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A transcript of an 1850 letter by Mary Virginia Crabtree.


This letter was written by my g,g,grandmother Mary Virginia Crabtree in 1850
to a cousin who is at this time unknown.
This letter confirmed the date when my g,grandfather Elisha R. W. Cox came to Estill Co. Ky.

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April 25th 1850,, Lee County Va. Yokum Station.
Dear Cousin i now take this oportunity of droping you a few lines to let you know
we enjoy a reasonable stretch of health at present Thank, GOD, for his many blessings
confered on us, hoping this may find you and your friends in good health.
I received yours of the 14 March last which gave me great satisfaction to hear of
your health and well being & i feel to sympathize with you for the great loss
you have sustained i mean the death of your mother the best friend you ever had,
but we should be thankful we do not mourn on those that have no hope, for we know she
is free from the troubles of this world & is enjoying a rest that remains for the
people of God & your greatest interest should be to prepare to meet her in heaven where
parting of friends will be no more & i for one am trying to make my
way to Heaven & my advice to you and your brothers & sisters & all your friends
is first to seek the kingdom of heaven, & then all neccessary temporal blessings
will be added tho we have trials and tribulations to incounter in this life, it is said
in the holy writ my grace is sufficient for you, be not faithless but believe.
You talk of going to the------- and perhaps to California where gold is plenty, all
lawful persuits in life is just & honorable, but let not the love of temporal gold
get the ascendency over your mind so as to make you forget that city whose
streets are paved with pure gold, enough on this subject.
I saw several of your friends in the Turkey Cove yesterday it being election day.
They are all well your ----- uncle John Crabtree's in feeble health the past is as
usual, my son Elisha R. W. left here last January for Estill County Ky. i received
a letter from him saying he is well satisfied and does not expect to be home till
next fall Job C. S. Cox is married and living within a mile or so of me. My daughter
Nancy H. was marrried to John Sword on the 14th of February last and is living on
Wallens Creek about 12 miles from me i have but 2 daughters with me Polly Ann Friend,
and Lucinda Catherine, i have 5 little boys the eldest about 16. We have
had the wettist winter and spring so far that i ever saw and we can do but little
towards making a crop, but thank the lord there is enough of provisions in this section
of the country to sustain life if we make nothing the insuing season corn is worth 25 cts
& but -------, and other things in proportion, and if---------- the people
of that section are thinking about hunting a road to Egypt tell them to divert their
course to Yokum Station perhaps it is not as far as Jacobs sons went but the road
may be more mountainous, give our best ------ to your father uncle aunt cousins
brothers sisters and reserve the same to your self.
Write to me & direct your letter to Yokum Station.
Elisha Cox &
Mary V. Cox
