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The Son of a Jewish carpenter
is building a house for you
It’s foundation is laid on that which is True.
The devil has planned a place for you as well
But he envisions your home as a living hell.
One Home is free the other has a price to pay
Which One you choose
determines where Eternity you stay.
One is built out of Truth, the other lies
One comes from Love,
the other what the devil supplies.
If you want a glimpse where in Eternity you will spend
Self examine your heart, and make note of the trend.
If in your heart you are doing
what Our Father has willed
Another room to your mansion He will add on and build.
But in your heart there lies pride and hate
It will be the hell fires of damnation that await.
The choice is yours of where you will live
For free will is a gift that God did give.
Each morning when you arise and do awake
You make the decision on what path to take.
For everyday you are presented a will that is free
And this will provide you your glimpse into Eternity.
The Carpenter is building many mansions,
but there is only one hell
And where you spend Eternity,
only Time will tell...

luv2u God's and mine


God’s Love is not conditioned on the decisions we make
For it is our Free Will that determines the path we take.
God’s Love is an ever constant Thing
He is the Alpha and Omega of Everything.
To come in contact with this Love we must become still
And exercise the very Power of our Free Will.
God has allowed for Himself to be known
As in the Holy Scripture it is shown.
To know the Father you must know the Son
And seek with your Free Will to have His Will done.
The Power of the Will is to reconnect you to Its Source
For at Its Heart you will find God as the driving Force.
Though man willfully sinned and disobeyed
God sent His Son so retribution could be made.
We must constantly seek the offer of Christ’s sacrifice
For this is the only means of being restored to Paradise.
The cherubim’s flaming sword will become still
When we are rejoined into Our Father’s Will.
For whence we are grafted back upon the Tree of Life
It puts and end to the misery of this world’s strife.

luv2u God's and mine


God created us one and all
We remain His creation even after the fall.
His Spirit was breathed into each soul
It is His Love we are to behold.
For us to understand His kind of Love
We must seek His help from above.
Tainted love was never in His plan
This was a choice among angels and man.
His Love is perfect and will forever endure
For It is the only Love this kind of pure.
His perfect Love was sent in His Son
To be an example of how His will is to be done.
Tainted Love nailed Him to the cross
Showing once more how we are loss.
Even in death Christ showed us the way
With unconditional Love He did obey.
He rose from the dead to defeat our foe
And for us, God’s Love to come to know.
He showed this world to be a temporal thing
One designed to present us before our King.
And now when it becomes our turn to rise from the dead
With Christ’s Love we will have nothing to dread

luv2u God's and mine


The pursuit of wisdom must bring you to the Cross
For there is the only place we can regain what was loss.
Sin caused man to stumble then fall
Only by way of the cross can we regain it all.
Sin separates us from Our Father up above
Christ’s sacrifice is the only way to be restored to His Love.
Seeking wisdom will bring this knowledge to you
It will bring you to the path you must walk through.
We must follow the One who has never disobeyed
For here we will find our sin debt marked “paid”.
No other path will lead you this way
Wisdom will teach you of how Christ to obey.
Once pride and self-glory or laid by the wayside
Always in Christ’s Love you will want to abide.
To repossess that what was once loss
Humbly bring yourself to the foot of the Cross.

luv2u God's and mine


God’s seed of Love is planted in your heart
It awaits your call for It’s fruition to start.
Before sin the heart held fertile ground
For this is where God’s Love is found.
But sin has caused this ground to become harsh and cold
It’s reflection is seen in your very soul.
This vessel can be restored and brought back anew
When true repentance is offered by you.
God knows our hearts, yes He knows them well
For this is where He has chosen in us to dwell.
To prepare the soil for the seed to grow
It is Christ Jesus you must come to know.
For He is the Master Gardner who knows the way
That will bring Salvation to your very soul today.
You must open your heart and let Him in
And then His master plan can begin.
Love is the ingredient that will make this seed sprout
For Love begets Love, on this there is no doubt.
If you wish to reap the benefits of your heart’s reward
Just loudly call out, “ The Name of the Lord ”.

luv2u God's and mine


When Fear of the Lord is understood
as Love, Respect and Awe
Wisdom will become your friend
now and forevermore.
In coming to know Fear of the Lord
you must not be afraid
But come to believe the offer
that Christ has already made.
As you display Love and Respect of the Lord as you live
You will find Wisdom is a gift of His to you He will give.
This offer is made to all, but few will try to learn
That wisdom is a gift that you must have to earn.
With wisdom comes a price that you will have to pay
And this is God’s Holy Will you must solemnly obey.
To obey you must part from this world
and your foolish pride
And be willing into the wound of Christ's
side humbly abide.
For when Christ is put forth before you
as you go about your way
His Love will teach you how
to Love, Honor and Obey.
He will lead you to the path where Wisdom is found
For it is here in His Love that Wisdom does abound.

luv2u God's and mine