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1773 Wallen's Creek Massacre.

In the year of 1773 Daniel Boone was preparing to go on another expedition into the frontier of Kentucky. The younger members of the party were assigned the task of caring and transporting the livestock needed for the expedition. On this occasion the boys all about the age of 17 were supposed to meet up with Boone's party on Wallen's Creek, but for one reason or another they were running late and darkness overtook them before reaching the main party. The boys then camped for the night along Wallen's Creek and sometime during the night a party of Indians attacked them killing and torturing them through most of the night. All in the party were killed except Isaac Crabtree and a negro slave who managed to hide in the bushes and listened to the rest being tortured. Isaac was wounded and it is not clear exactly how he managed to escape with his life. Isaac's older brother John was wounded and last seen running for the woods being chased by Indians. He was never seen again even after extensive searches. As it turned out the boys were only a short distance from the main party when they were found the next morning by one of the party sent to find them. Some months later Isaac recognized one of the Indians in the Watauga and killed him on the spot, the Indian he killed was Cherokee Billy a nephew of Chief Oconostata and since Billy had been an embarrassment to the chief in the past he was'nt too upset by the killing. Some political posturing went on after the killing that was meant to satisfy the chief, but Isaac never suffered any repercussions.

Programmed & Written by, Winfred C. Tipton
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