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               Hi! I'm Silver V and this is my first attempt at a fan-fic. Don't be too mean. My email is 
             'Love is a Complicated Thing' is about Mina and her friends ( I think you know who those people are!!) going on a trip to Hawaii,(Serena and Darien are married) and encountering something that they didn’t expect. Mina meets someone and is confused. (I’ll let you figure that out!!) This story takes place after the scouts meet the other scouts and everything happens blah,blah,blah. The outer scouts went there own way and the inner are taking this vacation to celebrate the peace in there lives. Little did they now what they are stepping into............
               Okay I know you’re getting bored so I better start!


              Love Is A Complicated Thing
              By Silver

              “AAAAhhhhhh!” screamed 18 year old  Mina, “I can’t find my bikini! Waaaahhhhhhhh!”
              “Mina!” Mrs. Aino called up the stairs, “Calm down! You left it on the banister!”
              “Thanks mom!” Mina replied as she ran to get her bikini. 
                “Darien! Do you know where my toothbrush is?” Serena Chiba yelled to her husband.
               “It’s on the bed, honey!”
               “Oh. Thanks. Jeez, now where did I put all my underwear?”
               “You already packed it...........MEATBALL HEAD!” Serena picked up a pillow. 
               “Darien!” She warned menacingly.
               “Okay, okay. I won’t ever call you meatball head again.”
               “That’s what you said last time!” Darien came out of the bathroom and hugged his wife. 
               “Just keep packing.”
            Bring, bring, bring! “That stupid phone!” Amy Mizuno said to her boy-friend, Greg Churyk who was helping her pack, since he was already done his.
            “I wonder who it is this time.” commented Greg.
            “Shut-up you stupid phone!” Amy screamed to the phone.
            “Amy you had better get it.”
            “I know.” Amy said with a sigh.  Amy went and got the phone. “Hello!” She said with a sharp edge to her voice.
             “Woah! Ames, whats wrong?” A familiar sounding voice came over the phone.
             “Sorry Lita. I’ve just been having a rough day, with a zillion phone calls and all!”
             “Sounds bad.” A different voice said.
             “Yep, the one and only. I’m at Lita’s place helping her pack.”
             “You finished?” Amy said with a gasp.
             “Not really, I helped her pack, now she’s helping me pack!” Lita said with a giggle.
             “Has anyone heard from Serena or Mina?” Rae cut in.
             “Nope” Amy answered, “But I really should go and pack.”  
             “Ya, us to.”
             “Bye, see you at the airport tomorrow!”
             “Yep, bye.” 
             “See ya!” 
            Mina had finally finished packing, and was now sitting at the kitchen table stirring a coffee.  She drifted off to sleep with the thought ‘Maybe I’ll meet a cute guy and we’ll fall in love!’
             Okay, that’s the end of my prologue. Whadya think? Pretty boring huh? Prologue’s aren’t supposed to be exciting! But don’t worry excitement will come soon enough! Chapter 1 will be way better. I don’t know some of there last names so I made them up. Chapter 1 should be coming soon. Bye!! E-mail me!!!