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The lost must be shown the way to Love
For that will return them to Our Father up above.
God is Love, this they must see
For He alone has the Power to set them free.
To find your way you can never go it alone
It is with Christ you must come to atone.
For Christ savings Grace is found at the cross
He sacrificed His life to rescue the loss.
This is the very extent of what Love can do
See: I give up My life for you.
God Himself came here to take your hand
And lead you back to the Promise Land.
My Love for you I freely gave
So that you My dear one could be saved.
I know the pain you are going through
See: My hands, feet, and heart
were pierced for you.
The way to Love is the way of the cross
It will forever stand as a beacon for the loss.
From this world you must learn to release
It is then you can have My offer of Peace

luv2u God's and mine


Being born as infants we can’t possibly understand
The world of Good and evil that awaits man.
As we live, learn, develop, and grow
Many things we will come to know.
We will know if we are safe, lonely or loss
And when we should seek the safety of the cross.
Where you are now only you can tell
If you are living in Heaven or hell.
If Christ Our Savior reigns in your heart
This means you have returned
from the path you did depart.
But if you have no Savior to show you the Way
Humble your heart and in Christ name do pray.
Seek our Lord and confess your sin
Then open up your heart to let Him come in.
He will correct all the errors that you made
For your sins, the price has already been paid.
He will not punish, reprimand, or make you feel low
He will give you His Grace for your Spirit to grow.
It was Good and evil we were born into
The Good Shepherd will offer you to be born anew.
Just follow Him to the cross
For beyond that no souls are lost.

luv2u God's and mine


Less than perfect was in His plan
For that is how He created man.
A flaw in design was never made
We would know this better if Adam obeyed.
Perfect is everything that Our Lord does do
But this does not explain the flaw in me and you.
Perfectly the angels were made to see His face
To be living examples of His unlimited Grace.
For Love to be perfect it must be free
A choice must be given to you and me.
The angels superior in intelligence
had but a moment to decide
In who’s love they would forever abide.
In that moment Good and evil did appear
And that is also the source of all our fear.
A life time is given for us to choose
With Good we win; with evil we lose.
God is patient in the Love He is giving
We can make this choice
the whole time we are living.
Our intelligence is still flawed if you don’t see
That God is the only choice for you and me.
Our intelligence was not made to rule over the heart
For you see it was flawed from the very start.
Choose Love and God you will see
From this moment on throughout Eternity.

luv2u God's and mine


The devil’s works stop at the cross
For beyond that no soul can be loss.
he takes his stance in front of our dear Lord
While offering you his kind of reward.
he can only give you Earthly treasures
While not telling you
they are short lived pleasures.
he knows your fears and can use them against you
To do the exact things he wants you to do.
he will fill your head full of lies
So you wont hear how your heart cries.
he will blind the Truth from your sight
Keeping you trapped here on an Earthly plight.
he is superior in intelligence and oh so wise
But there is One thing he is known to despise.
And that is the Truth for It can set you free
To return to Our Lord on bended knee.
For you see he is always stopped by Love
His plan is interrupted by God up above.
his control, his reign of terror is through
When he sees the Power of what you can do.
For when you humbly seek forgiveness from your sin
Our Lord will welcome you Home,
and a new life will begin.
A life that is sheltered from all that harms
Tenderly, mercifully, Lovingly
wrapped in Christ’s arms.
The devil will have to look for someone new
As you are now with Christ
living a life that is true

luv2u God's and mine