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StoirmWorlds Celtic Magic

Celtic Magick

Celtic magick is the ancient practice of nature, the elements and the gods.
The Celtic and Druidic practices, most commonly thought to be from Ireland, came with the Celts as they inhabited most of western Europe, in about the 9th century BC., and was probably very Shamanistic. Thier civilization covered south France, Spain, Italy, lowland Germany, Switzerland, Ireland , and the British Isles.
They were skilled road builders, metalworkers, farmers, and animal trainers.
The Celtic Gods & Goddesses were equal, as were the men and women of this society.
In battle the women fought with and were as fierce as the men.
To the Celts magick was a part of evey day life. it was not set aside and only used for special occasions or only when you needed something.
The Druids were the Celtic Priesthood, and could be male or female (possibly called Dryads).
The Druidic teachings were Worship the Gods, Do no evil, Be stong and courageous.
They believed in reincarnation and transmigration (the transfer of the soul from human to plant or animal). For more on Druids see "Stoirmworlds Druid Grove".
What is Magick?
Magick is taking energy from another place of existance, whether it be- thought, words or practice, and bring that energy into focus on the physical happenings around us, for a desired outcome.

Celtic Magick, like most, use the elements, directions, & colors:

The Celtic calender was based on the lunar year, having 13 months. Begining November 1st.
This month is called Birch (gaelic- Beith), December is Rowan (Luis), January is Alder (Fearn), February is Willow (Saille). March is Ash (Nuin), April is Hawthorn (Huathe), May is Oak (Duir), June is Holly (Tinne), July is Hazel (Coll), August is Vine (Muin), September is Ivy (Gort), and October is Reed (Ngetal)...

Celtic Sabbats (holidays) are:
    Imbolg- February 2nd
    Beltaine- May 1st
    Lughnasadh- August 1st
    Samhain- October 31st (pronounced Sow-en)

Lesser Sabbats are:
    Ostara(Spring equinox)- March 22nd
    Midsummer- June 22nd
    Mabon(Autumn Equinox)- September 22nd
    Yule- December 22nd

Casting of a Celtic Circle

Celtic magick requires disipline, focus, and visualization. Without these Magick rarely works, or at least not the anticipated way.

Tools of Magick to help focus and refine your powers-(not essential, but can be useful)
Symbols of the Deity whose manifestations you wish to produce.

Basic Tools are:
    Altar, rock, or tree stump
    Cauldron or Chalice
    Wand, Staff, Athame, or Sword
    Censer, incensce burner and incensce
    Robes, Ritual Clothing (unless Skyclad, but it would be a good idea in case of unexpected company)(not your everyday go to work clothes)
    Stones, Gems, Minerals

(Note- The Celts probably did not do alot of ceremonial witchcraft, they most likely went out in to the forest to get what ever herbs and such, and had a bonfire instead of candles. But again, with todays constraints, a blazing fire probably would attract to much attention and be a fire hazard. So candles are most likley the safest.)

In magick a circle is cast to help consentrate power in this and other realms, and to seperated you from your everyday problems and disturbances. Usually it is an invisible barrier that keeps out negativity and contains power you raise until needed.

A traditional circle is 9 feet, traditional Druidic circle is 12 feet, but with todays constraints with room and privacy, size is not all that important.
As long as you have enough room and are comfortable. Visualization and focus is what gives the circle its power.

Make sure all ritual and spellcasting supplies are within the ritual area, it is not wise to cross or break your circle after it is cast until you are finished and the Elements dismissed.

When ready, using a consecrated wand, staff, sword, or athame (dagger) in your power hand (what ever hand you use most for writing and such), begin in the East aiming at the ground draw a circle deaseil (clockwise) by visualizing a silvery/blue flame until the ends of your circle overlap in the East. Candles and/or symbols to represent the Elements are set just in side the circle at the 4 directions- East, South, West, and North. Welcome each Element, as you place and/ or light each candle or obect (See Above for direction, Element, and color for candles).

In Celtic magick it is important to walk or dance within your circle in the direction according to what kind of magick you plan on performing, deaseil (clockwise) for creation or positive magick and widdershins (counter clockwise) for diminishing or negative magick. (PLEASE NOTE: Harm none, Do as you will)

(Rule of Three- What you send out comes back three fold)

I suggest to find or develop your own Call to Quarters (personalization helps when magick is considered, but not required), you may find a sample Call to Quarters in the book- "Celtic Magic" by D.J. Conway.

