when i grow up i'll turn the tables." ~When I grow up, by Garbage
"Liberate the Geek in yourself."
~Shirley Manson
"It's better to have regrets than to never have lived."
~Johnny Rzeznik
"I don't want the world to see me, cause I don't think that they'd understand"
~Iris, by the GooGoo Dolls
"Don't it make you sad to know
That life is more than who we are"
~Name, by the Goo Goo Dolls
"If you should die before me, ask if you could bring a friend."
~Still Remains, by Stone Temple Pilots
"Without music, life would be a mistake." ~Friedrich Nietzsche
"Music is a moral law. It gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind,
flight to the imagination, a charm to sadness, gaiety and life to
everything. It is the essence of order, and leads to all that is good, just
and beautiful, of which it is the invisible, but nevertheless, dazzling,
passionate, and eternal form."
"Music is a universal language. Where speech fails, then music
begins. It is the natural medium for the expression of our
emotions - the art that expresses in tones our feelings which are
too strong and deep to be expressed in words."
~Charles W. Landon
"Music is the glue of the world. It holds it all together." ~Empire Records