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Tri-Sigma's History and Symbols

Sigma Sigma Sigma was founded on April 20, 1898 at Longwood College in Farmville, Virginia. Margaret Batten, Louise Davis, Martha Trent Featherston, Isabella Merrick, Sallie Michie, Elizabeth Watkins, Lucy Wright, and Lelia Scott had bonded together into a tight circle of friendship and first formed the S.S.S. Club. Then they announced the establishment of their own Greek-letter society to be known as Sigma Sigma Sigma.

Our National Headquarters, which is the Mable Lee Waltson House, is located in Woodstock, Virginia. It is a gracious, old southern home with 16 rooms, six with fireplaces and hand carved mantels. Adequate space exists for chapter house parties, officer workshops, and overnight guests. The house, which was aquired by Sigma Sigma Sigma in 1963, is named in honor of Mabel Lee Walton, National President for 34 years, as a tribute to her inspiration and leadership.