The Pentacle-
Ancient symbol, the five-pointed star, it represents the four Elements-Air, Water, Earth, Fire and the spirit. They have been found on early Babylonian relics, and was painted on Sir Gawaine's sheild. Christians,used it for centuries represent the Five Wounds of Christ. It is also known as Druids Foot, Wizards Foot, Witches Foot and the Goblins Cross. (the Pentacle or Pentagram was not really a Celtic Symbol, but It is included on these pages for a representation of the Elements)

the five elements

The Three Realms or Worlds of the Celts:

In Celtic Society there are three worlds, that power is derived from. We are connected to each, and each is connected to us.

Upperworld- Air:
The Upper World is the spiritual realm which contains the realm of the stars. It is the world where the lifes blueprints can be seen. Teachings about healing and identity are derived with the help of guides and the lessons of mutual responsibility are found.
The Upperworld is probably the least understood of three Celtic realms. Air is just as necessary for the survival of the Celtic people as any of other realms. The mysterious and the unseen, often shrouded in mists. The air is the domain of the sacred birds, and were seen as magical, as they were not constrained to one realm, but traveled freely between all three realms. The Air is where the Sun shines bright and gives us warmth, and the Moon sparkled as a precious gem, always changing, setting our day, and our harvest. bringing are darkness to give us balance to the light of day.

Middleworld- Earth:
The Middle World is that world in which we live and breathe. This world is shadowed by the Underworld, which constantly overlaps, so that we may move from one dimension to another.
The Celtic realm of Middleworld is the center to the domains of the three realms. It is the primal medium upon which the ancient Celts relied for their livelihoods. Without the land, the lives of the Celtic peoples would be undeniably changed. Within the land spirits of the ancestors, and those of the faery folk (which gives us the Underworld). In many cases the primary source of sustenance for the principally agrarian Celtic Tribes. These people also gathered (and eventually cultivated) many food plants. Human are natural land dwelling creatures, therefore the Middleworld provided the much needed dwelling space for the culture to grow and flourish. It is no suprise that the ancient Celts developed a deep reverence for the land, which is at the heart of all Earth Religions, including the Druids.

The Underworld- the sea and the depths of the Earth:

The Under World is the realm of ancestors and spirits - the root of our deepest thoughts and emotions, the depths of our psyche. It is the place where the light within the earth may be accessed to bring healing and growth. The underworld is where the Tuatha de Dannan went to live, and to later be reduced to "Faerie Tales" Not only does the Underworld envolve the Faerie hills and all below, it also pertaines to the Seas, Rivers, and Lakes. These bodies of water supply both physical food and drink, but they also provide a more mystical sustenance to the Celtic peoples. Bodies of water, in particular the great Western Seas, were the portals to the Celtic Underworlds. The Summerlands, the lands of the honored dead, were seen as "beyond the western seas". Wells, springs and rivers are seen as sacred places, under the influence of a tutelary divinity (usually a Goddess). Some of the most well-known examples of these sacred bodies of water would include the sacred wells of Glastonbury (the Chalice well or Red Spring, and the White Spring), the river Boyne in Ireland (sacred to the Goddess Boann) and the river Severn in western England (sacred to the Goddess Samrina). So ingrained is the sacredness of wells and other bodies of water, that to this day in the United Kingdom that decorating wells with flowers and other items remain a common folk custom. Such was the significance of these bodies of water as passageways to the realms of the divine, that the ancient Celts deposited votive offerings or ritual offerings, including swords and items of jewelry. The stories of Arthur's sword Excalibur being cast into the waters after Camlann (to return it to the Lady of the Lake) reflect this practice. The great 'Sword of Kings' represented the sovereignty of the monarch - a sovereignty bestowed upon the king by virtue of his relationship with the local patron Goddess - in this instance, the Lady of the Lake. This sovereignty reverted back to the control of the Goddess when the relationship between King and the Goddess was broken. Further on in the story, we see Arthur borne across the water to the Summerlands in the company of three 'queens' - the manifestation of the triple Goddess.

Animal Spirit Guides

Cow - Bó

In the tribal culture of early Ireland, cows were the measure of a person's wealth and prosperity. As such they were honoured as being closely associated with the Land, and being a source of milk, meat and leather. The Goddess Bóinn is most associated with the Cow. The river Boyne, which runs through the Boyne Valley, to Newgrange, is named after her.
Cow is patient, understanding and stubborn. It will give advice, and can ground you easily. A white cow was often considered to be a "fairy" cow, and Celts would guard them, suspecting the Sidhe would steal it away. On Beltaine (May 1st), cattle were driven between two bonfires to purify and envigorate them.

