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Even The Heavens Cried

In Memory of Chase & Colton Smith on the first anniversary of the bombing...April 19, 1996.
Easter eggs and Easter baskets
Were only three days past,
Who could have imagined
That it would be their last?

April 19th...
A morning like countless others,
But this spring day would claim,
The lives of these young brothers.

With powdered sugar on their cherub lips
They declared their love for Mom that day
But very soon her tears of grief,
Would wash their sticky kisses away.

The skies that night poured down rain,
As even the heavens cried
For the loss of dreams and innocence
The day Chase and Colton died.

Their earthly voices have now been stilled,
By the evil blast of man
But in heaven with angelic hosts,
They laugh and sing as only children can.

A family left behind
With arms empty and cold
Yet today two precious little boys
Dance on streets paved with gold.

Chase and Colton
So lovable and sweet
Now in paradise
They play at Jesus' feet.

Their suffering has now ended
They now know perfect peace,
And the love and joy they brought to all
Will never, ever cease.

So, as our eyes are blurred with tears
With broken hearts that just won't mend
All our love and kisses
To you in heaven we now send.

Written with love by Skye Doggett, 1996.