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(January 1st, 1967 – December 1st, 1971)



On January 1st, 1967-the Abu Dhabi government took over the postal service. All seven British postal administration cancels continued in use during independent postal administration. New types of cancels were introduced during the independent postal administration on April 1st, 1968 and some other types introduced during the period 1969 to 1971.  On November 1st, 1967, the first post office was opened in Al Ain. Four kinds of cancels were used, the small circle cancel (Type 11), Al Ain oval registered cancel (Type 12), Al Ain Parcel cancel (Type 13) and Al Ain circle cancel (Type 14).



Type 7   (Abu Dhabi 5)


Type 7


The Palace Cancel


The important and unusual cancel, which used during the independent postal administration, was the Palace cancel. The cancel that portrays the Old Abu Dhabi Palace (Type 7) was placed on April 1st, 1968. It was only in use for a few months before it was damaged while being used as a hammer. Meanwhile, Palace cancel was used in aerogrammes in red and black. The same cancel used as First Day Cover cancel on the second anniversary issue of Shaikh Zaid’s accession on August 6th, 1968. The last known use of this cancel is November 25th, 1968.


Type 8   (Abu Dhabi 6)


Type 8


The Paid Cancel


Abu Dhabi Paid cancel (Type 8), is the second Paid cancel that used in Abu Dhabi. The cancel which inscribed “ABU DHABI / PAID” in English and “ABU DHABI” in Arabic was introduced on April 1st, 1968. This type was known used during the UAE postal administration, and last known date is February 1984.






Type 9   (Abu Dhabi 7)


Type 9


Abu Dhabi Oval Cancel


On April 1st, 1968, the first oval registered cancel (Type 9) was introduced. The cancel which inscribed
ABU DHABI RECOMMANDE” in English and “ABU DHABI” in Arabic was used only during the independent postal administration. The last known date is July 11th, 1970.



Type 10   (Abu Dhabi 8)


Type 10


Abu Dhabi Oval Numbered Cancel


Another oval registered cancel (Type 10) inscribed “ABU DHABI RECOMMANDE” in English and “ABU DHABI” in Arabic and numbered “2”, “3”, “4”, and “5” was introduced during the year 1970. The oval registered cancel numbered “2” and “3” are common used during the independent postal administration whereas, number “4” is common used during the UAE postal administration





Type 11   (Al Ain 1)


Type 11


Al Ain Small Circle Cancel


The small circle cancel (Type 11) which inscribed “AL-AIN ABU DHABI” in English and "AL AIN" in Arabic was introduced on November 1st, 1967. It was used only during the independent administration. The last known date for this type is August 26th, 1971.


Type 12   (Al Ain 2)


Type 12


Al Ain Oval Registered Cancel


The oval registered cancel (Type 12) known used during the year 1969. The cancel inscribed
AL-AIN ABU DHABI / RECOMMANDE” in English only. The oval registered cancel was known used during the UAE postal administration and the last known date is August 10th, 1975.





Type 13   (Al Ain 3)


Type 13


Al Ain Parcel Cancel


Al Ain parcel cancel (Type 13) is the only parcel cancel that used in Al Ain during the independent postal administration. The cancel inscribed “AL AIN / ABU DHABI TRUCIAL STATES” in English only.


Type 14   (Al Ain 4)


Type 14


Al Ain Circle Cancel


Al Ain circle cancel (Type 14) is the last type of Al Ain cancels which was introduced during the year 1969. The cancel inscribed “AL-AIN ABU DHABI / TRUCIAL STATES” in English only. It is common to see this type used in first day covers. The earliest known date is August 23th, 1969, while the latest is December 8th, 1971.





Type 15   (Abu Dhabi 9)


Type 15


Abu Dhabi Remittance Cancel


The Abu Dhabi remittance cancel (Type 15) came into use to handle the remittances through mail. The Abu Dhabi remittance cancel inscribed “ABU DHABI REMITTANCE BRANCH” in English only. The earliest known date for this cancel is December 17th, 1968, and the latest is February 14th, 1976, during the UAE administration.