The Crow Family
Crow and Raven - Préachán agus Fiach Dubh

Ravens and crows were often seen as the same, makimg it difficult distinguish between them in the mythic stories.
The association between them is with the war-Goddesses, Macha, Badbh and the Morrígan - a triple Goddess. Since death and destruction followed the war-Goddesses, these birds have a similar reputation. They are often seen as omens of bad luck, and death.
Crows and Ravens are also known for their cunning and keen insight, and are highly intelligent. Since death was not feared by early Celtic society - it was seen as just a gateway to a new life - early associations with the Crow and Raven probably did not have as negative as they do today. They can been seen as gatekeepers for Tír na Nog. Bringing important messages to the living. You won't misunderstand what Crow or Raven have to say with you. When observed in this world, Crows and Ravens form close families/communities, usually called a murder
(another stereo-type name), instead of a flock. So, as an Animal Spirit Guides, they are steadfast, loyal and good in a fight.
Crows are associated particularly with the Morrígan. Since the Morrígan herself was often a prophet, the birds have an element of being Oracles and bringers of omens. The Morrígan was often seen in the guise of these birds, so there is a shapeshifting aspect to them also.

Magpie - Meaig

With their striking black and white plumage, and intense curiosity, Magpies are very visible birds. They have very outgoing personalities, are extremely intelligent, and are thieves of the highest order. Again, like Ravens and Crows they can be associated with omens, especially since how many you see at any time was supposed to predict how lucky you were. Seeing a lone magpie was always bad, "one for sorrow", and particularly if starting a journey.
So, this Animal Guide will be smart, knowledgable and will always know the safest (and least visible) route in/out of somewhere; even though it is probably a bit of a risk taker and its stream of joking comments could irritate at times.

Deer - Fia

For a hunting society, the Deer was a powerful symbol - it represents the Land, and the ultimate treasure. It was often seen as a magical creature, and transformations between people and Deer are common. Fionn's wife, Sava is turned into a fawn by a Druid, and their son, Oisín, is often considered half deer, half human. The Goddess associated with Deer was Flidais, who also rules over wild animals in general. Deer teaches us about beauty, honesty and innocence, and is the perfect Guide when all around us seems chaotic and illusionary. She can see through all to the centre of things, and is a true companion of the heart.

Dog - Madra

Irish people have traditionally depended upon dogs for companionship, protection, loyalty and hunting. Along with the Horse, Dogs are probably the animal which is most associated with humans, and there are many stories and legends about them. Cú Chulainn for example, was first known as Sétanta, but when he killed Chulainn's dog by mistake, he agreed to take its place, and thus became the Hound of Chulainn, or Cú Chulainn. The fact that Cú Chulainn was able to take the place of a hound, showed the importance of protection, loyalty and unswerving devotion - qualities highly regarded in humans and dogs. Dog as an Animal guide will never point you in the wrong direction, and will always be at your side. It has a strong association with Earth, and will keep you grounded and "realistic", and has unfailing instincts. Fionn Mac Cumhaill had two enormous hounds, called Bran and Sceolaing who were also his cousins (long story!). He loved them devotedly, but once in a fit of impatience he struck at Bran and it went and drowned itself from grief. From that time on Fionn would occassionally be haunted by the howling of his hound, and it left him heart-broken. Loyalty is as highly regarded by the dog, as it is by the human.

Cat - Cat

Cats, unlike the dog, devotion and loyalty are not normally considered among their traits. Intelligence, mystery and a sensitivity for Otherrealm or world activity are common aspects. Their independent behaviour has given them a bad reputation among some people. The Cat is often associated with women, and sensuality - the Goddess Brigid, had a Cat as a companion.
Cat is a fierce warrior when provoked, and will fight with both wile and ferocity. Also known for stealth and secrecy, they are familiar with the hidden paths and will never misdirect you.

Fox - Sionnach or Madra Rua

The trait most commonly associated with Fox in Ireland is cunning. There are many folktales about how Fox uses his wiles to raid a chicken coop, or better still, slink into the farmer's kitchen itself. When caught, a classic trick of Fox was to play dead, so that the fooled farmer would set off to inform everyone of his latest catch, while then Fox would jump up and get away before the farmers return. The reason the Fox could get into so many places is his ability to figure out traps and locks. An old story is that Foxes were brought to Ireland by the Vikings, who originally used them as their dogs. Foxes, as a power animal is an amiable, stealthy and clever companion. He is exceedingly good at finding his way into otherwise tricky locations, and he can sense traps or situations best avoided. Not one for a direct fight, he will do everything in his power to circumvent trouble, though if forced to he will defend fiercely. Brash and intelligent, he will keep you amused during your journeys with opinions on everything.

