
I think this just may be the most expansive collection of Serial Joe interviews, articles and reviews, in one place, on the net!!!!! And more coming all the time!

Interviews with MuchMusic.

June 28, 1999 with Rachel
April, 1998 with Sook-Yin
The New Music


Edgefest Biography
Jam! Music Article
YTV Article: short little summary on Serial Joe
Aquarius Site Biography
Calgary Sun Article: discusses Woodstock with Ryan
Toronto Sun Article #1
Toronto Sun Article #2: interview, and funny comparison to the Moffats!
National Post: Style section: interview, acticle and pic discussing Ryan Dennis' spikes!
Montreal Gazette Arcticle

Other Interviews/Reviews

Edgefest Reviews: Cool reviews by for most tour dates.
Edgefest Interview: long interview from
Hour Magazine Interview: The guys are really funny and cool, more than just their normal interview info!
Chart Magagzine Interview: chat with dan and ryan