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Hebrew Phrases

Adat HaEl Khai ....... Community of the Living Elohim

Adat Hashem ........ Congregation of Hashem

Ad me'ah v'esrim shana! .....May you live to be 120!

Adon haShamayim v'Eretz ..... Master of Heaven and Earth

Adon Olam .......... Master of the universe

Ahavah ....... Love

Ahavah olam ......... Everlasting love

Ahavat HaEmet......... Love of The Truth

Ahavat khesed ......... Love of kindness

Akhi ........... My brother

Akhikhem ........... Your brother

Akhiv .......... His brother

Akhenu ............ Our brother

Akhoti ........... My sister

Akhotikhem ........... Your sister

Akhotenu .......... Our sister

Am kadshekha ......... People of your holiness

Ani khai .......... I live

Ani l'Dodi v'Dodi li ...... I am my Beloved's and my Beloved is mine

Ani ohev otakh.........(male response) I love you

Ani ohevet otkha ..... (female response) I love you

Ani v'ata neshane et ha-olam! ..... You and I will change the world!

Arbah Pinot Ha'Eretz......The Four Corners of The Earth

Attah b'khartanu ....... You have chosen us

Av HaRoeh b'Seter ...... Father Who Sees in Secret

Avi ..... My Father

Avikhem ..... Your Father

Avi Khol ......... Father of All

Avoteynu ....... Our fathers

Avraham avinu ........ Avraham our father

Avinu Malkeynu ..... Our Father, Our King

Av sh'baShamyim ......... Father in Heaven

Avinu shebashamayim ......... Our Father in heaven

Baal HaKerem ........... Owner of The Vineyard

Baal Bayit ............ Master of the House

B'ahava .............. With love

BaMidbar .............. In the Wilderness

Barey lev ............... Pure in Heart

Bari v'Shalem .............. Safe and Sound

Barukh HaBa B'Shem Adonai .... Blessed is the Name of Hashem

Barukh Shem kivod Malkhuto l'olam va'ed .......... Blessed be His glorious Name whose Kingdom is forever and ever

Barukh Hu v'barukh Shmo ......... Blessed be He and blessed be His Name

Barukh she-Amar ............ Blessed be He Who spoke

Barukh Shem Kivod l'olam va'ed .......Blessed be His Glorious Majesty forever and ever

Barukh Shemeh ....... Blessed be the Name

Bat Tziyon ....... Daughter of Zion

B'se-der ....... All right

Be'eyney Hashem ...... In the Eyes of Hashem

Be'ikvot ....... In the Footsteps

Ben HaNaggar ........ The Carpenter's Son

Beni HaAhuv ........ The Beloved Son

Bereyshit ....... In the Beginning

Berishonah ......... In the First Place

Bitakhon ......... Trust in Elohim

Boker tov ......... Good morning

Bo'u u'Re'u ........ Come and See

Brakhot v'tefillot ....... Blessings and prayers

Bria Khadasha ........ A New Being

Bri'at HaOlam ....... Creation of the World

B'vakasha ......... Please or Your welcome

B'zrat Elohim ....... With Elohim's help

Kharon af Hashem ........ Wrath/Anger of Hashem

Derekh Eretz .......... Way of the Land

Derekh Hashem ......... Way of Hashem

Dvar Elohim ............ Word of Elohim

Divrey HaNevu'ah ............ Words of Prophecy

Divray khibushim ............ Words of admonition

Drishat Shalom............ Kind Regards, Greetings

El Adon ............ El is Master

Ela mai .......... What then? or So what?

El emunah ........... El of faithfulness

Elohey .......... My Elohim

Eloheykha/Eloheykhem ......... Your Elohim

Eloheynu ............. Our Elohim

Elohim yerakhem .......... Elohim will have mercy

Emet v'yatziv ......... True and certain

Erev tov ........... Good evening

HaKodesh Barukh Hu ........... Holy One, Blessed be He

Hallelu et Adonai ............ O Praise YHVH

HaIvri .......... The Hebrew

Hashem yimlokh l'olam va'ed ..... Hashem will reign forever and ever

Ha-yanayim meod ....... Goodbye, I had a delightful time

Im yirtzeh Elohim ......... If it pleases Elohim

Ken Yes Khag Sameyakh!...... Happy Festival!

Khag Kasher v'sameyakh Pesakh!..... Happy & Kosher Festival of Pesakh!

Khalomot tovim ........ Sweet dreams

Khaver shelakh ...... (male) Your friend

Khavera shelakh ......... (female) Your friend

Khaiyey Olam ........ Eternal Life

Khele kodesh ........... Sacred objects

Laila tov ............ Good night

Lehitra'ot ........ See you later or again or soon

Lekhu neranenah ......... Come, let us sing

L'Khaiyim! ............ To Life!

L'shalom v'da'at ......... For peace and knowledge

L'tov u'L'khaiyim u'L'shalom ..... For good, and for life, and for shalom

Ma ata o'mer? ......... What are you saying?

Ma hainyanim? ......... What's in the news?

Mah tovu ohalekha .......... How goodly are your tents

Malkut HaShamayim ..... The Kingdom of Heaven or Elohim

Mah shlomkha? ........... (masculine) How are you?

Mah shlomekh? ......... (feminine) How are you?

Moshiah Olam ....... Savior of the World

Onesh olam ........... Eternal punishment

Oseh shamayim v'eretz ..... Maker of heaven and earth

Regah ........ One moment

Sarah emanu Sarah ......... our mother

Sha'alu shalom Yerushalayim ......... Pray for the peace of Jerusalem

Savlanut! ........ Patience!

Selikhah ......... Excuse me

Sha'arey Tziyon ......... Gates of Zion

Shabbat shalom v'shavua tov! ..... Have a good Shabbat and a great week!

Shalom b'Yeshua HaMashiakh ..... Peace in Yeshua the Messiah

Shalom uv'rakha b'Yeshua HaMashiakh..... Peace and blessing in Yeshua The Messiah

Shalom uv'rakha l'Yisra'el ..... Peace and blessing to Israel

Todah ......... Thank you

Todah Rabbah ............. Thank you very much

Todah v'shalom ........ Thank you and goodbye

Tzetekh l'shalom v'shuvekh l'shalom .... (male response) Go in peace and return in peace

Tzetkha l'shalom v'shuvkha l'shalom ...... (female response) Go in peace and return in peace

Uva l'Tziyon ....... A Redeemer shall come to Tziyon

V'yitten lekha ......... Elohim grant you

Ya'aleh v'yavo ....... May it ascend and arrive

Yatziv Patgam .......... True is the word

Yehi Rotzon ........... May it by thy Will

Yerushalayim Shelanu ..... Our Jerusalem

Yom ha'Atzma'ut ........ Independance Day

Yom HaShabbat ........ The day of Shabbat

Yom rishon l'Shabbat ..... First day towards the Shabbat

Yom Tov (applied to Festivals)....... A Good Day

Zekhut avot ............... Merit of the fathers

Zikney haAm ........ Elders of the people