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Faith goes beyond what the eyes do see
To the promises Christ made to you and me.
For those who Love Him salvation is found
In our hearts His love and mercy will abound.
He freely gave up His life to save you and me
From the sins of this world He will set us free.
To except this offer to believe in His Word
Faith must be applied to what is heard.
Christ has told how much Our Father Loves us
We must believe and enter into this trust.
When we trust in Christ
with our whole heart and soul
We will come to believe ever Word He foretold.
Faith is a gift to help us on our way
To believe every Word Christ did say.
Christ and faith go hand in hand
To teach us the salvation plan.
God does not want to see not one soul be loss
That is why He offered Christ to die on the Cross.
Christ’s faith in Our Father
goes forth past Calgary
All the way to the very heart of you and me.
And this is what our God does see
Do you except this offer
Christ made to you and me?

luv2u God's and mine


There is only one way to Love yourself as you deserve
And that is when it is Christ Jesus you come to serve.
For Christ is the example of how life is to be
He laid down His life for the whole world to see.
If you live a life different from the one He has set
It will be other than His Love you will get.
God knew we would need help as we walked this Earth
Because we entered here through an unclean birth.
Christ alone holds the power to wash us clean
So that by Our Father we can be seen.
To serve as Christ did should become our goal
This will manifest His Love and Beauty in our soul.
Seek His help and our Love will increase
We will begin to experience His offer of “Peace”.
When His Peace does enter into your heart
There before you a whole new world will start.
Born again into the life God did create for you
Able to live and Love your whole life through.
Then at life’s end you will receive your reward
To see the face of our Loving and merciful Lord.

luv2u God's and mine


The most important step in life is the turn from sin
For with this one step a new life can begin.
Shadows from the past will be brought into the Light
No longer will I be know as a creature of the night.
My eyes will be opened so my heart can now see
The Beauty from which God created me to be.
Humbling of my heart guarantee’s safe passage within
And there I will find Your Love so a new life will begin.
Forgiveness of my sins is immediate when I truly confess
It is not me, but it is my sins I do detest.
For into His Light the Truth I will now see
The insurmountable Love my Father has for me.
Thank You for the courage to embark upon this deed
As now I have the strength for Your Word to heed.
For now in my Heart I have opened the Door
To be united back into Your Love forevermore.

luv2u God's and mine


Respect of self begins by giving God what is due
This will begin the process of God returning your self respect to you.
Every heart beat, every breathe, every bit of your Love
Is a unique and freely gift from God up above.
So what is it that is due Our Father up above?
Every heart beat, every breathe, every bit of your Love.
And that is just the beginning of what Our Father has done
He gave us Christ His only begotten Son.
There is no greater Love that what Our Father did do
To offer His Child as sacrifice for me and you.
Without God’s Love we would be nothing at all
For built into man’s destiny is “The Fall”.
Yet God knew this and still wanted us to be
For He knew a Savior would be born to set us free.
God Himself had to be the offering for the “Lost”
For He alone could endure the sufferings of the “Cross”.
Unless you think you can do these things Our Lord can do
Than absolutely no self respect belongs to you.
So if you want self respect give every bit of it to the Lord
As He is the only One deserving of this reward.

luv2u God's and mine


To not receive Christ’s Love is such a shame
In that you only have yourself to blame.
For Christ has told of how His Love is to be found
Seek, and you will find it does truly abound.
Seek is an activity that requires you to look
Open up and find the truth in the Good Book.
The Bible contains God Word and His story
It is the path to take to find His salvation and Glory.
Once you embark and walk in His Light
You will see that His Way is always right.
The Truth found in the Bible will set you free
To live with the Love God created you to be.
So if you want to abandon that what causes you strife
Learn that Christ is the Truth, the Way and the Life.
With this lesson learned your life will be elevated to higher ground
The Author of the Bible guarantees that this will be found.
The Bible is a testimony of what you need to do
So read the pages wisely and His Love will come through.

luv2u God's and mine