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once again I have to say that there is still no update in the fiction... but this time I really will be getting to it. Chapter 14 should be up really soon, I've finished writing it and am halfway through 15. YAY!!

As for Frowning Smile... someone offer to write a chapter, please!! Something's happened with my angelfire email and I haven't been able to check it, so please don't email me there for a while. If you do want to write some of Frowning Smile, or have any other questions or comments, just write them in my guestbook. Thank you everyone who has emailed/signed the guestbook, you have no idea how much you are appreciated :) I will try and update the fiction ASAP.

Look I won an award! Pretty nifty, huh?

Oh yeah, I added an updates list for my fanfic (and the page in general). Join it if you want to know when I update!
*patient people only, gracias*
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