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[Suzi's vampire]

~ Vampiress Vanessa ~
Vampiress Vanessa is a vampiress.  She was adopted by Suzi on Nov 20, 1999 from Nightlyre's Adopt-A-Haunt program.

Adopt a haunt today!

Greetings My Dark Children: Welcome To My Humble Domain Be Careful Not To Arouse The Beast Within Yourself--I assure you it tastes good. I want to be a vampire, too, I want to hunt for blood with you, Wander together through the night, And share all blood 'till morning light. At daytime I'll lay in your arms And sleep all day, so nice and warm. It will be great, just you and me, Vampires together, wait and see. Never be lonely, never blue, Because, my vampire, I love you. Yady

Sexy People and Hot Spots!

LoL so I'm finally getting my pages worked one check out my friends!! LoL updated ummm what the hell is today anyway??? Lmfao
Useless But Amusing Links-Updated 4-13-2000
Pics of me uggghhh LoL =))
View Old GuestBook
My F~Key Saver--Tools for webtv and uhhh stuff!!
My Midi Link Page
Angelfire Free Homepages
My LoL F-Keys Page (some adult humor) hehe
My Graphics Quick Keys Page--Some awesome graphic sites here!!
Hot Webrings--LoL even tho I only belong to one so far but it's a cool one Dark Seduction Webring--ya ya ya i know drakk if i can keep my ass outta chat i would have it done by now hehe sorry draccky whacky puddin poppers hehe
All Things Blonde--LoL my new page lotsa blonde humor hehe
Oklahoma, Missouri and Texas Links--Still working on this ppl!!!
NeW PiC-Halloween '02-Mom and Daughter ..
Copious -- Oklahoma Band :)
