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Christ's life was set about
doing Our Father's will
His 'Word' is what Christ
came here to fulfill.
His agony in the Garden
was but a planted seed
One that will blossom in our hearts
if in His Word we take heed.
He suffered and died a death that
was meant for you and me
He did this all willingly to insure that
one day God's face we would see.
A Loving Father has sent His only begotten Son
To teach us our work that is here to be done.
Christ is the example we should set
as we go our way
Learn as He taught,
"The Our Father to Pray".
So when we as Christ learn to do
Our Father's will
All of His promises He will
lovingly fulfill.
Christ's Love is our shining example to see
The extent of the Love Our Father has for you
and me...

luv2u God's and mine


God will Love no one more than you
This is a seed you can plant in your heart
as being true.
Once this thought is embedded into your mind
His Love in your heart you will find.
For it is in your heart where this seed will grow
When it is God you come to know.
God is Love and Love is All there is
He created everyone of us to be called His.
And God will call to you,
yes He will call to everyone
To give you the opportunity to be united
to His Son.
Christ is the Way to God you must go
If you want His Love in your heart to grow.
This Love is of the everlasting kind
It will connect you back to the True Vine.
For we are the branches of that Almighty Tree
The One that was planted at Calvary.

luv2u God's and mine


To have a religious experience one must become wise
And seek God with their heart and not their eyes.
The heart can see things not brought into view
Things that are of God that are directed
just for you.
To become wise we must seek out our Dear Lord
And realize He is the fulfillment
of our life’s reward.
When we humbly seek God He will always be found
For deep in our heart is where He abounds.
With wisdom as our guide she will show us the way
To find Our Dear Lord
each and every time we do Pray.
When knowledge is gained of the Spiritual kind
We begin the process of humbling our mind.
When we realize God as our Heavenly King
Much more of His Love this will bring.
Then we will understand and know
why we were created
And that is for our hearts,
and soul
with Him to be mated.

luv2u God's and mine


Sin creates a damn in Love’s ebb and flow
It blocks us from knowing what God wants us to know.
It stands boldly before Our Dear Lord
Robbing us of His ever Loving reward.
Sin will prevent us from coming to His Light
Sin will never allow us to do what is Right.
Sin is a weapon the devil does know how to use
For we are God’s children that he wishes to abuse.
But God has given us armament to foil his attack
He sent His One and only Son to bring His children back.
Christ only ask that we turn to Him
and release our sin
Then His promise to us of a new life can begin.
Christ came here to remove All obstacles
that dam us to hell
He is the Good News we are to proclaim
and to tell...

luv2u God's and mine


God not only created everything
that your eyes can see
He also created each and everything
that could possibly be.
For you see God has created ALL
Both incredibly large and both incredibly small.
God is Love and Love is a Creator of the heart
It is with Love God created everything
as a work of Art.
To see the Beauty of which God created you to be
It is Him, your Creator,
you must reflect upon and see.
With just a glimpse of seeing what God can do
Will bring to your eyes a completely new view.
You will see this Beauty throughout this whole land
And then come to see His crowning jewel as ‘Man’.
Yes, we are the most Beautiful
physical creation God has made
We too, could see this if only Adam had obeyed.
God’s Beauty does stem from His Heart
That is why He sent Christ to give us a new start.
Christ’s sacrifice returns our Beauty to see
Trust in Him as that is how it must be.
To be born again into the Beauty God created you
You must always keep Christ in front to view...

luv2u God's and mine