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In Loving Memory of Chase and Colton Smith

Victims of the Oklahoma City Bombing

"As long as we can love each other and remember the feeling of love we had, we can die without ever really going away. All the love you created is still here. All the memories are still there. You live on in the hearts of everyone you have touched and nurtured while you were here."

Chase & Colton are not gone...they are only gone beyond what we can see..they live on forever in the hearts of all of us who love them. Their mother is a dearly loved friend of mine and this web site is a tribute to her two beautiful "angels". My hope is that it will honor their memory as well as bring comfort to all who have tasted the tears of loss.

Chase Dalton Smith

June 3, 1991-April 19, 1995

Colton Wade Smith

February 20, 1993-April 19, 1995

Happy Birthday in Heaven, Colton!

Click on the first poem button and from there each poem will have a button to go the next one so you don't need to keep coming back to the main.

Even The Heavens CriedEven The Heavens Cried

Anguish and EcstasyAnguish and Ecstasy

Thank YouThank You, Mom

The Old PondThe Old Pond

Things of Heaven, Things of Earth...Things of Heaven, Things of Earth..

PoohForever and Ever

HopeWith Hope

Cuppycake Song

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