Horse - Capall

Horses were essential to Irish and Celtic society, and were seen as a sign of wealth and standing in a community. As a basic necessity, Horses were depended upon for transport and also to help with the tilling of the land. No other animal was a more important partner to humans. Strength, intelligence, patience and friendship are just the beginning of this Guide's attributes. Irish mythology is rife with stories about Horse, in particular the White enchanted horse of the Sidhe. Oisín travels to Tír na Nog with Niamh upon a white horse. When he returns in order to see his homeland, he is warned not to get off the horse, which is his protection, transport and link to Tir na Nog. Of course, mishap occurs and he falls off, whereupon the horse disappears instantly and the path back to the Land of the Young is forever closed to him. One of the main functions a Horse as Animal Spirit Guide can provide, is transport, it will carry you quickly in and out of any place, and will guard you constantly. Horse is also seen as being very sensitive to danger and "Otherworldly" occurences. Cú Chulainn's two horses demonstrate this most obviously, one of them sheds tears of blood on the way to Cú Chulainn's last battle. Always pay heed to Horses's warnings.

Salmon - Bradán

The Salmon is seen as the oldest of all creatures and as the holder of all wisdom in Irish tradition. The Salmon of Knowledge, a mythical creature, had eaten hazel nuts from the nine trees that grew along the Well of Wisdom. Anyone who would eat this salmon would gain all the Wisdom of the Ages. In the stories, it is Fionn who, accidentally, first partakes of the Salmon and thus takes the knowledge into himself. The Salmon, with its obvious associations with water, can navigate between the sea and the river and thus is knowlegeable about the gateways between Worlds and the hidden emotions within us. It is a sure Guide when emotions are turbulent, and brings calm and peace to upsetting situations with its sage advice.

Swan - Eala

One of the most beautiful birds in Ireland, the Swan has many associations. It is most famous for being the bird the Children of Lir were turned into when their Step Mother wanted to be rid of them. As such it is considered a "royal" bird, and is graceful and long-lived. Swans are very fierce when under threat, and their beautiful exterior often belies their strength and determination. They are viewed as destructive when they descend upon Emhain Macha and ravage the area as an omen of Cú Chulainn's conception,
There is a strong shape-shifting quality to them due to the many stories of humans turning into Swans and vice versa, so they are highly magical birds, with much information about mastering transformation and change. Romance is also tied into the Swan, for the "Love God"of the Tuatha De Danna, Óengus fell in love with Cáer, who was under a magical enchantment by her father so that she was in the form of a swan for a year, followed the next year by being in the form of a human. Óengus transforms himself into a Swan in order to be with his beloved. Midhir and Étain escape from her husband's fortress in the shape of swans in order to be together.

Other Symbolism of Celtic Traditions:

Blindness - often symbolizes a person with great inner sight, musical/poetic ability, prophecy
Cauldron - birth/death/rebirth, abundunce, healing, poetic insight
Caves - often a symbol of the Otherworld, or an entrance to the Otherworld
Chariot - swiftness, warrior
Cliff - magical borders
Clockwise, Sunwise, or Deosil - beginning, opening
Counter-clockwise or Widdershins - finalizing, binding, returning to source
Eggs - healing, creation
Fire - inspiration, creativity, membership in tribe, often seen as a catalyst
Fog - the mystical and/or spiritual, the Otherworld
Gold - wealth, royalty
Harp - authority, mainly seen as an Irish symbol
Lightning - swiftness, punishment
Mirror - magical insight, used as a tool for scrying
Nine - magic fullness, power
Shield - protection
Silver - authority, magical power
Sun - fertility, light
Sun-burst - Fianna
Swan - Tuatha De Danann
Sword - truth, warrior
Symmetry - stagnation, impotence
Three - binding
Thunder - power, strength
Torc - authority, freedom
Twilight - an in-between time, the Otherworld
Waterfall - an in-between place, the Otherworld
Well (spring) - health, inspiration, mystical power

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The Triple Goddess- The MORRIGU

the maiden, the mother, the crone-
Neman, Badb, and Macha-

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