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Let Your Light Shine Before Men...



When you finally see that the Word of God
was written for you
God will begin intervening
and show you what to do.
To understand this
it is from this world you must release
And become engulfed
in God Almighty's insurmountable Peace.
Rest awhile and cleanse your soul here
And to God you will draw close and near.
From inside you will feel
renewed and alive
The Love deep in your heart
will be revived.
The Word of God has Power to set you free
To Live and Love as you were created to be.
You see in His Word
lies all your Hope
It will teach you how
in this world to cope.
Place God first and have Love for all others
Treat every living Soul as a sister or brother.
His Word was given as a Promise to us
To insure us we have a Father we can trust.
And when we learn to trust
in God up above
We come in contact
with His Love.
Then when this happens
it will be plain to see
How much Love Our Father
has for you and me.

Luv2u God's and mine


When you hope for an angel to guide your way
Trust in God to send you for just what you do pray.
God has many special angels
He can disperse at His will
For He has many prayer and promises
He sees fit to fulfill.
But don't be surprised if that angel you find
Is a special friend trying to be most kind.
Angels are God's loyal creatures
that serve Him in Heaven above
The same way a friend will render to you
their unconditional Love.
Friends and angel have this one thing to share
They will both commit themselves to prove
how much they care.
When you need help
in finding your way when you are lost
A friend or and angel
will provide this no matter the cost.
A friend or and angel
will always observe God's creed
So trust in Our Lord
to send exactly which one you need...

luv2u God's and mine


If you are reading this now it's because
you are part of a Bouquet
One God so lovingly and thoughtfully
sent my way.
You possess more Beauty
than flowers can hold
For you have the Beauty
of God in your soul.
Bountiful Beauty without any measure
That is why you are my heart felt treasure.
My God does Love me this I do know
For He has placed you in my life
for Love to grow.
God arranged you in His own Hand,
Time, and Special Way
To be part of my life
and the reason I do pray.
I am so Thankful for these Flowers
God has given to me
For your Grace and your Beauty
will endure into Eternity.

Luv2u God's and mine


When we touch the forbidden fruit
on our hand will remain
An unclean, unholy and unforgiving stain.
Without outside help it cannot be removed
We will find out situation will never improve.
This is a mark that only God can see
If not removed we will carry it for all eternity.
God knew our human nature would lead us to a fall
That is why he sent Christ here to rescue us all.
Christ shed His blood on the cross
to wash us clean
So that by Our Holy Father
this mark would not be seen.
Christ did it all so our sins could be forgiven
But what He left up to us is the life
we will be living.
Free will must carry us to the foot of the cross
And there Christ's shed blood our sins He will wash.
For this is Christ's glory and ultimate goal
To cleanse and Beautify our immortal soul

Luv2u God's and mine


As Christians we walk by Faith
and not by sight
We have learned to distinguish
wrong from right.
For you see we have the greatest Teacher
that walked this land
And that is God Himself
who incarnated as man.
Born of a Virgin then nailed to a cross
His life's work was to rescue the lost.
By Faith we are called to walk this same way
To believe and understand every Word He did say.
Faith in Christ is what propels us on our way
To seek out the souls that from His Word did stray.
By His Light we see which way to go
To bring the lost back to Our Father to know.
Faith in Christ has all the power we need
To transform our eyes to observe His creed.
When we look to the Cross
we will see the way
To God Our Father to Love,
Honor and Obey...

luv2u God's and mine


For evil to run its course
it must drag you down
Make you believe
there is no help to be found.
It will keep you trapped in this earthly grave
And give you no clue as how your soul to save.
Evil will require friends
from its same source
For they will keep you company
as you are thrown off course.
Your self esteem and happiness will be loss
The devil will now become your boss.
Your feelings will numb
your heart will grow cold
As evil will occupy
and fill your soul.
For everyone who does evil
does hate the Light
For there is no middle ground
only wrong or Right.
One or the other you must choose
As Salvation is for you to win or lose.
If you choose Christ you must make Him King
Love and Honor Him above everything.
The devil and his cohorts
have but one fear
And that is if you humble your heart
and draw Christ near.
For from His Light they must always hide and run
As they have no authority over God's only Son.
If you are to gain that
what was once lost
You must humble your heart
at the foot of the Cross.
Here you will regain the Power you once knew
To Love and Serve a God who Loves you too.

luv2u God's and mine


The unforgiving sinner is a lonely soul
They seek after Earthly treasures as their goal.
They will accumulate many things
that have no value
While SCOFFING and say
but I have so much more than you.
But an empty vessel you cannot fill
For the more and more you pile on is empty still.
Christ must be the foundation
for you to build upon
For with Him as your base
you can add much on.
He will show you how to stockpile
riches that will last
He will add value to your life
no matter the task.
Without His forgiveness
you can afford no Hope
For He is to show you how
in this world you are to cope.
When you seek Christ forgiveness
you will be able to see
The real values of this world
and how it was created to be.
For Paradise is where man was to abound
Until sin turned everything around.
To escape the punishment and wrath of sin
With Christ you must let a new life begin.
When forgiveness fills a human heart
Christ's works has begun to start.
And when this forgiveness
is passed on from soul to soul
Doing Our Lords Will
becomes a common goal.
When we work in unison as a family of One
Then Christ can say His work here is done...

luv2u God's and mine