Trick or treat, Smell my feet
Give me something good to eat !!!
The history of "Trick'O'Treating" can be traced back
to the early celebrations of All Soul's Day in
Britain. The poor would go begging and the housewives
would give them special treats called "soulcakes".
This was called "going a-souling", and the "soulers"
would promise to say a prayer for the dead.
Over time the custom changed and the town's children
became the beggars. As they went from house to house
they would be given apples, buns, and money.
During the Pioneer days of the American West, the
housewives would give the children candy to keep from
being tricked. The children would shout
"Trick or Treat!".
Take a look at all my Halloween Cyber Pets
that I adoped.
Pumpkin time is here again,
Time to play Trick or Treat.
Pumpkin time is here again,
Our spooky friends we'll meet.
See the costumes we have on,
Monsters, ghosts, goblins too.
See the costumes we have on,
Hear us all shout "Boo!"
Jack-o-lantern, Jack-o-lantern,
you are such a funny sight
As you sit there by the window,
looking out at the night
You were once a sturdy pumpkin
growing on a vine
Now you are a Jack-o-lantern,
see the light shine
The Holiday Hotel is having our first Halloween
Pumkin Pals.
You don't know what a Pumpkin Pal is!!!
Well, it's a secert on-line friend that you
get to shower with lots of Halloween treats.
I'm gonna make sure that my Pumpkin Pal gets
lots of treats, maybe I'll throw in a trick or two!!
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