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I am the Good Shepherd come follow Me
And I will give you Love throughout Eternity.
Come with Me and learn of how your heart will sing
As I lead you back to Life's Eternal spring.
From there you will emerge refreshed and anew
To live the life I have prepared for you.
Forgiveness is at the very Heart of my Love
For it will connect you back
to Our Father up above.
God sent Me here to return the lost
To bring them back to the foot of the cross.
This is the place where Eternity will start
When you find My Love in your heart.
My sacrifice ensures you safe passage Home
No more of this God forsaken Earth to roam.
I am preparing a Place where you and I can stay
I'll be there each and every time you do pray.
Your Love and Prayers do hold the Key
To open the Door to your Mansion in Eternity.

luv2u God's and mine


Christ came here to open a path to God up above
His purpose was to unite us back into His Love.
The path is laden with Love and pains
It is to be followed until only Love remains.
The path is not easy, only worth the trip
Caution is required as it is so easy to slip.
We will fall many times along the way
Until we learn it is Christ’s rules we must obey.
Christ teaching’s will become our stepping stone
Following in His foot steps
we will learn to atone.
Pride will slow you down
and impede your progress
As too an unforgiving heart
will cause you to regress.
But humility and forgiveness
will allow you to reach higher ground
They will make sure your footing is sound.
Christ has showed us the way back Home
So follow Him close and do not roam.
When we come to see The Cross
along the path we do trod
Rest assured this is The Way
that will lead you back to God.

luv2u God's and mine


Ever question why God does Love you so
Is this anything you ever want to know?
To find this out you must call His Name
And from all that distracts you must reframe.
In the quietness and still of your mind
This is where the answer you will find.
Listen to the soft and gentle reply
As Our Father speaks to you from on high.
He will say, “My child I Love you so
Come to Me and this you will know.
I created you to share in the Love I give
So that you and I can have but One life to live.
I reside now in the center of your heart
Look for Me there and Our life can start.
We are to share this life together with others
Treat ever living soul as a sister or brother.
Just look for Me for I am looking for you
So We can share One life as Two...”

luv2u God's and mine


Faith provides the Light to make it known
All the Love Our Father has shown.
Faith goes forth beyond what the eyes can see
To the Promises Christ made to you and me.
Faith is available only through Our Dear Lord
With faith His merciful Love and understanding
becomes our reward.
Faith is a gift from God up above
An example of His never ending Love.
Faith is a provider to give you what you need
To be able for Our Father’s Word to heed.
Faith is a tool we must gain
If only Love is to remain.
Faith is a Power to do what is right
To return God’s Love to our sight.
Faith is a Force much more powerful than sin
It gives us the means for a new life to begin.
Faith is made available to us
Through a Loving God we can trust.
Faith is an ever increasing thing
One that has the way for Love to bring.
Faith is all this and more
It is obtained when we approach
and go through Christ’s door...

luv2u God's and mine


Thank You God for giving Jesus to us
We need to learn to live in His Love and trust.
Thank You Lord Jesus for coming
to correct our flaws
You knew we would need to live by Your set of Laws.
The commandments You gave us were for our own good
To direct and guide us to live life as we should.
If God had left us here all alone on our own
We would have no knowledge of how we are to atone.
Christ You have given us everything, Your all
So we can have redemption from man’s Original fall.
Your death means life for us
It will return us to Our Father’s trust.
Your resurrection from an earthen grave
Is our guarantee that Your children You shall save.
You have created a Door for us to walk through
So we can experience a Love that is forever True.
My Lord Your sacrifice was not in vain
For now in my heart You will always remain.
And for all the things that You did do
I can only humbly say, “THANK YOU” .

luv2u God's and mine