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The Unforgetible Memory

     My dad said, "Come on, son it will be alright."
     As I walked up three flights of stairs, 
I said to myself,
"It can't be true-it must be someone else."
My mind went hazy as I walked closer to my father
 through the big double doors of the emergency room.
I saw many family members standing, crying and
 saying, "Why, why? "I looked at my dad as he sat
 down. I could see tears forming in his eyes as the
 doctor came out and said, "You can see him now."
 As we walked through the doors of the hospital
 and into the room where my cousin was staying, I
 heard a horrible sucking sound, and I saw a huge hose
 stuck in his mouth for him to breathe.
The smell of laytex gloves linger in the room.
 I begin to cry as I walked closer to his bed.
 I saw my twenty-one year old cousin wrapped in 
bandages from head to toe.
 He looked like a mummy, and I coulden't bear to see
 him like this.
 He had third degree burns all over his body from
 a trailer park fire. He lay lifeless.
 I wished only he could hear my words as I told
 him I loved him, and that he would be ok.
All I saw was his eyes move and fill up with
tears as mine already were.
He just looked at and staird at me for a moment
 and looked away as if to be to proud to die.
 And the doctor came in and said, "It's time to
My father and I started to leave when I looked 
back, and my cousins eyes were closed, and I never
saw him again because he died the next day.