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The loving Father that God is
Wants for all of us children to be called His.
God did create us as human beings
To be one day worthy of His face to be seeing.
For us to become this kind of pure
Many trials we must be willing to endure.
Trials and tribulations our way will be sent
To teach us humility and learn to repent.
Our Father will give us more than just one chance
For our souls to purify and enhance.
Our Lord and God is truly all wise
For His blessings are sometimes
sent in forms of disguise.
We may not see God from our hurting and pain
But nothing He sends is ever in vain.
The ways of Our Dear Lord are mysterious to us
Yet each is designed to win over our trust.
For if we can trust in Our Lord
from this Earthly place
Then surly one day we will see Him face to face.

From Inspirations of God
luv2u God's and mine


All Faith must be placed in Our Dear Lord
And realize there is nothing we can
do on our own accord.
For without Christ going all the way to the Cross
Every human soul would still be loss.
But God did not leave us here all alone
He sent His Son for us to learn to atone.
Christ is the example we are to set
if we are to live
From His Love and mercy we must learn to give.
The Sinless One came here to take sin from us
And return us to Our Father’s trust.
We are all sinners not worthy of Christ to save
But by His Mercy we are rescued from the grave.
He offers us Life Eternal and a Home up above
And a chance to be restored to Our Father’s Love.
He paid the price for each and every sin
Except His offer and a new life will begin.
Your Faith will become your crown and glory
It will tell of your redemption story.
When Christ restores your Faith you will see
Everlasting Love has set you free...

luv2u God's and mine


The turmoil of flesh will come to an end
When you find Christ Jesus as your friend.
He will give you grace to except His Peace
From this world He will teach you to release.
In His Peace you will find His Love
The connection restored to God above.
Christ came here not to condemn but to restore
To bridge the gap between God and man forevermore.
He will Beautify the afflicted ones
with His salvation
He will give you great cause for celebration.
The lame will walk, the blind shall see
Miracles will abound aboundlently.
For when the Spirit is not earthly bound
Christ’s miraculous works can be found.
Our Spirit’s were created to be free
The Cross gives us this guarantee.
We need only offer Christ our hearts
devoid of pride
Then humbly invite Him to live inside.
The world that once rendered you a slave
Was destroyed when Christ resurrected the grave.
He freed all captives so they can Love
And be returned to God Almighty up above.

luv2u God's and mine


To make a stand for Christ you must first kneel
And offer Him your soul to heal.
His life giving blood will wash you clean
So that no longer will your sins be seen.
He will break from you the chains that bind
And present you with inner strength to find.
You will no longer have to depend on your self alone
For Christ will now call you one of His own.
In the Body of Christ there is power
to accomplish each task
For this is where each saved soul will amass.
In Christ we will now have our breath and live
And have what He offers us to give.
He will supply everything that we will need
As long as it is in His ‘Word’ we take heed.
As Christian’s we will gain the Power of One
And avow to have Thy Will Be Done...

luv2u God's and mine


In each life adjustments must be made
If Honor and Glory to Our Father is to be paid.
No soul is free that walks this land
As sin has entered into the life of man.
Sin hides behind every lie
Its only hope is for you to die.
For the devil is the source of every sin
He wants to make you one of his kin.
If you try not to break from his chains that bind
It will be easy for him to make you one of his kind.
The change that is required to be set free
Is the Truth you must come to see.
Seek the Truth and you will find
That Christ has entered your mind.
Follow the truth and It will take you to His Heart
And from here a new life will start.
The Truth is you are powerless to change
Until with Christ your thoughts you rearrange.
Place Christ first and you will see
That evil’s only choice is to flee.
With this adjustment you have made
You will see your sin debt has been marked Paid.

luv2u God's and mine


Direct my path, oh Lord, every step of the way
So that it is Your will I come to obey.
It is so easy for me to stumble and fall
It is as if I have no will power at all.
By Your Grace Free Will is a gift You gave
I am to use it for my soul to save.
But I am so weak, this world is so strong
At every turn I am encouraged to do wrong.
Teach me of how evil I am to over come
Allow me of Your Child to become.
Holy Spirit I seek Your Power,
Your Will, Your Grace
Heal me, Restore me, Renew me
so I see only Your Face.
Thank You Father for now I do see
Of what I am to do with this Gift You gave to me.
I offer my Free Will up to You to Bless
Return It to me so I will know of Your Happiness.
Your Gifts are of Spirit, and so am I
And now because of Christ, I will never die.
I now offer You my Free Will to always command
As this is but a part of the Blessings
You have bestowed upon man.

luv2u God's and mine