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Gods Hold

God is the strong hold on my life
for someone so powerfull
as to protect little oh me
A all knowing
A all loveing God capable of loveing all
To now every hair on my head
To be prowed of the things i've said
I can let go of the worldly things
for he is the only thing
I WIILL serve him with all my hart
he is the one that forgave me
from all my sins
to give little oh me
the power to speek out
that is not for shame but fo his work
As time gose I can only hope
only hope to use speaking out
to its up most ful ability
as the worldly things pass away
as the contenets shift a chang
as long as we axcept him he WILL come


what peopel say

People say that God dosen't exsist
But i now in my hart he dose
he helps me through every day
and shealds me from the payne
i now i can't see him or even touch him
but he is strong in my life
each and every day
i love him not a new car love
but that love that takes your breath away
and herts every day its not there
so who really cares what people say
all i now is he IS real


how much longer

How many more years before people realize
How many more years before they change
so very much distruction
so very little love
If the hatered takes over
If that happend then distruction will stay
how much longer will i have to waight
how many more years will roal by
Is there still a sactuary out there
Is there still a place for me to stay
your not safe at home or work
your not even safe at school
the distruction gets grater
the love diminishes
how many more years before people realize
how many more years must I waight



Love war and hate
soem one must always debate
who says what love is
same with war and hate who says
some old supper hero
the newest "fashionable" supper modle
love is love
if you don't now it
or never have then dont hate it
Hate and lack of love leads to war
wether inner or outter
a war is a war and hate fules it


is you and only you

you and only you can sow me the way
to help adn protect me every day
you know my weeknesses
but you help me through in shuch a way
i try my hardest but am ashamed
for every time
i'm in your presens i'm astonished
your love is SO great
how culd i or any one debate
i have given you my life
when it was torn apart
adn know you have given me
so much to ever depart
to depart i would never be ableto
find your kindof love
you never give me anything i cant handel
but only what i can use fo your menistrys
to step out of the limitations
and into you world and love


added august 4th, 2001


oh my what is she doing
why is she really praying
why is it so old to pray now a days
they try to pass it off
as if your in a daze
but you stand up and go to them
you say what is your need
then you pray with them
and buy that simlp act one is saved
it reasurs you that you have helped
that one more may pray and people question
only to have that one help
the next in there redimption


added august 4th, 2001

no title *

Are they hear to help you
or are they hear to hate you
Judjment, Judjment day, Salvation
do you have it, do you want it
Things are comeing
going constantly changing
the hatred is over whelming
the love is there wating
but how much longer will it wait
a day, a month, a year, forever
can you take that chanse
will you take that chanse
I can't I won't

* a special note from Montana
about this poem:
hope you like it
it is more based on the world
and how people see things
like most people think that they have time
to do the things that they want
but they should really be in church
and groing closer to God
and how yes some people have to learn through
expereans but I just trust in God
and i'm trying my hardest
to walk the path he set for me



in one day in one hour
the world i new came toghether
over the first tower
more bonding after the second
and theird building
I couldn't beleve what i was hearing
people asking wheres God
i tell you wheres our God
he was out in the cold
we tried to get rid of his hold
but now when things are wrong
we come crying hes gone
hes hear in the harts of the true
it doesn't matter good or wrong
there with him through and through
his love IS hear
its always been hear
don't be a "sunnshine patriout"
dont get in that rut
stay with God always


We are Blessed to have YOUR Poetry here

JO & robert
