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Eileen's Kissing Wall

Can you pick out the slang terms?
I'm currently in the UK and it's great craic. My brother Wayne and I have been to Ireland and Scotland already...visiting family, that kind of lark. It's strange as the amount of good looking women have slowly increased as we moved from Ireland to Scotland to England. At first they were minging, but now they are quite gorgeous. Although I have to say that I've met quite a few of wankers. As the amount of attractive women have increased the amount of respect for women at discos has decreased. Men think it more suitable to just grind up to you on the dance floor but I never found this in Ireland. This attitude is not as prominent as Toronto though, no one can beat those horndogs! (no offense to my male buddies)...but it's true and you know it. Anyhoo, best be off to do more shopping and touring. We're off to London city tomorrow, looking forward to that! Cheers and Slainte!

Alison - Your bday party was great, but I think I made an ass of myself
Steph - Hope things are going well for you. See you on the 31st?
Hazel - Great craic in Dublin's fair city. More to come in a few days!
Renee - I MISS U SO! I was so happy to chat with you the other day. I'm coming home to you soon love.
Curtis - You're such a metro! But everyone is these days!
Cam - Finally I'm going to London to see what is so great about it.
Noah - Hope u found a new job. Miss u.
Jason - I really hope we are in the same school next year. I guess I should check.

Down With Love

You sons of Adam, you daughters of Eve
The time has come to take your love-torn hearts off your sleeve
Look, look about you, what, what do you see?
Love sick, love lorne, love recked, love worn, boo humanity

There'll be no peace on earth until this curse
Is wiped off from this love-mad universe
Are we mice or are we men?
Can't you see the light?
Come you fellow victims, let's unite

Down with love
The flowers and rice and shoes
Down with love
The root of all midnight blues
Down with things that give you that well-known pain
Take that moon and wrap it in cellophane

One of the funniest videos ever made by my bro Ryan: Click Here