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Deception: The Prosperity Message

The prosperity message is dominating the pulpits of todays church. If ever there was a "scratch worthy" doctrine for "itching" ears, this is it.

In the midst of the shouts and the hearty amens, you will hear the the ministers assurance that the church is the "seed of Abraham". Now, that is not to be confused with any responsiblity on the part of the believer to walk in obedience to God's Word as Abraham did. No! This "seed" is simply the heir of all blessings. Like a floating butterfly, lifting from one beautiful flower to the next, the man at the pulpit jumps from one scripture to another, regardless of context or historical background, painting a picture that convinces the listener, that they are the "head and not the tail", "the wealth of the wicked has been stored up for them", and "God is just waiting to release their abundance".

It's time to "rebuke the devourer", the minister screams. By now the audience has been driven into an emotional high. "Sow your seed into good ground" (that means give me your money) , "stop robbing God of your tithes" (ignore the Biblical teaching on the subject and give me your money) and "reap the financial harvest that God has planned for you" (which will not happen unless you give me your money).

Now, along with the teaching on planting the seed, the minister regularily hammers in the "correct your tongue" message. This basically comes down to, speak positively, get positive results, speak negatively, oops, there goes your blessing. This works for a variety of issues ... healing, marriage, disobedient children, unsaved spouse and of course your empty bank account. So if you want to be rich, act and talk rich. Never say, "we don't have enough" or "sorry, kids, can't afford that this week". No, no. Even if you are indeed broke, your tongue and attitude should say the opposite.

This "right speaking" is an important part of the prosperity message. Because when the believer fails to see their financial increase the reason will be ...

a. you didn't tithe or
b. you spoke away your deliverance
Clever angle huh? No matter what, your why it failed and the only answer is to keep giving your money.


I do not know why it is so difficult to see the danger of the prosperity doctrine. The issue is not money, the issue is the heart.

"Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where theives break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven ....
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light". Matt 6:19-22

The teaching here is simple. What you focus on is what your treasure is and what is your treasure is the keeper of your heart.

Ask any woman who has a husband that never spends any time with her. He's always at the office or maybe he's glued to the sports channel. Perhaps he's constantly in the garage with his car or at the pub with his buddies. Ask that woman if her husbands declaration of love for her matters very much. Her answer will be no. Talk with some kids who can never get a hold of their parents. The house is always empty and they are constantly on their own. Ask them if they think mom and dad really care.

The saying goes "your actions speak louder than your words". The church can talk about loving the Lord all they want, but when their actions say something else ... it doesn't take long to figure out where their focus is really at. The simple truth is, you can look at the church and see the worlds reflection.


"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world". 1 John 2"15

Listen to me very carefully. If the church seeks after the same things that the world seeks after, then the church is NOT in love with the Father.

"But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world,and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having FOOD and RAIMENT let us BE CONTENT". 1 Tim 6:6-7

When you listen for an hour, to a minister telling you that God wants you to live in abundance, reach greater levels of financial blessings, stop living below your right as a child of the kingdom.... then I say, that that is not being content with food and raiment. Furthermore, it is no differant than the guy on the infomercial convincing his audience that they can be millionaires. The "minister" and the "motivational speaker" are the same. They both appeal to the nature of greed in man and they both promise greener pasture for the same reason .... they want your money.

Oh , you doubt that? I watched a "christian" program recently geared toward raising funds. A minister, preaching on the tithe, told the people that if they gave their firstfruits (10 percent off the top of their income) they would then and only then, obtain other blessings. He said nothing of their walk. Never mentioned being obedient. According to his message, all they had to do was give their 10 percent and ... "poof"... every aspect of their lives would fall into place.

Towards the end of his sermon, this minister said that the church collectively in the previous year had taken in 92 billion dollars. Now , I have no idea if that sum is correct, but even if the actual amount received by the church last year was half of that, then I would like to know wha is being done with "God's" money. Why is it that so many congregations tell their members to seek help through local "secular" organizations? Their should not be one person in a church going without. Every need of the church community should be met by the church itself. Isn't that what happened in the book of Acts? Yes, but they were a much smaller group, the churchman whines. Excuse me, 3,000 were added the first day. That's more than most churches today.

Look at it this way, the prosperity teacher repeatedly tells the believer that if he will sow his seed into good ground, then God will bring about a harvest. Right? Well, then logic alone would tell us that if the church really believed that, then they would never turn anyone with a need away, because no matter how much they gave out, it would be but a fraction of what they would be taking back in. Every single mother, every man that had been laid off, every family that could not afford daycare or health insurance or a vehicle, all these would be an opportunity for abundance to the church. Unfortunately, I know the opposite is true. While preaching one thing, something very differant is practiced.

When a minister of the gospel , stands up befre his congregation and blurts out .."I've got my Rolls Royce, you get yours", and the people shout amen, then I tell you brethren, this is not the gospel of Messiah. We had better wake up.


In addressing those that had obtained like precious faith, Peter issued a warning concerning false teachers in the last days.

"And through covetousness shall they (false teachers) with feigned words MAKE MERCHANDISE of you:" 2 Peter 2:3

The buildings are getting bigger, the wardrobes more elaborate, the salaries ridiculous and all this while the love is growing colder. Brethren, they are making merchandise of you.


I often wondered , as I read the words of Yeshua spoken to the church at Laodicea, what actually caused their lukewarm condition. Of all the letters to the assemblies recorded in Revelation 2 and 3, it is this rebuke that carries the strongest warning.

"So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will SPUE thee out of my mouth". Rev 3:16

These words should cause every believer to read this passage with the greatest of care. What would warrant such a response from the Lord? The answer is in verse 17.

"BECAUSE thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:"

Let's see, a group of people, calling themselves believers, consumed with material gain, even to the point where it is seen as a spiritual achievement, yet in reality they are in the greatest of need. I wonder who this describes? The Lord tells this "group" to repent! Repent of what? Repent of their focus on wealth. It is this church that is depicted as having Yeshua on the other side of a closed door waiting to be invited in by those claiming to be His own.


Paul the apostle said that he had learned whatever state he was in, therewith to be content. Abased or abounding, it just didn't matter. Beaten, imprissoned, these were light afflictions. Doesn't sound like a man sowing in order to reap a "financial blessing" does it? In fact, as you study his letters, you get the impression that the things of this world had lost its luster for Paul. Perhaps this is why he walked in power while the church today does not.

Shortly, the day will dawn when the only way to "prosper" will be by receiving the mark of the Beast. The church will be here, despite all their fantasies of a pre-trib rapture. Will they realize at that point, that they have been deceived, repent of their ways and hunger for the Lord? Or will they refuse truth even then? Will some clever charismatic minister with a multi million dollar ministry, be able to convince them that it's not THE mark, because their all still here, and therefore it is safe to take? After all, the wealth of the wicked has been laid up for them so they can preach the gospel. God wants them blessed and they won't be here for the tribulation and the real mark.


Walking with the Lord, this is true wealth. Look deeper than the surface dear saint. Stop buying all the emotional hype. The scriptures are able to make you wise unto salvation. Get grounded in the Word, look past the flashy presentation and the feigned words that play to your lust. Many have pierced themselves through with sorrows because of money. Do not fall into that category. Love the Lord, stay close to Him, build your treasure where it will not be corrupted or stolen. Give your heart to Messiah.

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