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A transcript of an 1863 letter by Mary Virginia Crabtree.


This letter was written by my g,g,grandmother Mary Virginia Crabtree in 1863
to two of her sons, William Reynolds Cox, and Mitchell Cecil Cox both
serving in the 64th Virginia Confederate Army.
Three other sons, Jobe C. S. Cox, Abram Jefferson Cox, Franklin B. Cox, and
Nathan Sword Cox. were also serving in the 64th Virginia.
Elisha R. W. Cox was serving in the 7th Kentucky Union Army.

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July 5, 1863
Dear Sons
Its with an acen harte a terful eye that i will try and write a few lines.
My helth is febel my mind is wandering after my children that are
scattered over this world in defence of out rights.
My dayly prayer is that God may preserve you all and bring you all safe
home once more. I wold have wrote more. I did not see of any chance until
a few minets ago. It is giting darke. I cant wright what i want to wright.
We have not heard from Frank Nathan Prier sence worr come. Your pap heard
of you today he is going to town tomorrow to git the maile and start the
letters. There is not much news but what you have heard George Crabtree
------? died this day was a week ago your pap and John is giting along
with the wheat Jobe came to help but is not abel to worke he looks worse
that ever i seen him the friends and nabers are jennerel well. William
i dreamed last night of seeing you and talking with you but when i awoke
you was not there. O Cis be a good boy. I desire to see you as we never
sepperated this long before. I do earnestly hope this will find you well
give my best respects to all the boys tell George C. Jefferson C. their
folks is doing fine. Sady is dun her wheat.
Luetenant W. R. and Cisel Cox.
From your effection mother Mary V. Cox.
do wright soone and often

It appears that when Elisha went to town the next day to mail this
letter, he received one from them and wrote the following note and
added it to the letter.

July 6th in town, I received a letter from you this morning bearing
date 27th June last concerning your trunk.
It is now at J. G. Sprinkles locked there.
Say where is the key I received a letter from Frank dated June 3rd
they was then starting to Maryland as he thought.
I can finish my wheat in a day my rye is ready to cut and good at that
oats is fine. I am in a hurry i have to be at the station by 4 oclock.
So i will quit.
E. Cox Write every d.