Type 16   (Abu Dhabi 10)


Type 16


Abu Dhabi Registered Circle Cancel


The Abu Dhabi registered circle cancel (Type 16) which inscribed “ABU DHABI / RECOMMANDE" was introduced during the year 1970. The cancel is the first

registered circle cancel that used during the independent postal administration.






Type 17   (Das Island 3)


Type 17


Das Island Circle Cancel


Das Island circle cancel (Type 17) is the last type used during the independent postal administration. The cancel inscribed
DAS ISLAND / ABU DHABI” in English only and was introduced during the year 1971.


Type 18   (Abu Dhabi 11)


Type 18


Abu Dhabi Circle Cancel


Abu Dhabi circle cancel (Type 18) came into use during the independent postal administration in year 1970. The cancel inscribed “ABU DHABI / BUREAU D’E'CHANGE” in English only. The earliest known date is March 15th, 1971, and the latest is November 4th, 1976.





Type 19   (Abu Dhabi 12)


Type 19


Abu Dhabi Machine Cancel


Abu Dhabi machine cancel (Type 19) which inscribed “ABU DHABI” in Arabic and English, is the only machine cancel that used during the independent postal administration. The cancel also used during the UAE postal administration and the earliest known use is October 1st, 1970 while the latest is September 18th, 1973.



Type 20   (Abu Dhabi 13)


Type 20


The Large Double Circle Cancel


During the year 1969, another new registered cancel (Type 20) came into use. The large registered double circle cancel which inscribed “REGISTERED / SECTION - B / ABU DHABI” in English only is the second and last type of the circle registered cancels that used during the independent postal administration. The cancel also known used in different colors and different sections “A”, “B”, “C”, "D", "E", "F", and "G".








Type 21


Abu Dhabi Double Circle Cancel


The cancel inscribed "ABU DHABI" in Arabic and English. It was common to see this cancel used during the Christmas
(13 to 24 December 1969) on the 15f (of the 1967 definitive issue) surcharged "25" in Arabic.

Is this a forgery cancel!?


All examples I have seen are either used in a First Day Cover or philatelic covers and aerogrammes. I have never seen any commercial use with this type!


Earlilest and Latest Cancels During the Independent Postal Administration








The Palace Cancel

1 April 1968

1 April 1968

25 November 1968


The Paid Cancel

1 April 1968


February 1984.


Abu Dhabi Oval Cancel

1 April 1968

17 April 1968

11 July 1970


Abu Dhabi Oval Numbered Cancel

1 April 1968

23 June 1970 "3"

15 March 1977 "5"


Al Ain Small Circle Cancel

1 November 1967

3 April 1968

20 April 1972


Al Ain Oval Registered Cancel

1 November 1967

22 December 1969

10 August 1975


Al Ain Parcel Cancel

1 November 1967

6 December 1968



Al Ain Circle Cancel


15 July 1969*

8 December 1971


Abu Dhabi Remittance Cancel


17 December 1968

14 February 1976


Abu Dhabi Registered Circle Cancel


10 August 1970

19 December 1972


Das Island Circle Cancel



8 December 1971


Abu Dhabi Circle Cancel


4 October 1970

4 November 1976.


Abu Dhabi Machine Cancel


17 December 1968

18 September 1973


The Large Double Circle Cancel


19 November 1969

20 May 1976


Abu Dhabi Double Circle Cancel


6 August 1969

24 December 1969


*Reported by Mr. T. E. Jones.


More information about Abu Dhabi Postal History during the Independent Postal Administration can be found in the following links:-



More information about Abu Dhabi Postal History can be found in the following links:-



Back to Abu Dhabi Postal History page.


Back to EPM page.


If you still need more information about Abu Dhabi Independent Cancels, please email.