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When you seek inspiration
it cannot be coerced by force
It must be allowed to flow unto you
from its Divine source.
Be it a simple prayer or
a kindly act
With this inspiration you
will attract.
What you do with it will determine
how far it will go
To find a hurting heart
from within it can grow.
Inspiration is nutriment for
a hurting and hungry soul
It has but to help, restore, or
sanctify as its internal goal.
So when inspiration comes to you
Please remember it's a Gift
Sent to you to give away to
someone's heart and soul to uplift.

luv2u God's and mine


When this world presents you with unruly stress
There is a place you can seek out
and find true rest.
It is in the 23RD Psalm that provides
shelter from the storm
It is designed to bring about
and maintain inner calm.
For in its words it provides a prayer of Hope
It teaches how with this world we are to cope.
Make God your leader and follow Him all the way
He will direct and guide you back
to the path that you did stray.
He will provide nourishment
and shelter as you proceed
His only request is that
in His Word you take heed.
And when the journey’s end is in sight
You will be drawn into Christ’s Light.
From here you will for the first time see
The house He has prepared for you
to spend Eternity.

luv2u God's and mine


When it is God's Love
you allow into your heart
He will show you how a bright
new world will start.
He will take your hurt
your sin your pain
And it is there with Him
it will remain.
His Love is something we are to learn anew
He will direct us on exactly what to do.
His Life giving Blood
will wash you clean
Trust in Him you will see
what I mean.
He will take you from this forsaken earth
And return you to your Heavenly Birth.
He will give you new eyes
so you will see
His Love will be with you
throughout eternity.
He will give you new ears
so you will hear
His Loving words that will draw
and hold you near.
He will give you new words
so you can say
I praise Your Holy Name Father
each and every day.
He will give you a new Heart
from which you will Love
All the Blessings He sends
you from above.
And All this Love was allowed to start
By just letting God's Love
into your Heart.

luv2u God's and mine


Love must perdure if friendship cannot
For Love is something never forgot.
Love will stay till
the hurting is past
It will endure every
insurmountable task.
Friendship is not the tool
designed to do what Love must do
For there is only so much strength
in what friends can give you.
Friends may grow quiet
and leave you cold
But Love is always alive
in your very soul.
To return the lost is a might endeavor
One that will go on forever and ever.
Though friendship is a mighty
thing to behold
It is Love that will return you
to the fold.
Safe from all the evil that harms
Back into your Savior's waiting arms.
There is one thing Love
can not do
And that is to stop caring
for you.

luv2u God's and mine


When Love is besieged by doubt
and fear
You must remember Christ is
always near.
For when two or more are gathered,
His presence we'll see
To direct us and guide us
to what must be.
For there is no turmoil He can not quell
He even descended to the demons of hell.
So with Faith in our Lord
to direct our way
May this be something
you learn to say:
I trust in You Lord Jesus to quiet the storm
To return me to where the water's are calm.
I petition You now
to steer me clear
So I will know where I'll be
in the coming year.
If all else fails me I'll have
this guarantee
That You will always remain
near to me...

luv2u God's and mine