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The fleeting inspirations
that pass through my head
Are they misplaced, forgotten,
or even dead ?
But when these thoughts are of
Love, Beauty, and more
They are much to important
to ignore.
But the fleeting things have found no home
If not penned they continue to roam.
They will go to some other soul
Who will value them much better than gold.
The value of what a thought can bring
Will instill joy and cause a heart to sing.
God transforms words into works of art
When they reach down to find an open heart.
Beauty goes past what the eyes can see
It becomes the way we were created to be.
I Praise God for the thoughts
that have stopped my way
For these are the words I have penned and
are here to stay.

luv2u God's and mine


When you were dead in sin I called your name
I will never abandon you to your shame.
The Love I have for you will never part
No matter the pain you form in My Heart.
I Loved you all the way to the cross
For I care not for your soul to be loss.
The hurt and pain I suffered at Calvary
Was to show just how much you mean to Me.
My child the road Home begins at the cross
It is rooted in the Earth to guide the lost.
Bring your hurt and pain to Me
Then you will begin to learn about Calvary.
Pick up your cross and
I will direct you Home
No longer this sinful path
you will roam.
Follow Me and I will set you free
To see the glories of Calvary.
Just call My name and I will come to you
And I will show you all that is true.
Your sins were forgiven by My sacrifice
It was the only way I could
return you to paradise.
Our Father and I are waiting
for you to call
So We can raise you up from your fall.

luv2u God's and mine


When this world weights you down in every direction
You must escape by seeking Christ’s perfection.
For this earth is ruled by the prince of lies
he will lead you to believe
Our Lord does not hear your cries.
You need not shout for Our Lord is always near
It is with the softest whisper Our Lord will hear.
For He listens to hear your every word
And your call to Him is already heard.
Speak His Name He will know just what to do
For He has already had a plan on how to rescue you.
He will present you with the Truth so you can know
How much both He and Father do Love you so.
He will show you the path He walked to bring you back
No sufferings, humiliations,
pains or heart aches did He lack.
He willfully went to the cross to pay for your sin
So that with Our Father a new life could begin.
He offers you Perfect Love to set you free
From the evil brought into this world to be.
Except His offer and leave your burdens at His cross
And then no more will you be counted with the loss.

Luv2u God's and mine


When the heart speaks
it is in a language all will understand
For Love is the Creator of the heart inside of man.
God created a place inside of each heart for Himself to reside
And when we open this Door we will find we are at His side.
He is here all along but some cannot see
For sin blocks the Beauty of allowing this to be.
If the Door inside your heart you find to be blocked
Seek Christ’s Love and this Door He will unlock.
Once the Door is opened from within
A most beautiful new life will begin.
All the Love that was waiting for you on the other side
Will become the Love you now can provide.
God is Love and He awaits to hear you knock
So that Love’s Door He will be able to unlock.

Luv2u God's and mine


Contentment is not a gift to you or me
It is a way of life that
we must learn to be.
Contentment comes from a happy soul
One that has found Christ as its goal.
Contentment cannot be found
in Earthly things
For there is no Joy
in them that they bring.
Joy is a manifestation of the heart
In all actuality it is a work of art.
To be an artist with this kind of flair
You must possess much Love to spare.
Christ is the Source
of all Love that is
You must mimic your Heart
after His.
When it is Christ's Love you do possess
All who you encounter will end up blest.
If you desire to learn
how to be this content
Just follow the example
that Christ has sent.
He gave all Honor and Glory
to Our Father up above
He was the perfect example
of God's never ending Love...

Luv2u God's and mine