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We Were Happy Once
We Were Happy Once
Weren't we all happy once? Weren't we all in love once, or twice? Funny how those things disappear....or, do they ever fully disappear? Will you always love the people you felt so happy with at one moment in time? Is it fair to say that you still love an ex when you are in a new relationship? Is it ok to be friends with an ex? Can it ever really be defined as love? Were you too young and inexperienced to know what love really was? Can you find true love on the first shot? I think I've been watching too much Sex and the City. Now I'm not saying that I loved all the people in these photos but I cannot help but think how happy I did look at one time. And perhaps how the happiness with that person will never be achieved again. "A picture speaks a thousand words" but what it doesn't speak is the problems behind the photo. A photo captures a moment in time - in this case, a happy moment - but these photos cannot speak the hopes, dreams, insecurities, problems, doubts, and sadness behind these relationships. Sure makes you wonder how wonderful photos really are. They do remind me of the happy times...but I can't help but think of the outcomes and problems that were occuring then or occured later on. Just pondering...
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Chris and Eileen
Chris and Eileen 
We Were Happy Once - lasted 2 years, but it wasn't always happy times... it did end.