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The Truth

You want to know the truth about some stuff? Well I don't care if you want to know or not because I am going to tell you anyway.

First of all, I'd like to start out by saying that in no way to I condone this act, I just find it bizarre that a person can get around the law this way. Vehicular Homicide is just what it is.

Vehicle: noun, Pronunciation: 'vE-&-k&l also 'vE-"hi-k&l: an agent of transmission

Homicide: noun, Pronunciation: 'hä-m&-"sId: a killing of one human by another, murder.

The whole thing of Vehicular Homicide is that if you actually hit someone with your car and kill them all you get is 8 POINTS ON YOUR LISCENSE!So for killing someone you lose your liscense, only to be able to go and re-take some test and get it right back. Like I said, I don't condone this act... but hey, if you're gonna kill someone...

Oh... this topic is quite funny. Farmers claim that they actually find dozens of cows slashed up, mutilated, and completely drained of blood, and no evidence whatsoever of anything or anyone harming them. You know, maybe it's just me... but I think the farmers are the ones who are killing these animals. It's always the farmers who are already having a bad season, it's the farmers who are already a little out of it. Maybe Besse wasn't giving it her all so Uncle Tom decides it's his duty to put her out of her "misery". And about the whole blood gone, no evidence thing, it's simple. If you have EVER and I mean EVER been to an actual farm you should know that all farmers have a place where they hang their self-slaughtered meat up to drain. Hmm... that sounds like a coincidence.

So you go to sleep Christmas Eve, laying in your bed, waiting for Santa Claus to come leave you presents underneath your Christmas tree and to leave candy in your stocking. Well, that's what you think, now isn't it. The truth is that Santa is just some raging alcoholic dressed up to come into your house to rob you of your belongings and leave crap in a sock you have hanging off your fireplace mantel. Why else do you have to be sound asleep? Why else aren't you allowed to even catch a glimpse of the man? If he's not taking a few presents of his own, then how else does he afford to buy EVERY CHILD IN THE WORLD a toy? Also.. if you re-arrange the letters of Santa.. you know S-A-N-T-A you get to spell a magical word: SATAN. That's right children... that magical little rolly-polly man we've come to know and love is actually an evil, evil man. Choose what kind of Christmas you want to have.....a Christmas with family and friends? or a Christmas with a child molester/stalker.. I mean who else knows if you've been naughty or nice?

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