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Winter flying

Winter flying is a very nice way to spend the "off" season if you are like me and would rather fly than build. Winter flying offers the modeler with some extra challenges along with some more flexibility. For example, winter is COLD especially up in canada where it gets to -25 degrees celsius. Flights usually only last 10 minutes them it's off to the shelter to re-warm. On the other hand you don't have to worry about runways as a frozen lake or snow covered field will act as a huge runway. In the event of a crash the airplane will less likely be damaged as severe in the snow. To fly off of hard-pack or ice you will need either skis or floats. Both of these can be purchesed atTower Hobbies or directly from Du-Bro. But with money in mind it is more fun and economical to build some low cost very effective skiis. The link below will show you how to build these. Flying on soft snow requires lots of Up-elevator in order to taxi but you will get used to this fun, less rules, do your own thing way of flying!

How To Build Model Airplane Skis