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Each testimony has a story to tell
Of how yet another soul was saved
from the fires of hell.
Our testimony speaks of a human life story
One transformed by God’s grace and glory.
Each soul saved is to God a delight
That is why no two stories are alike.
God created us as His children to be
But sin has separated Our Father from you and me.
Our testimony are the words we learned to say
That brought us back Home to God’s will to obey.
Our testimony contains words of Love
from our heart
It speaks of the hurt and pain
we endured while apart.
It shows the path from which we did stray
And how God’s Love did lead us back one day.
Our testimony admits to the world we were lost
But that we found God’s Love
at the foot of the cross.
Our testimony tell how the heart
has learned to trust again
For we have found Christ Jesus
as our very best Friend.
Our testimony are words of Thanks to God up above
For sending Christ to reconnect us to His Love.
And most important of all
our testimony is a Love story
One that shows that Christ deserves All Glory...

luv2u God's and mine


It is no coincidence that miracles
are a part of God's Love and trust
Because He wants so very much
to become a active part of us.
Freely we must accept
His offer from above
For that is the only way
we can experience His Love.
He will rescue you from the problems that harm
And return you safely into His loving arms.
When to God you open you mind
and then your heart
He will welcome you Home
for you have done your part.
For that is all God wants for us to do
Is seek Him and discover life anew.
When you prepare a place
in your heart for God to stay
He will never leave unless
you ask Him to go away.
So open your heart and make room for your King
And He will provide you with Love everlasting...

luv2u God's and mine


The gift of free will
belongs to you
It is one of the gifts
that will insure what to do.
For in the world you live in now
This gift get short changed somehow.
But if you would like to reap
the benefits of its reward
You simply offer up
your free will to the Lord.
He will refresh, renew and restore
Even make it better than before.
God knows what is going down on this
His Earth
He knew everything even
before your birth.
So don't think the problems you have
are impossible to solve
Just offer them up to the Lord
and He will teach you how to evolve.
We must venture away from this sinful land
And rediscover and employ God's Divine Plan.
For we have the choice
of who we will serve
With your free will you determine
which you will deserve.
If you encounter a problem you find to hard
Just offer up the whole thing to the Lord.
For when your free will becomes a gift
you will understand why
All other Gifts are yours too
when you ask, "Father, May I ..."

luv2u God's and mine


To find the truth is easy
not hard
You must first realize you are not
smarter than the Lord.
To find something that can set you free
Submissive to the Lord must you be.
When you give up the fight
you cannot win
You will become more receptive
to Him within.
God is not the One who is now with you
For He would never allow you to stay blue.
The Power of Love can set you free
To live life the way God wants you to be.
For the Truth is in
the Power of Love
They are both Gifts God
given us from above.
Free will insures a choice will always be
And that choice must be made by you and me.
Any problem will disappear
into thin air
When you give your Love and Trust
to God's care.
Freedom is something
you can never really possess
Until you offer it to God
and He returns it blest.
The Truth will set you free
Free to Love and be Loved by God,
You and me...

luv2u God's and mine