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To keep focused on what is important
It is from prayer you must not relent.
For this world will produce wars, evil and lies
All these things are presented before your eyes.
Good and evil is what is presented to you
For through sin you now have this to view.
This was not a part of God’s original plan
For He knew how detrimental evil would be for man.
Original sin is what has brought about
the world that you see
For this is where Good and evil
is presented to you and me.
Adam’s sin caused our Paradise to be loss
But Christ returned it by His death on the cross.
To live in this world and live as you should
You must decide between evil and Good.
On your own you can expect no help from above
But through prayer
you are united to Our Father’s Love.
United we can stand to put an end to evil’s deed
And bring our lives back to Our Father’s Creed.
When you see what the power of Prayer can do
Always keep this as your primary point of view.

luv2u God's and mine


The heart must teach the eyes to see
The never ending Beauty of Eternity.
For God has made the heart for Love
To receive His Grace’s from above.
When Love is found inside your heart
A bountiful world is about to start.
Love will teach you to see things in a new way
It will bring you to All of God’s Laws to obey.
For when you offer your heart to God for a while
He will instill into you to Love as a Child.
This lesson is learned when Wisdom is sort
For this is what fills God’s Love into your heart.
It is in God’s Laws we are taught to Seek
And find that which makes us meek.
Christ’s life is the perfect example to see
The never ending Beauty of Eternity...

luv2u God's and mine


Darkness and sin are alike in this same way
To encounter either means you have gone astray.
It is by the Light of Christ we must learn to see
The True path presented before you and me.
Christ said, “I am the Truth, the Way and the Light”
It is by way of the Truth
do we know which path is right.
Sin is the result of when man did not seek His Lord
The darkness that follows will be his only reward.
To escape this plight and learn anew how to see
Humble yourself before the One
who came to set you free.
Christ’s works were to bring Light to the loss
This Light stems from the foot of His cross.
For there you will learn
what God Himself went through
By offering His only Begotten Son
as atonement for you.
In excepting this offer that God Himself has made
It will restore man to the perfection
before he disobeyed.
We must be born again in Spirit
for this to become true
And it is by the Cross this offer is extended to you.

luv2u God's and mine


A sinner though I am,
a Child of God I became
Not through my own doings,
but on the Power of Jesus’ name.
The path here was long, lonely, and hard
But now Christ Jesus is my reward.
He lovingly sacrificed Himself to set me free
Now bound together We are throughout Eternity.
All my sins are forgiven and have parted from me
When I presented myself before my God to see.
Forgive me Lord for I am not a holy one
I am not even worthy to kneel before Your Son.
If it were not for His shed blood
that washed me clean
I could not offer myself before You to be seen.
But I understand now the offer Christ has made
For this is what I offer You
for when I have disobeyed.
Christ is the One
who could make the Perfect sacrifice
For He is the only One
who could return me to Paradise.
And if you ask in Christ Name
As for you He will do the same.

luv2u God's and mine


Do not be molded by the world that you see
For evil has crept in and is allowed to be.
The eyes cannot see what the heart does know
For this is where true Love is to grow.
Evil will not allow you to do as you should
For it only knows that which is of no good.
Evil not seen doesn’t make it any less real
Because it can infect the very way you feel.
We were created as God’s children to be
This is what you must teach your eyes to see.
The help to do this is empowered from the Cross
For that is where God stands to receive the loss.
But evil will not bring you to this Hollow ground
For it knows that is where your salvation is found.
If you want to see evil pick up and flee
Surrender to God upon bended knee.
To build upon a foundation that is as solid as a Rock
You must humbly ask Christ to return you to the flock

luv2u God's and mine


As Christians we have but One thing to share
And that is the Love Christ left to our care.
Faithfully we will carry His Love in our heart
It will keep us from ever being apart.
Where Christ’s Love is, so is He
For this is how God created us to be.
United with Christ as a family of One
We owe everything to God’s only Son.
Christ came here to bridge the gap sin did cause
To unite us back under Our Father’s laws.
God did know we would need what
Christ came to give
If we were ever to learn how to live.
Christ gave Himself as atonement for us all
So we would be free from man’s Original fall.
Now with Christ we are free from sin
As we except His offer of a new life to begin.
Free from the past and all that harms
Forever held in Christ’s Loving arms.
And now to show you how much we care
This is the same Love we offer you to share.

luv2u God's and mine


God’s commandments
are not for us to pick and choose
As they are our blessed guidance
for our hearts to infuse.
God knew we would need His help from above
His commandments are the directions
to receive His Love.
Each has a purpose, a goal, and a plan
As they stem forth from the Creator of man.
Before we were born
He knew the temptations we would face
That is why He set His commandments in their place.
His commandments are not for our eyes to see
But for our souls to learn how to be.
For our eyes can be fooled
by what is brought to their sight
Until we learn
that Christ is the Truth, the Way and the Light.
Christ came to fulfill the Laws Our Father has sent
To teach our hearts and souls to repent.
When it is Our Father’s will we chose to obey
Christ is here to show us the way.
The way to the Father is through the Son
This is found when His will is done...

luv2u God's and mine